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Stuck in a Pickle [Need Advice]


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Alright, so I am in a pickle. My cousin's wife just had a boy last Friday [He weighed 8 pounds 11 ounces at birth.. Can you say the Redskins next all star DE?] anyways, his Bris is on Sunday at 3. Now the problem is, I have season tickets. The skins, as you all know are playing the lions at 1.. at home. So heres my choices. I skip the game, sell the tickets, and go to the Bris. Second Option, go to the first half, leave, and make it to the Bris. Third Option, Go to the game, and just miss the bris. So if you were all in my spot, would you go watch my new 'lil cousin get a little snip snip to his man hood, or go to the skins game?

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Love him, but I also love my skins. And Them making this the worst time ever.. makes me hate him..

Probably his wife's fault :laugh:

Talk to him and go from there....if he is cool with it, and you can handle the fallout from the rest of the family,go to the game.

I'm probably the wrong person to ask...the only time I abandoned my wife was to watch a game. :laugh:

I told her it was time to leave because it was game time,she wasn't ready...so I left her there....she is STILL pissed 23 yrs later :rolleyes:

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If it were a brother or sister, I'd say go to the bris. However, you can get away with the Skins game if its a cousin... just visit them later and bring gifts.

Yeah, and I did go visit them the saturday after he was born at the hospital. Spent a few good hours with them.. watched some college football.. Then got caught by a speed camera going home, so it seems little Max likes to cause me trouble already.. lol

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I think its pretty clear you have to steal the kid, take him to the game, show up to the bris after the game saying you stopped the kidnapper. That way you get to see the Redskins destroy the Lions and be a hero in the same day!

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I think its pretty clear you have to steal the kid, take him to the game, show up to the bris after the game saying you stopped the kidnapper. That way you get to see the Redskins destroy the Lions and be a hero in the same day!

Or single handedly give him the bris on the field at halftime. And of course the classic joke... "We had a little slip but don't worry she'll be just fine" :doh: :silly:

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Well, there are going to be so many people there that no one will notice I missed the bris. So much family and friends. I dunno, maybe Ill call my cousin and ask him indirectly, see how he feels.

Un huh, remember you said this. Years from now I see you at the bar mitzvah being introduced, "...and this is your cousin ________, you know, the one that was too busy to come to your bris!" :laugh:

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Well, his dad [my cousin, its so weird having my cousin already having kids] did miss my bar mitzvah cause he had to make a business trip.. but he made it up to me with a cousins day, so maybe ill have to make it up with max for missing him getting snipped with a cousins day.

One would think he'd be glad if there were less witnesses...

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Alright, so I am in a pickle. My cousin's wife just had a boy last Friday [He weighed 8 pounds 11 ounces at birth.. Can you say the Redskins next all star DE?] anyways, his Bris is on Sunday at 3. Now the problem is, I have season tickets. The skins, as you all know are playing the lions at 1.. at home. So heres my choices. I skip the game, sell the tickets, and go to the Bris. Second Option, go to the first half, leave, and make it to the Bris. Third Option, Go to the game, and just miss the bris. So if you were all in my spot, would you go watch my new 'lil cousin get a little snip snip to his man hood, or go to the skins game?

Okay here's what I don't get. How the hell do you plan on getting to the bris or the game when you're currently stuck in a pickle? I feel like that would severely limit your mobility.

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Send em a bag of funyons and see if he gets the joke.

I don't get it.. :confused:

Okay here's what I don't get. How the hell do you plan on getting to the bris or the game when you're currently stuck in a pickle? I feel like that would severely limit your mobility.

Oh, but it has holes in it that my feet can go through. It is almost like im in a pickle suit.

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Un huh, remember you said this. Years from now I see you at the bar mitzvah being introduced, "...and this is your cousin ________, you know, the one that was too busy to come to your bris!" :laugh:

Your cousin's kid probably doesn't want to be at the bris either, at least he wouldn't if he knew what they were going to do to him :)

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