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Mike Pereira is an idiot


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Did anyone just see "Official Review" on NFL total access?

Eisen was questioning Pereira about a play where Jeremy Shockey spiked the ball after getting a first down, and it was called back because the Packers committed a penalty, and the penalties were offset. However, Eisen then showed a clip where T.O caught a pass on third down and spiked the ball, but the play was a dead ball foul and they got a first down. Pereira then tried to explain that the spike rule makes it so if there's offsetting penalties, it's a replay of downs. Then Eisen said, and I quote:

"So you're saying, that if Miami had jumped offsides that play, then it would have been 3rd and 15 for Dallas, but since they didn't commit a penalty, it's a Dallas first down?" :laugh:

Seriously, I've heard some dumb explanations spew from Pereira's mouth, but this takes the cake.

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What was his answer to Eisen's question?

He said that if Miami had jumped offsides, then yes, it would have been a third down for Dallas because both penalties would have been minor and offset each other.

Does this makes sense to anyone? What a dumb rule. :laugh:

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I saw this too. I couldn't believe he tried to justify that **** like that. It's probably not even official, he just made it up to make it look like his ref's didn't **** up.

Exactly. I could deal with him if he just admited that his refs made an error and it was a blown call. But no, he starts pulling random crap out of his ass to try and look smart. :doh:

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This is what the NFL is resorting to?...seriously retarded guys like Mike Pereira? F him. The spike rule is bull crap. The celebration rule with using the ball as a prop is bull crap. The tuck rule is bull crap. The QB ticky tack rule is bull crap. When did the officials get so dumb that rules such as these had to be created to further emphasize their incompetence? Damn. It just makes too much sense.......:doh: :silly: :nana: :shot: :hammer: :slap: :doh1: :gus:

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I think the refs got it wrong and the league needs to review the way it handles this situation.

I don't see it as a minor vs. minor situation since the two penalties weren't even on the same play at all. The offsides occurred before the 1st down play and the spike occurred after the 1st down play.

What should have happened is that the offsides be declined and the Giants should have started 1st and 15.

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I have to almost disagree with everyone in here. I like the new spike rule in the field of play. Too many ****y players get a 2 yard gain and spike the ball at their own 30. Out of bounds and in the endzones it is allowed.

Now, to Peirera. He's a douchebag. He defends his refs to the hilt no matter how bad they screw up. He never admits when they get the call wrong. It's funny to watch him squirm when Eisen questions the decisions made.

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