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Some things need to be cleared up around here


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Okay, now that you've set everyone straight you Swami, we should have no further questions. Your insight has proven most valuable and never again shall we doubt it. :doh:


Swami? Wow!

Your lack of a rebuttal says it all. Did I upset your negative balance? Here, here's some :pooh:

Maybe that'll help swing the pendulum back for you. I know that's what you need. ;)

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I'm also surprised at the moral change in the fans, after only a single loss.

However, my gut's telling me that JC is going to have an awesome game against the lions. He'll throw 3 TD's and thread's will be titled "Bring on the Cowboys."


Let's hope I'm right about this one.

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4- Stop freaking out because Dallas is winning. I believe that the fact that they are winning is the single biggest reason why everyone around here wants to kill Gibbs and this team.

TSO, I do not take your comments as condescending or moot, as some appear to. A lot of fans on this board now were too young to remember GibbsI, so a little background briefing on how Gibbs does things is not out of line.

Dallas' winning has made me take notice. And I agree with your point. The Dallas hatred on this board (by non-trolls) is absurdly high. While I can't stand the Cowbells either, there's still plenty of time to go for them to self-destruct. Almost every year in recent "NFL parity" memory has some team shooting out to a 6-0 or 7-1 record, only to struggle to make the playoffs. I'm hoping this year that fraud resides in Northern Texas.

Remember Norv lost a lot of close games, and Gibbs lost a few close ones on his return. The problems the team has had have been addressed one by one, and I do see improvement. Unfortunately, after watching the Giants d-line dismantle the Eagles Sunday night, I feel that's still one area we could improve.

To those who say Gibbs will leave, I stand where I stood before. He won't leave before the end of next year unless his health dictates it.

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Unfortunately your one line retort doesn't prove he IS coaching like crap.

Look at St. Louis, they were predicted to win the NFC West in a tough fight and be play off bound. What happens they lost one player on the Oline - Orlando Pace, and now they can't run or pass, Stephen jackson and marc bulger both got hurt and uhoh, will they ever win one?

You want to see bad coaching look at San diego 14-2 last year to 1-3 this year under a new coach. That is not BAD coaching, that is abissmal coaching.

Dan Snyder will never fire Coach Gibbs, and Coach Gibbs is not a quitter.... :doh:

'nuff said.....

Very true!!!:applause: :cheers:

Snyder will not have to fire Gibbs ... the Coach is too classy and knows he is in over his head. Coaach will retire with grace after this abysmal year.
2-1 is an abysmal year???:doh:
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Unfortunately your one line retort doesn't prove he IS coaching like crap.

My posts over the course of the past 9 days, in conjunction with the fact that the issue has been discussed ad naseum on this board for the past week, provide more than enough proof that he is, and has been for the past 4 years, coaching like crap. The author of this thread wrote a very nice list of stuff, but, all he is trying to do is minimize the blame on Gibbs with distractions. The bottom line is that this would be a much better team if it was run better offensively, and the reason the offense is not being run well is because of Joe Gibbs.

1. Joe Gibbs press conferences are irrelevant to his in-game strategy and decision making ability.

2. I don't care what % of games in the NFL are close. I also question the number cited by "thesubmittedone." The bottom line is that Joe Gibbs doesn't think this is a good team, and tries to play tight into the 4th quarter, hoping he can hold on Herm Edwards style. This is not a good game plan, it is not a winning strategy, and he doesn't have enough faith in this team. Consequently, he makes bad play calls, bad decisions, and bad adjustments, which hamstring the potential and ability of this team to succeed.

3. Yea, we have some "unfortunate" injuries. Most teams do. Good coaches mask them, adjust, play to strengths, and attack respective weaknesses in the other team. It is clear that Joe Gibbs does not do this. Joe Gibbs runs incessantly, even when the personnel do not fit a power run game.

4. I don't give a flying **** what Dallas is doing. I care about what the redskins are doing, and the **** that their head coach is pulling on the field.

In conclusion. None of the above mentioned reasons mean squat with regard to the terrible job that Gibbs is doing.


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My posts over the course of the past 9 days, in conjunction with the fact that the issue has been discussed ad naseum on this board for the past week, provide more than enough proof that he is, and has been for the past 4 years, coaching like crap. The author of this thread wrote a very nice list of stuff, but, all he is trying to do is minimize the blame on Gibbs with distractions. The bottom line is that this would be a much better team if it was run better offensively, and the reason the offense is not being run well is because of Joe Gibbs.

1. Joe Gibbs press conferences are irrelevant to his in-game strategy and decision making ability.

2. I don't care what % of games in the NFL are close. I also question the number cited by "thesubmittedone." The bottom line is that Joe Gibbs doesn't think this is a good team, and tries to play tight into the 4th quarter, hoping he can hold on Herm Edwards style. This is not a good game plan, it is not a winning strategy, and he doesn't have enough faith in this team. Consequently, he makes bad play calls, bad decisions, and bad adjustments, which hamstring the potential and ability of this team to succeed.

3. Yea, we have some "unfortunate" injuries. Most teams do. Good coaches mask them, adjust, play to strengths, and attack respective weaknesses in the other team. It is clear that Joe Gibbs does not do this. Joe Gibbs runs incessantly, even when the personnel do not fit a power run game.

4. I don't give a flying **** what Dallas is doing. I care about what the redskins are doing, and the **** that their head coach is pulling on the field.

In conclusion. None of the above mentioned reasons mean squat with regard to the terrible job that Gibbs is doing.


-Case Closed, and for those of you who dont think we are going to have an abysmal season quit drinking the kool aid. We are 2-1, but with the way we play we should be 0-3, yea 0-3 not 3-0. Miami almost beat us and where are they know 0-4, we beat philly but apparently they are nothing they just had one good game. We are going against the Lions next week and we are a much better team but we wont put enough points on the board... and we still wont play Lloyd. After that we are going to Green Bay where we are going to get beat up and down the field, after that we have arizona once again they will put up to many points for us to contend because gibbs tucks his tail between his legs. After that we will be playing the pats... so for all of you so happy were 2-1 after the month of october were most likely going to be 2-5 still high and mighty on your coach gibbs?

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My posts over the course of the past 9 days, in conjunction with the fact that the issue has been discussed ad naseum on this board for the past week, provide more than enough proof that he is, and has been for the past 4 years, coaching like crap. The author of this thread wrote a very nice list of stuff, but, all he is trying to do is minimize the blame on Gibbs with distractions. The bottom line is that this would be a much better team if it was run better offensively, and the reason the offense is not being run well is because of Joe Gibbs.

1. Joe Gibbs press conferences are irrelevant to his in-game strategy and decision making ability.

2. I don't care what % of games in the NFL are close. I also question the number cited by "thesubmittedone." The bottom line is that Joe Gibbs doesn't think this is a good team, and tries to play tight into the 4th quarter, hoping he can hold on Herm Edwards style. This is not a good game plan, it is not a winning strategy, and he doesn't have enough faith in this team. Consequently, he makes bad play calls, bad decisions, and bad adjustments, which hamstring the potential and ability of this team to succeed.

3. Yea, we have some "unfortunate" injuries. Most teams do. Good coaches mask them, adjust, play to strengths, and attack respective weaknesses in the other team. It is clear that Joe Gibbs does not do this. Joe Gibbs runs incessantly, even when the personnel do not fit a power run game.

4. I don't give a flying **** what Dallas is doing. I care about what the redskins are doing, and the **** that their head coach is pulling on the field.

In conclusion. None of the above mentioned reasons mean squat with regard to the terrible job that Gibbs is doing.


You know what's funny? I bet you last year you were calling for Saunders head, and was just a little happy (seeing how happiness is something you're against) when Gibbs took a little more control of the offense and made it his again. You know... we looked pretty good offensively down the stretch. Were you enjoying that? Or were you complaining?

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gibbs doing a terrible job????

now ive had my complaints about joe, but lets keep in mind.... its up to the players to make plays. our offense didnt take advantage on several plays in the second half of week 3. our offense is still struggling to find their identity and gel together, give them time. hating on a coach that took a 5-11 team to 2-1 (not mentioning the fact that he is joe f-iing gibbs) is just ridiculous

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I definitely think you are on to something with the Cowboys' success contributing to the despair around here lately. Look, it's normal. As much as we love the Skins, we hate the Cowboys. Most of us (I imagine) have those annoying-ass traitor Cowboys fans in their lives, and nothing is worse than when they are up and we are not. It makes us, pissed, jealous, panic stricken, etc. So, I think more than us being at the top of the division, what makes Skins fans content is being ahead of Dallas. The responses are always rational, but I do agree with you that it is a major factor for the recent environment around ES. Good post.

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My posts over the course of the past 9 days, in conjunction with the fact that the issue has been discussed ad naseum on this board for the past week, provide more than enough proof that he is, and has been for the past 4 years, coaching like crap. The author of this thread wrote a very nice list of stuff, but, all he is trying to do is minimize the blame on Gibbs with distractions. The bottom line is that this would be a much better team if it was run better offensively, and the reason the offense is not being run well is because of Joe Gibbs.

1. Joe Gibbs press conferences are irrelevant to his in-game strategy and decision making ability.

2. I don't care what % of games in the NFL are close. I also question the number cited by "thesubmittedone." The bottom line is that Joe Gibbs doesn't think this is a good team, and tries to play tight into the 4th quarter, hoping he can hold on Herm Edwards style. This is not a good game plan, it is not a winning strategy, and he doesn't have enough faith in this team. Consequently, he makes bad play calls, bad decisions, and bad adjustments, which hamstring the potential and ability of this team to succeed.

3. Yea, we have some "unfortunate" injuries. Most teams do. Good coaches mask them, adjust, play to strengths, and attack respective weaknesses in the other team. It is clear that Joe Gibbs does not do this. Joe Gibbs runs incessantly, even when the personnel do not fit a power run game.

4. I don't give a flying **** what Dallas is doing. I care about what the redskins are doing, and the **** that their head coach is pulling on the field.

In conclusion. None of the above mentioned reasons mean squat with regard to the terrible job that Gibbs is doing.



Joe Gibbs, as it stands right now, is holding this team back.

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You know what's funny? I bet you last year you were calling for Saunders head, and was just a little happy (seeing how happiness is something you're against) when Gibbs took a little more control of the offense and made it his again. You know... we looked pretty good offensively down the stretch. Were you enjoying that? Or were you complaining?

Last year:

1. Saunders never had 100% freedom. Gibbs took control after the 30 yard line or some arbitrary and asinine cut-off, remember?

2. Mark Brunell, the progeny of Joe Gibbs, was the offense for the first 10 weeks of the season. Al Saunders knew he sucked, and couldn't call his regular style game plans as a result. So, even when Joe Gibbs wasn't in "total control," he was still holding Saunders back.

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1- Joe Gibbs says things in his press conferences and in public that he doesn't necessarily say to them team. This is well-documented. He never blasts a player in public, for instance, but will surely do so privately. The same goes for his words on opposing teams. He will NEVER say anything publically about another team that can be seen as negative in anyway. This, obviously, includes talking in a very confident manner about winning the next game. He just will not do that. He'll say things like "We hope we play hard and come out on top, but it's going to be close" even though deep down he does want to destroy each and every team. If you don't believe he wants to dominate, you're kidding yourself. Just stop it. It's ridiculous to see some of the posters who've been around here for some time now, who know Gibbs well, refer to his press conferences as an indication to how he wants this team to play. As if him saying "We'll always play close games" means he doesn't want to dominate, or that he tells the team the same thing. You should know better. Shame on you.

I couldn't agree more. I believe that's what he was doing when he reasoned Betts being in on those last two plays against the Giants. Of course he's not going to come out and say it was a mistake to have him in there and not Portis. Behind the scenes with his coaches, I'm sure he realized it was a mistake and won't let it happen again. The man is in the HOF for a reason. He's not an idiot.

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Great post! I really cannot figure out where all the negativity is coming from. Seems like people were more hopeful last year when we were loosing. So far we've outplayed our opponents 5 out of 6 halves. We beat the Beagles in Philly! (And we were clearly the better team). I have a really good feeling about the Lions game because I know how much heart this team has and how good Joe is at motivating them after a tough loss. We’re going to come out like a steam roller, just watch!

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funny how most of the folks who want Gibb's run outta town are around the age of 22 and under ... and most of the folks above those ages think he is making strides and that things are going in the right direction. Not saying either is right or wrong, just something I noticed. HTTR!

Whatever the case ... we need a big win this Sunday ... or I'm afraid some folks might go postal.

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I'm afraid we've got the most irrational fans on the planet. How do you conclude that the season is over after one loss?

How do you conclude that a guy is a bad coach based on one bad year? His first two years were both improvements over the year before them. He took over one of the worst teams in the league. He has done a great job getting good players. It takes time to undo 15 years of awful.

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Unfortunately, None of your points change the fact that Gibbs is coaching like crap.

Wow, I hope that you put that knife down when you went for the throat. While I love Gibbs and really wanted this to be his year, I cant help but be a little upset with him and most of the offensive coaching staff. Not only is he making poor decisions, but apparently not one else knows whats going on and who should be in the game during a play? I don't believe the game has past him but I'm going to need to see some spark from him in the upcoming games for me to retain the faith.

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what do you want.....sugar and candy your entire life? let's examine the obvious...shall we?

1) The Skins are better on defense than last season. Rejoyce!

2) The Skins are marginally better on Offense than last season. Rejoyce!

3) The team chemistry seems very solid. Rejoyce!

4) We are 2-1. Rejoyce!

5) We beat the Iggles. Rejoyce!

6) Pass defense has been inconsistent in 2 out of 3 games. Concern.

7) We went to overtime with a team others have more or less ripped in the 4th qtr. Concern.

8) We have wideouts dropping an alarming number of passes. Concern.

9) We have a TE who is not getting open. Concern.

10) We have a young QB who is progressing....but might not be on a par with any of the other QBs in the NFC East. Concern.

11) We have a runing game that runshot and cold. Concern.

12) We have a team that blew a 17-3 lead on a team that was on the ropes and experiencing internal dissension as well as injuries. Concern.

13) We do have a team we hate leading the division and doing so convincingly. Concern.

14) We have a coaching staff that at random points simply seems disorganized in terms of getting things done on the field quickly and efficiently. Concern.

I could list a lot more. The reality: there is lots to be pleased about given what happened last season. It is easy to see where many of the concerns lie. And yes...it is reasonable to use the progress/play achieved by the better teams in the league as a partial measuring stick.

Fine. But do we need another fire Joe Gibbs/What I hate about us/more thoughts on why we suck/and oh, did I mention we suck-type threads? There's a difference between ranting negativity and reasonable criticism. And we all know it when we see it. And you have to admit, there's been some wild, panicked stuff here lately. I'm all for good discussion, and there's no need for extra sugar. But the Cassandra-like screeds are getting old.

This is not aimed at you or your post, just a comment about the tone of extremeskins in the last 10 days.

PS on #9, I think that's a function of injuries to the Oline. I hope as the right side settles in, Cooley will be out in patterns more.

On #10, I guess I'm a "glass is half full" guy there, but I see your point.

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