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Life is out of balance.


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Dysfunctional familys, drug addictions, poor eating habits, depression.

These are just a few of the problems that come with a life that is out of balance.

I'll start with the body.

People wish they had a million dollars, but at the same time they don't realize they have something that's worth more than all the money and gold in the world. The Body.

If you thought your body was worth so much you would do whatever it takes to keep it running the best that it can.

According to film "Super Size Me!" 60% of all adult americans are overwieght.

Eating a high fat low fiber diet, is the same as running a car with a dirty fuel filter and wieghting your car down with sandbags.

It's just not going to run as well as it can, and the car will die sooner than expected.

And that's just the beginning of your problems. Overwieght people have much higher chances of getting heart disease, strokes, heart attacks, and a lot of other problems.

Their immune system is also weaker than those who take care of themselves, thus they are more likely to get sick.

Then their is the sex life of overwieght people.

You're going to get less sex, why? Who want's to sleep with your fat ass?

Marriages are put under strain because when most people get married they look good, but then after marriage sets in they let themselves go(a sign of an out of balance life).

Sex happens a lot less, but the sex drive is still there. Thus temptation to sleep with someone else, or to use porn, rises in a marriage.

Working out is another thing that people don't do enough.

If you don't work out, expect all kinds of problems in life.

You can call joint pain your friend, because you are going to have a lot of it in life.

And while your at it, let me introduce you to stress, anxiety, depression, they love to hang onto those who don't work out, like a monkey on your back.

You don't drink water???!! Just shoot yourself right now and get it over with.


Ok so I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

All of that is common sense.

What you want to know is how do you fix these problems.

And that brings me to the main point.....


Not having proper relationships is like a football team that has missing players and coaches.

You're not going to be able to handle the problems that are thrown at you.

How many times have people started a new years resolution to lose wieght and get in shape, but fall away from the plan after only a month or two?

The most successful people sticking to the new years resolution are those that hire personal trainers.

It's like a coach that pushes his players with 2 a days. You think those players would work out as hard if they didn't have someone pushing them?

When you lift wieghts, do you try to lift the heavier wieghts without a spotter? No way, it's too dangerous.

Besides a good partner helps pump you up so that you perform better than you would by yourself.

This should be spread out through all areas of your life.

Financial, emotional, etc.

We are taught to be self sufficiant, but the truth is we can get a lot more done as a group than as an individual.

For example most americans try to get loans to get a new home, but look how the Amish do it. They get together as a group and build the house for that newly wed couple.

This is something the new couple could not do on their own, atleast not in the same time frame.

So you should get the point by now, without me writting a book size post.

We have such a big influence on each, good or bad.

So if your life has problems it's probably because you don't have the right team.

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Super-size me is a disingenuous film by a disingenuous commie. How can 60% of people be overweight? Think about that.

How? By eating too much food, that's how. :silly:

But that doesn't matter, there are over weight people who don't wish to be overwieght, and I believe this thread will help them out.

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Something seems statistically weird if more than half the people are overweight. That's like saying over half are above average; now, unless there is a REALLY LOW number, that's impossible.

Overweightness is not a statistical distribution, it is based on what you "should be at your height".

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Overweightness is not a statistical distribution, it is based on what you "should be at your height".

Exactly. I'm 5'6", and way ~170 lbs. I'm "overweight", yet I am in better shape than the vast majority of people I know. They don't take into account the fact that some people actually build muscle.

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Exactly. I'm 5'6", and way ~170 lbs. I'm "overweight", yet I am in better shape than the vast majority of people I know. They don't take into account the fact that some people actually build muscle.

My pastor pointed out this guy who is in rock solid shape, six pack the works.

Because he had a poor diet, he had to have tripple bypass surgery.

By the way, Bruce Lee was 5'7 130 -135 pounds.

He was freakishly strong.

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My pastor pointed out this guy who is in rock solid shape, six pack the works.

Because he had a poor diet, he had to have tripple bypass surgery.

Okay. Not sure what that had to do with my point about 60% of Americans being "overweight", but I believe you. Fortunately for me, I'm pretty much a nazi about what I put into my body, so I don't foresee running into such problems.

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Sunstone, what concern is it of yours (or anyone else's) if an individual is living a lifestyle with a high potential to be bad for them? Especially if it's a lifestyle that doesn't affetct YOU, personally?

Why should you care if I eat an unbalanced diet, never drink water, don't work out, and just plain don't give a crap? How am I impacting your life, or even the life of anyone other than myself? I learned a lesson many years ago... "Eat right, exercise daily & DIE ANYWAY!!"... so why would I waste my time on these things?

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Sunstone, what concern is it of yours (or anyone else's) if an individual is living a lifestyle with a high potential to be bad for them? Especially if it's a lifestyle that doesn't affetct YOU, personally?

Why should you care if I eat an unbalanced diet, never drink water, don't work out, and just plain don't give a crap? How am I impacting your life, or even the life of anyone other than myself? I learned a lesson many years ago... "Eat right, exercise daily & DIE ANYWAY!!"... so why would I waste my time on these things?

First time in history that I actually agree with MSF.

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Sunstone, what concern is it of yours (or anyone else's) if an individual is living a lifestyle with a high potential to be bad for them? Especially if it's a lifestyle that doesn't affetct YOU, personally?

Why should you care if I eat an unbalanced diet, never drink water, don't work out, and just plain don't give a crap? How am I impacting your life, or even the life of anyone other than myself? I learned a lesson many years ago... "Eat right, exercise daily & DIE ANYWAY!!"... so why would I waste my time on these things?

Almost every action we make effects everyone around us, directly or indirectly.

You can do all the right things, and you will still die. But for the most part you can have a major effect on how and when you die, and how much you suffer.

And don't forget there are people around you who don't wish to see you pass sooner rather than later, nor do they want to pay for any unpaid bills.

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Almost every action we make effects everyone around us, directly or indirectly.

Not so much for some of us, SUNSTONE. With the small amount of direct family I have left and the smaller number of people I consider good friends, I could probably fall off the planet without causing serious reprecussions.

You can do all the right things, and you will still die. But for the most part you can have a major effect on how and when you die, and how much you suffer. And don't forget there are people around you who don't wish to see you pass sooner rather than later, nor do they want to pay for any unpaid bills.

SUNSTONE, maybe if I though my life, or the life of any human being had some value, I'd agree with you on this. However, since I've come to the place where I realized that humanity has no value, and that nobody in the world is going to mourn my loss for even a single second, why should I care? If I choose to live a lifestyle that shortens my life, it's only ME that suffers.

BTW - The amount of my unpaid bills is significantly less than the amount of life insurance I have even after burial costs, so that's not a really big issue, to be honest with you.

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By the way, Bruce Lee was 5'7 130 -135 pounds.

He was freakishly strong.

Bruce Lee is a lengend and much said about him are myths. Here's a fact, he refused several invitations by Jhoon Rea to fight in the world championships, in which Chuck Norris was undefeated. ;)

BL was freakishly good at promoting himself, not defending himself. He was however a ballroom dancing champ :silly:

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Not so much for some of us, SUNSTONE. With the small amount of direct family I have left and the smaller number of people I consider good friends, I could probably fall off the planet without causing serious reprecussions. .

That depends on what you compare it to.

The life you lead now, or a life that makes a difference.

SUNSTONE, maybe if I though my life, or the life of any human being had some value, I'd agree with you on this. However, since I've come to the place where I realized that humanity has no value, and that nobody in the world is going to mourn my loss for even a single second, why should I care? If I choose to live a lifestyle that shortens my life, it's only ME that suffers.

BTW - The amount of my unpaid bills is significantly less than the amount of life insurance I have even after burial costs, so that's not a really big issue, to be honest with you.

Imagine you find this little girl who is hurt bad from a hit and run.

What would you do?

Would you say? "you have no value" and leave?

Of course you wouldn't.

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Bruce Lee is a lengend and much said about him are myths. Here's a fact, he refused several invitations by Jhoon Rea to fight in the world championships, in which Chuck Norris was undefeated. ;)

BL was freakishly good at promoting himself, not defending himself. He was however a ballroom dancing champ :silly:

Mayweather turned down an invite to the UFC. ;)

BL would have destroyed CN in a UFC style fight.

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Mayweather turned down an invite to the UFC. ;)

BL would have destroyed CN in a UFC style fight.

Perhaps, but all the styles that, combined, make up an "UFC style fight" had

world or regional level competition in the 60's and 70's (such as kung fu, Jijitsu, kick boxing, grapling...). To my knowledge Bruce Lee avoided all of them. According to your logic, he should have been able to win all of them. So what does that does say about BL? To me it says he was more interested in preserving his "mystique" than proving himself. I did hear (in a documentary) that BL did get beat badly (injured) in a Kung fu tournament.

It is easy to see that getting beat in tournament would be bad for his show business, box office sales. Last observation, if he was so freakishly strong, why did he die at the age of 32?

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Perhaps, but all the styles that, combined, make up an "UFC style fight" had

world or regional level competition in the 60's and 70's (such as kung fu, Jijitsu, kick boxing, grapling...). To my knowledge Bruce Lee avoided all of them. According to your logic, he should have been able to win all of them. So what does that does say about BL? To me it says he was more interested in preserving his "mystique" than proving himself. I did hear (in a documentary) that BL did get beat badly (injured) in a Kung fu tournament.

It is easy to see that getting beat in tournament would be bad for his show business, box office sales. Last observation, if he was so freakishly strong, why did he die at the age of 32?

I had read somewhere (don't know how much truth in it) that Lee and Norris really sparred before filming their famous movie scene. Lee supposedly bruised Norris's cheek and was telling the crowd that was watching "Look, this guy can't even hit me. He's too stiff and heavy."

Again, don't know if thats true or not.

Also, I must say, I would've liked to have seen Steven Seagal when he was younger, before Hollywood got him, fight in a tournament.

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That depends on what you compare it to.

The life you lead now, or a life that makes a difference.

This IS my life, SUNSTONE. There isn't going to be a different one. It basically has no value so far as I'm concerned. Then again very few human lives have any value so far as I'm concerned at this point.

Imagine you find this little girl who is hurt bad from a hit and run. What would you do? Would you say? "you have no value" and leave?

Of course you wouldn't.

It depends on the circumstances, but don't necessarily credit me with that much compassion or sympathy, SUNSTONE.

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Sunstone, what concern is it of yours (or anyone else's) if an individual is living a lifestyle with a high potential to be bad for them? Especially if it's a lifestyle that doesn't affetct YOU, personally?

Why should you care if I eat an unbalanced diet, never drink water, don't work out, and just plain don't give a crap? How am I impacting your life, or even the life of anyone other than myself? I learned a lesson many years ago... "Eat right, exercise daily & DIE ANYWAY!!"... so why would I waste my time on these things?

I have to admit that I find this statement a bit ironic, considering your stances on other issues. I am not trying to give you a hard time, MSF, but I find your attitude to be curious since you do not display this same "libertarian" attitude towards other areas of life, such as marijuana use or some folk's gender roles or sexual attitudes.

Yes, this is OT. :-)

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"Fat" is very relative: Some folks are slender, but actually fat "inside," as far as their internal physique is concerned. It is called "Skinny outside, fat inside." And some folks who are a little larger in size are actually in decent shape. But America definitely has an obesity issue: Go to any public area or store and you will notice the number of Americans who are overweight.

Incidentally, England also has an issue with an over-weight populace.

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