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Suprise. Surprise. Westbrook wants to stay.

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Guest fuji869

Westbrook had a good year in 1999 when Brad Johnson got him the ball and he showed some more game when Kent Graham knew how to use him in Denver.

Maybe the Fun-n-Gun is what Michael needs?

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Like most of you guys, I don't necessarily want MW with the Skins, but I would hate to see him leave, and have an outstanding year when he was ours all along.

He has grown up quite a bit the last few years, and has shown himself capable when given the opportunity. I'd like to see him signed to a 2-3 yr contract with a moderate signing bonus. If he sucks, cut him with minimal cap implications... if he works out we have him for the next 3 seasons.


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I've always been pretty much a defender of Westbrook. And though I feel he's a little full of himself thinking all he does is make plays when the ball comes his way, I don't see any reason in not resigning him for the right price. It would be one less hole to fill for the 2002 season. In which I'm sure we are going to have to package something just to get a decent QB out of the draft or otherwise.

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Some of us like Westbrook, some of us don't. I personally do and think that if noodle arm Brad Johnson got him the ball and he surpassed a 1,000 yards in receiving, any half-decent quarterback under Spurrier can do it as well. The bottom line in my opinion, is Westbrook is a keeper. We need to resign him.

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Some of us like Westbrook, some of us don't. I personally do and think that if noodle arm Brad Johnson got him the ball and he surpassed a 1,000 yards in receiving, any half-decent quarterback under Spurrier can do it as well. The bottom line in my opinion, is Westbrook is a keeper. We need to resign him.

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I'd love to have Westbrook back. But, my mom once found this small mutt of a dog on the road. It was old, blind, crazy, very angry and had few redeeming qualities. I miss that dog. So, there are my standards smile.gif


Doom is in the box.

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Sage best bet is to have a wife that makes killer peach cobbler and shares it with Mrs Spurrier, cause I believe he is toast.

I tend to think Skaggs will surprise SS in Camp and have us rethink signing Westy especially after Champ gave Skaggs props for preparing him to face Rod Smith of the Broncos.


This isn't love, it's an


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Precise routes and timing are the most crucial element in Spurrier's passing attack. Westbrook has never been much interested in details, despite his recent "team player" rhetoric.

My belief is that, despite Westbrook's physical ability and occasional big plays, Spurrier is going to look at film and see how Westbrook still runs routes after 7 years in the league, then lose interest in re-signing him.

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I'm not sure I totally agree here. Big physical WR's such as MW do not grow on trees. His "new found" team player attitude is nothing of the sort. Actions speak louder than words. I have noticed that Michael, if in the area, is usually the first with a hand up or a hand shake on the field. Little things I know, but one doesn't pay attention to the little things if one is just providing rhetoric.

I wouldn't necessarily take whole lot of negatives or positives out of this past seasons offesive debacle where specific players are concerned. J.R.'s offense was a fine example of a bad system making good players look bad. I haven't heard alot about MW's lack of attention to detail and some of the complaints about his route running came from Tony Banks. Take those for what they are worth. I repeat from an earlier thread many who attended games this year say that M.W. was open alot. I saw many times myself on TV that he was. Mike seemed to read the coverage on occasion and adjusted his route accordingly. That's what a smart,veteran WR does. IMHO.

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Hi NA (tee hee),<br /><br />That's not "Not Applicable", is it?<br /><br />We really need to come up with a little something more relevant for you, don't you think? <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />I'm just joking, bro'. Welcome.

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I tend to agree with GURU. Westbrook has never impressed me much. I find it strange that we've had two starters here who had an issue with throwing him the ball(Banks and Frerotte). I've seen very little improvement in his route running since his rookie season, but I do agree he was open alot this season, Banks just didn't throw him the ball.<br /><br />I think the Skins should offer him a 2 yr deal, not alot of money involved but enough to keep him happy. He may think he's worth big bucks, but I doubt any team would pay big money to a reciever who's only good season was two years and isn't very durable.

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Well we didn't have a real QB or we purposely ignored Westy until the Fans and the Media started jumping on Marty and T Banks about it.<br /><br />Who didnt see Westy uncovered and T Banks throwing into double coverage?<br /><br />Sign him to a cap friendly deal and put the speedy Skaggs in as the 3rd WR now that would be a matchup problem for the opposing teams 3rd corner

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I dunno GB when Graham came in and actually used his checkdown reads he passed to Westbrook quite a bit, and Westbroke came through. I think Westbrook would thrive under Spurrier, because the ball will actually get thrown to him. Banks was always zeroed in on Gardner and was loathe to pass to anyone else it seems.<br /> <img src="http://www.roughriderz.com/revival.jpg" alt="" /><br /> <br /> [ January 18, 2002: Message edited by: CounterTre ]

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