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While I agree with everyone else who knows that we get no love, I do find it weird that they rate a 3-4 team as better than us.

That we beat at their place. We will have another shot at the Giants and Eagles, and we have two at the boys. Time will tell, but injuries have got to stop. :(

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And two of the four wins we could have lost. So that clearly negates the "2 of 3 we could have won". Furthermore, the teams we beaten have a combined record of 11-18 right?

And what about our 28th ranked offense? What about our receivers having 0 touchdowns. What about our line's inability to protect our QB? What about our QB's throwing motion, indecisiveness and inaccuracy? What about our starting running back putting the ball on the ground so often? What about our inability to rush the QB by rushing 4?

We don't scare any body. We're not a sound, solid football team. We're a decent, mediocore, middle of the NFC pack team.

And who ever said that I've given up on JC? I've voiced my disappointment in his performance so far, and that I have high expectations of him considering the sacrifices that we've made to get him. I've never used the word bust regarding Campbell.

i completely agree with you. There is no offense here and thats the problem.The defense is good but when your offense cant help you then it doesnt matter and thats the difference between the redskins and the other teams mentioned. Skins cant run or pass so they dont scare anyone and when you are at week 9 of the season and no WR's have a TD catch that pretty much explains the offense right there.

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really? the eagles?? and no mention of us???

chris, you coked-out d-bag, i have always hated you... and this just makes it worse. ps, you're not funny at all

he mentioned the Eagles because they have had late season surges before and when they get healthy they are contenders.....

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he mentioned the Eagles because they have had late season surges before and when they get healthy they are contenders.....

we had a damn good late season surge 2 years ago.... their surge last year was all thanks to a QB that moved south. and their head coach is going through all sorts of nonsense. i still say the eagles have NO business being ranked ahead of the skins

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Every week I have to hear Aikman talk about how Philly is still "in it"... This just reiterates that too. These "analysts" have such a man crush on Philly its sickening... The Eagles will be "in it" til they are mathematically eliminated so it seems, at least according to them. The Skins get no respect ALTHOUGH before the Pats game, the Yahoo experts had us right up there in the top 10 in the league. This NE game bit us bad and we deserve it but everyone had us finishing last in the Div and the Eagles possibly finishing first. Maybe they cant swallow that.

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we had a damn good late season surge 2 years ago.... their surge last year was all thanks to a QB that moved south. and their head coach is going through all sorts of nonsense. i still say the eagles have NO business being ranked ahead of the skins

cant argue with that my friend

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quincy carter was a pretty decent qb. it was not his play that killed his carreer but that cocain habit.


I'm afraid that discredits pretty much anything you have to say on the issue of QB'ing in the NFL. As a matter of fact, you're the first person I've seen since about 2003 that has tried in any shape or form to say Quincy was a good QB.

Quincy was horrible. If he hadn't had mobility, he wouldn't have lasted through his first training camp. He was terrible.

Plus, it was Ganja that got him kicked off the Cowboys, not cocaine. That was a rumor that started well after he was out of the NFL.

i understand your point but its the saem as mine. you can not judge a qb bad or good this early in their career as starter.

Did you know that Troy Aikman led Dallas to an 11-5 record and the playoffs in his third season? This is Campbell's third season. Also, Troy missed most of one season and part of another, so he did spend plenty of time on the sideline, learning just like Campbell did.

Yet by his third season, he was an unquestioned good QB. Same goes for Manning. Same goes for Palmer. Romo sits to pee and Brady were good right off the bat.

So, don't sit there and act like nobody has ever known if any QB was going to be good or bad by their third season. Please. :rolleyes:

as this washingtimes articel says

Campbell, 25, continues to make strides his first full season as a starter, and has exceeded expectations of his coaches and teammates. He will be making just his 15th start Sunday against the New York Jets.

but no one is saying its all gravy either. he has had bumps and still needs to improve in many areas.

Injuries on the offensive line and protection breakdowns have resulted in pocket pressure and a number of blindside hits. Campbell has also endured poor exchanges from center and with tailback Clinton Portis on handoffs.

Turnovers aside, Campbell's production from his seven-game run to close out last season mirrors his opening seven outings of 2007, and most importantly he is 4-3 now compared with 2-5 then. He has been much more accurate this year despite repeated drops by receivers -- he has a 59.3 completion percentage compared to 53.1

Campbell has been sacked 12 times this season after just seven last year. Washington's inconsistent pass protection is related to the conservative nature of the offense, as the coaches want to avoid an injury to Campbell. After Sunday's struggles, the Redskins' offense practiced against more live blitzes yesterday, going at game-pace.

"We've got to protect that kid, because he can throw the ball 50-60 yards downfield, and that's what we have to do," Bugel said. "We have to be a vertical passing team, and you've got to be able to hold somebody off for 2.5 seconds. Be a bump in the road."

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/31/AR2007103102876.html?hpid=sec-sportsseems every one from the media to the team and coaches see there are issues with why campbgell hasn't been more productive. Hopefully the coaches get the running game and the pas blocking fixed. and we do not do what we did a few games this season like shut down the passing game for good. 7 passes all in the second half against arizona.

So... in a thread that is made about how full of **** the media is in picking the Eagles ahead of us... a team that has already beaten them... You are going to sit there and use media quotes to prove that Campbell isn't dissapointing?

How funny! :laugh:

Since when does what is said in the media carry *ANY* weight here? The media is constantly wrong. They're constantly saying the PC thing. The players and coaches when they're talking to the media sure as **** don't tell us like it really is. Do you think Bugel is going to say to the Post, "Boy, I sure don't like the way that Campbell is looking."? You really can't think that, can you?

Coaches and players talking to the media will always say Campbell is their guy and he'd doing fine... as long as he is our QB. What else do you expect them to say? :doh:

hope i made my point. campbell is one i wnat to see in washington for a long time. and lets no do this kid like we did ramsey. he deserves better from us fans.


I don't think so... What point did you have?

Oh... so Ramsey can't play QB anywhere in the NFL because some of us here on ExtremeSkins didn't like the way he played and wanted him replaced?

He's not a good QB. That's why he's gone and buried on a depth chart on his third team. It has nothing to do with what "We" did to him here.

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All the analysts mention that the Skins are in it, and they are.

Not one of them say anything about the Skins scaring anyone, and they don't.

How many of you read the article? Immediately after naming the Eagles he explains why...and it's a valid reason. The Eagles have a top 10 Offense and a top 10 Defense. The Skins O is ranked 20 spots lower than the Eagles O. That is significant enough for the Eagles to be mentioned in Someone's opinion, get over it. It's a legit point of view.

By the way, the Redskins did not give up 2 1st round picks to get JC. They traded the next year's 1st round + to get back into the 1st round for a second time to pick him. They kept their own 1st round pick that year(Carlos Rogers)

Everyone get your facts straight... I get PO'd at the media etc too, there is plenty to get PO'd about, just don't worked up about stuff that is valid/has merit and don't get worked up about stuff based on false information.

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To tell you the truth. Right now we are not showing that we are playoff team. We were able to survive against the Cardinals and we got blown out against NE. We lost a tough one at GB. I think that we need to win this game to truly show what type of team we are. If we beat a team that we shoud beat, then we should be considered one of the better teams in the NFC. If we lose, then we deserve the ranking we get. There is no excuse to lose to a team that is 1-7 and has a rookie QB. No excuse at all.

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This is year 3 for Campbell. I bet Jason would have looked pretty bad in his rookie year compared to now.

Truly, when we gave up the draft picks to get him, is this what you had in mind? Did you want to be sitting here halfway through his 3rd year having to cut and paste a bunch of QB's first couple of years worth of stats to excuse the medicre to poor play of Jason Campbell? Is that what anyone had in mind, I wonder?

This offense is garbage. Has little to do with Campbell being bad, IMO. Nobody has done well in this offense.

Even Brunell's, decent play in 05 was behind a completely healthy line and a completely healthy set of receivers and Portis.

Campbell is trying to run it with 5-6 guys who shouldn't even be on the field.

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