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Key to pressuring brady = LaRon Landry

Brandon Lloyd Christmas

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we drafted this guy to be the in the box saftey, and one of his strongest points is blitzing. before the season started, all of us expected him to be a blitzing machine, and we havent seen him blitz a lot. its pretty much safe to say that our front 4 arent going to be getting a good amoutn of pressure on the pats extremely good oline this weekend, and if washington isnt back, we are gonna need to pressure brady somehow.

i really hope landry is used to blitz this weekend, and blitz a lot. ive seen brady get rattled before when guys are in his face, and i think the only way we utilize our secondaries talent is to force brady to make mistakes. landry is a complete beast and i really hope we see him trying to get in bradys face all day, because if not, were just gonna be another pats victim.

anyone else think we might let landry loose this weekend? or will williams just go with the 4 man rush/7 in coverage?

yeah lets blitz the hell out of brady who has a phenomenal passer rating when blitzed *rollseyes*

i think the one thing gregg williams learned this year is that in his defensive schemes when hes blitzed the last two years(2005-2006) is that we got burned horribly in the passing game. while we may see a couple blitzes i dont expect too many, i expect us to play the pats like we played the eagles, 4 man rush and lots of man to man press with taylor sitting back deep in the ballhawking role

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we drafted this guy to be the in the box saftey, and one of his strongest points is blitzing. before the season started, all of us expected him to be a blitzing machine, and we havent seen him blitz a lot. its pretty much safe to say that our front 4 arent going to be getting a good amoutn of pressure on the pats extremely good oline this weekend, and if washington isnt back, we are gonna need to pressure brady somehow.

i really hope landry is used to blitz this weekend, and blitz a lot. ive seen brady get rattled before when guys are in his face, and i think the only way we utilize our secondaries talent is to force brady to make mistakes. landry is a complete beast and i really hope we see him trying to get in bradys face all day, because if not, were just gonna be another pats victim.

anyone else think we might let landry loose this weekend? or will williams just go with the 4 man rush/7 in coverage?

yeah lets blitz the hell out of brady who has a phenomenal passer rating when blitzed *rollseyes*

i think the one thing gregg williams learned this year is that in his defensive schemes when hes blitzed the last two years(2005-2006) is that we got burned horribly in the passing game. while we may see a couple blitzes i dont expect too many, i expect us to play the pats like we played the eagles, 4 man rush and lots of man to man press with taylor sitting back deep in the ballhawking role

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watching some of those passes this past weekend that is exactly what Brady did and Taylor would have at least 2 INTs

yeah, he threw both of those into blatant double coverage. you gotta wonder if brady is just getting to the point where he thinks moss will come down with anything so hes just heaving it up there. too bad moss has gone up against 1 legit corner and was basically shut down by him in cleveland. seriously, has moss seen a legit NFL corner yet? torching all of the 28th and above ranked defenses, and the cowboys who cant cover anybody doesnt impress me as much as some i guess.

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watching some of those passes this past weekend that is exactly what Brady did and Taylor would have at least 2 INTs

yeah, he threw both of those into blatant double coverage. you gotta wonder if brady is just getting to the point where he thinks moss will come down with anything so hes just heaving it up there. too bad moss has gone up against 1 legit corner and was basically shut down by him in cleveland. seriously, has moss seen a legit NFL corner yet? torching all of the 28th and above ranked defenses, and the cowboys who cant cover anybody doesnt impress me as much as some i guess.

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we do need pressure, but be wary because the reason brady trusts moss, even in double coverage... is because dude is tall and has ups. if brady throws it "right" then moss will get the ball in many cases.

correct! all brady has to do is get the ball near moss and randy will go up and get it

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we do need pressure, but be wary because the reason brady trusts moss, even in double coverage... is because dude is tall and has ups. if brady throws it "right" then moss will get the ball in many cases.

correct! all brady has to do is get the ball near moss and randy will go up and get it

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Rush 4 Drop the rest

Let them catch underneath, see if Brady is patient enough. Once they catch it underneath you f'ing POUND them. See if they still want it in the 4th.

Same gameplan as our other wins. We are the 2000 baltimore ravens. We win by defense. We hope our O doesnt detract. We have to play this way with 3 subs on the O line.


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Rush 4 Drop the rest

Let them catch underneath, see if Brady is patient enough. Once they catch it underneath you f'ing POUND them. See if they still want it in the 4th.

Same gameplan as our other wins. We are the 2000 baltimore ravens. We win by defense. We hope our O doesnt detract. We have to play this way with 3 subs on the O line.


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You got it all wrong. You're not getting to Brady!!! Unless you're really lucky and it's a coverage sack. Because 9 times outta 10 he knows who he's going to by the time his foot hits it's third step. The way to beat or slow down the Pats is to tear a page out of Buddy Ryan's Playbook. Back off, let them catch the ball and as Buddy used to say "burp the baby!" Make that receiver spit up what he ate for breakfast.

We have the guys who can knock the snot outta their receivers. Who, by the way, are all speedy, finesse types. Except for Watson and our LB's can take care of him. SeanT has punked out Moss every time we've played him. He's the ONLY safety in the league who has the height, speed and attitude to ruin his day. Then, you hope that receivers start short-arming catches; ending up in tipped balls and picks.

Now, if Saunders and Gibbs can take the bubble wrap off Campbell then we got a shot.

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You got it all wrong. You're not getting to Brady!!! Unless you're really lucky and it's a coverage sack. Because 9 times outta 10 he knows who he's going to by the time his foot hits it's third step. The way to beat or slow down the Pats is to tear a page out of Buddy Ryan's Playbook. Back off, let them catch the ball and as Buddy used to say "burp the baby!" Make that receiver spit up what he ate for breakfast.

We have the guys who can knock the snot outta their receivers. Who, by the way, are all speedy, finesse types. Except for Watson and our LB's can take care of him. SeanT has punked out Moss every time we've played him. He's the ONLY safety in the league who has the height, speed and attitude to ruin his day. Then, you hope that receivers start short-arming catches; ending up in tipped balls and picks.

Now, if Saunders and Gibbs can take the bubble wrap off Campbell then we got a shot.

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I agree but I don't think you can run more than one or two safety blitzes. It just wouldnt work.

But for the love of god, please knock him on his ass and make him see stars. Now THAT would slow them down a little. An please, please, please... Let Sean Taylor knock the snot out of Randy Moss. :D

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I agree but I don't think you can run more than one or two safety blitzes. It just wouldnt work.

But for the love of god, please knock him on his ass and make him see stars. Now THAT would slow them down a little. An please, please, please... Let Sean Taylor knock the snot out of Randy Moss. :D

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I'd rather not. Bltizing sounds sexy and all, but they are the best line at picking up the blitz. So what you will essentially have, is Brady sitting back there with plenty of time to find one of many targets. We need Landry in coverage this week. As dumb as it may sound we need to keep the same gameplan we have had. If it aint broke dont fix it. Make brady throw short and take away the big play. We can get coverage sacks. If we take away the big play like we have, then the score will be within reach at any point. With the gameplan we had against Arizona we were one terrible screen pass and two stupid penalties away from a shut out.

its not about being sexy, its about the fact that their oline is not going to allow us any pressure. we need to get extra heat on brady and if it takes landry to do it, so be it. the cardinals arent the patriots. we'll take away the deep ball for sure, but brady will pick apart zones all day with no heat. and theyre patient too, he wont force anything and he'll just eat up the clock all day. we gotta force the issue and get turnovers if we wanna be in this game.

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I'd rather not. Bltizing sounds sexy and all, but they are the best line at picking up the blitz. So what you will essentially have, is Brady sitting back there with plenty of time to find one of many targets. We need Landry in coverage this week. As dumb as it may sound we need to keep the same gameplan we have had. If it aint broke dont fix it. Make brady throw short and take away the big play. We can get coverage sacks. If we take away the big play like we have, then the score will be within reach at any point. With the gameplan we had against Arizona we were one terrible screen pass and two stupid penalties away from a shut out.

its not about being sexy, its about the fact that their oline is not going to allow us any pressure. we need to get extra heat on brady and if it takes landry to do it, so be it. the cardinals arent the patriots. we'll take away the deep ball for sure, but brady will pick apart zones all day with no heat. and theyre patient too, he wont force anything and he'll just eat up the clock all day. we gotta force the issue and get turnovers if we wanna be in this game.

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i completely disagree. if we are going to use landry to blitz, then he has to come up the middle. first of all, carter and daniels are getting good outside pressure on their own. second of all, brady feels the outside pressure better than any other qb in the league right now and slides away from it with ease. if you want to use landry to pressure brady, then you have to send him up the middle and get in brady's face.

id like the heat to come up the middle as well, but im not sure that will work against the pats.

and id love for carter to step it up big time and actually get some real heat, not the coverage sacks weve been getting. i want to count to 3 and have carter level brady.

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i completely disagree. if we are going to use landry to blitz, then he has to come up the middle. first of all, carter and daniels are getting good outside pressure on their own. second of all, brady feels the outside pressure better than any other qb in the league right now and slides away from it with ease. if you want to use landry to pressure brady, then you have to send him up the middle and get in brady's face.

id like the heat to come up the middle as well, but im not sure that will work against the pats.

and id love for carter to step it up big time and actually get some real heat, not the coverage sacks weve been getting. i want to count to 3 and have carter level brady.

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yeah lets blitz the hell out of brady who has a phenomenal passer rating when blitzed *rollseyes*

i think the one thing gregg williams learned this year is that in his defensive schemes when hes blitzed the last two years(2005-2006) is that we got burned horribly in the passing game. while we may see a couple blitzes i dont expect too many, i expect us to play the pats like we played the eagles, 4 man rush and lots of man to man press with taylor sitting back deep in the ballhawking role

awesome, lets just sit in zones all day and give our weak DEs a go at the best oline in football. brady will eat us alive with no heat, and daniels wont be bringing it, carter might bring a little but im not betting on it. the dolphins have jason taylor whos one of the best DEs in the league, and brady had like 12 hours to throw last week. look how much time we gave warner on some of those plays on sunday. the 2nd touchdown to boldin warner had enough time to watch The Titanic twice.

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yeah lets blitz the hell out of brady who has a phenomenal passer rating when blitzed *rollseyes*

i think the one thing gregg williams learned this year is that in his defensive schemes when hes blitzed the last two years(2005-2006) is that we got burned horribly in the passing game. while we may see a couple blitzes i dont expect too many, i expect us to play the pats like we played the eagles, 4 man rush and lots of man to man press with taylor sitting back deep in the ballhawking role

awesome, lets just sit in zones all day and give our weak DEs a go at the best oline in football. brady will eat us alive with no heat, and daniels wont be bringing it, carter might bring a little but im not betting on it. the dolphins have jason taylor whos one of the best DEs in the league, and brady had like 12 hours to throw last week. look how much time we gave warner on some of those plays on sunday. the 2nd touchdown to boldin warner had enough time to watch The Titanic twice.

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The last teams to beat the Patriots have pressured him up the middle and taken away his sight lines down the middle. Having Taylor and Landry deep will help protect them from large chunks of yards. Not allowing them to make 5 yard catches into 50 yards touchdowns will be vital.

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The last teams to beat the Patriots have pressured him up the middle and taken away his sight lines down the middle. Having Taylor and Landry deep will help protect them from large chunks of yards. Not allowing them to make 5 yard catches into 50 yards touchdowns will be vital.

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