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Jason Campbell.. makes you go AGGGHGHGHGH


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He's only started what 8 or 9 games now. He's basically still a rookie as far as games played.

But I love what I see from Jason. He never gets rattled. He makes great reads and the rush doesn't bother him. If he can work on the accuracy he's going to be lethal.

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The best thing about JC is that he didn't let his early INT affect his play. He really played well, was able to read defenses and look off coverages. I think tonight was a big step in the right direction for our young QB. If he made that pass to Moss late in the game, he'd be all over the highlight reels, but really, with the game on the line, I'm not upset that he overthrew it when Moss was the only player around - at least it wasn't into coverage. The accuracy will come . . .


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oof.. he makes great plays one minute, and then misses a huge opportunity to ice the game.

He is just one step away from becoming a complete player, but man the baby steps he takes in getting there are frustrating.

Our defense should not have been under that much stress toward the end, but god bless LARON LANDRY.

MVP of the game.

I actually think this was a very good indication that Jason is not taking baby steps but rather Sasquatch type strides!!! There were 3 dropped passes early in the first quarter. 2 by Cooley and 1 by Yoder. In the second quarter Moss missed one that would have been hard to catch, but hey that's why he gets to where the pointy hat right. It did hit him square in the hands.

Yes, the late in the fourth quarter he should have definitly hit Moss with the one that would ice the game.

What I see is our franchise quarterback coming into his own. By the middle of this season people will be talking about Jason like they do Palmer. Just wait and see.

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ypu guys think peyton manning was great his first full year, NO 28 INTs or something like that relax and enjoy the ride

Exactly, what a bunch of f-ing whiners. The guy played well and we got the W. He hasn't completed even one full season and mistakes will happen. Perhaps we have a bunch of homers on here that are expecting a SB appearance or something..? If it comes great, but cut the guy some slack, jeez. Good game today Jason! :applause:

On another note, did you guys see how many throws Mcnabb missed today?? Shat happens unfortunately, and it's perfectly understandable for a new QB. His poise and arm are much more impressive than his few mistakes are bothersome.

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Good point... I swear some of these fan critics should ponder how well they'd do under center. Go Commander Campbell.

Come on man. You had to have seen that commercial.

If Campbell can throw 2 balls, bounce them off each other, and both receivers catch their balls he should easily be able to get a simple pass into Moss' hands on the first try.

Right? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Man, to hear some of these guys actually COMPLAINING about Campbell.

GET A LIFE! DID you watch the same game I did?

The only problem I saw with Campbell was that one over thrown pass.

Big whoop. Bet you he hits it 9 times outta 10. It happens.

HE'S gettin better every week. We got something special going on.

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we did watch the game and he blew that play, simple as that.

That was the game right there. I could have been tucked up in bed instead of watching a goal line stand at 5am!

He made up for it though in other areas, it will just take time. This week and last week there were periods where the WR's and Campbell seemed to get out of sync with each with over thrown passes and dropped catches - Cooleys drop in the first series of the game was awful!

Campbells INT was also like watching the one against Miami. Put the ball in where the DB could break on the ball.

Its all mistakes, no point in getting away from them because they are staring us in the face! but he also threw some great passes and lead the team on good drives too. So, overall things are looking ok :cheers:

My man of the match...well, I thought the Eagles keyed on him a fair bit but he stood his ground - Carlos Rogers! (Gibbs even hugged him after the goal line defence at the end of the game) You heard it here first! :)

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That was the game right there. I could have been tucked up in bed instead of watching a goal line stand at 5am!

WE WON!!!! 2-0

You do understand that we beat a huge division rival on the road and that this team's confidence will only escalate from here on? You do understand what 2-0 means in the NFC East? All of that....ALL OF THAT overshadows any mistakes made by a new qb with 9 starts under his belt. He's practically a rookie, beat Philly on the road, and 2-0 and all you can do is complain that you had to stay up and watch us win?


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