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Another look at Jeff George?

Thinking Skins

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I mean we cut him last year cause he didnt want to do the little rinky dinky throw to the running backs type offense. Thats not what we have here. If we can get him knowing that Ramsey is the starter and that he's just a guy here in case of injury, then I think he could be a nice addition.

The only problem that I could see is that he may not be smart enough to handle SS's offense. But he has the greatest teacher, so he can learn it.

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No friggin' way! He's a cancer, and needs to be kept far, far away from Redskins Park. He would never run the Fun N' Gun correctly because he goes out there and does his own thing, he won't follow the gameplan or run the offense the way the coach wants him to.

And most of all, he'll want to be the starter. We don't need that type of negative influence disrupting Ramsey's development.

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TCO, I like your idea of Ramsey and Wuerfull and then finding a young gun in the draft. What really worries me is if we draft Grossman. In that scenerio Ramsey will be the odd man out and we will have wasted a first round pick on Ramsey who will be collecting splinters in his arse. I forgot you were in Ny city.

You should drive on down here one weekend this summer and we can go to training camp for the weekend. Now I know my way around Carlisle we can have alot of fun. I found some of the local pubs that players hangout in after dinner. It would be great for the board to get some pics and interviews and autographs for our geo challenged brothers and sisters. Not to mention a play by play account of the practices and everything we see on the field.

Does anyone know if Spurrier will have camp in Carlisle this year? I havent heard anything about that. I know they signed a contract to be there this summer, but Spurrier may want to stay at home? When will the team announce it's plans? I want to make reservations early this year so I can stay at the really nice hotel. Jumping in the indoor pool after baking in the hot sun all day sounds really good to me.;)

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I wouldn't worry about that , Tommy. I think if, God forbid, we drafted Grossman that HE would be the odd man out. I don't think he's the QB Ramsey is and in this league that would show pretty quickly.

I could be wrong, but Grossman doesn't do a thing for me.

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To answer the original question Spurrier would have to be a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic to sign George. He sat out the whole season until Seattle lost both their QBs and signed him in desperation. He was that popular!

Added to which I don't think he is capable of making the audibles or check-offs that Spurrier's offense apparently needs. From memory he just wants to heave it as far as possible, regardless of coverage or game-plan........

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You should drive on down here one weekend this summer and we can go to training camp for the weekend. Now I know my way around Carlisle we can have alot of fun. I found some of the local pubs that players hangout in after dinner. It would be great for the board to get some pics and interviews and autographs for our geo challenged brothers and sisters. Not to mention a play by play account of the practices and everything we see on the field.

That is such a good idea. We'll have to see how the scheduling works out, but it sounds like a plan.

..edit... oh yeah. No Carlisle. That's lame.

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