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Life is out of balance.


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Perhaps, but all the styles that, combined, make up an "UFC style fight" had

world or regional level competition in the 60's and 70's (such as kung fu, Jijitsu, kick boxing, grapling...). To my knowledge Bruce Lee avoided all of them. According to your logic, he should have been able to win all of them. So what does that does say about BL? To me it says he was more interested in preserving his "mystique" than proving himself. I did hear (in a documentary) that BL did get beat badly (injured) in a Kung fu tournament.

It is easy to see that getting beat in tournament would be bad for his show business, box office sales. Last observation, if he was so freakishly strong, why did he die at the age of 32?

Show me a link or something. Because I have never heard of it.

BL is definitly faster than CN, and he hits just as hard, if not harder.

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I have to admit that I find this statement a bit ironic, considering your stances on other issues. I am not trying to give you a hard time, MSF, but I find your attitude to be curious since you do not display this same "libertarian" attitude towards other areas of life, such as marijuana use or some folk's gender roles or sexual attitudes.

Yes, this is OT. :-)

In my mind an individual's personal dietary and grooming habits are not a legal or moral issue. I may choose not to associate with people whose dietary or grooming habits don't agree with mine, but it's not as serious a problem as the legal and moral issues of drug use, sexual orientation, and some of the other things we've discussed over time.

Does that make it a little clearer for you, Baculus?

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This IS my life, SUNSTONE. There isn't going to be a different one. It basically has no value so far as I'm concerned. Then again very few human lives have any value so far as I'm concerned at this point.

It depends on the circumstances, but don't necessarily credit me with that much compassion or sympathy, SUNSTONE.

Why does your life have no value?

Don't you have any hopes and dreams?

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I did hear (in a documentary) that BL did get beat badly (injured) in a Kung fu tournament.

It is easy to see that getting beat in tournament would be bad for his show business, box office sales. Last observation, if he was so freakishly strong, why did he die at the age of 32?

He never lost a tourny, or a fight.

He was never beaten badly or hurt, that bs is what the movie showed, that he got kicked in the back.

The truth is he was lifting weights when he pinched a nerve in his back.

The official autopsy said that Lee died from an acute alergic reaction to hashish.

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In my mind an individual's personal dietary and grooming habits are not a legal or moral issue. I may choose not to associate with people whose dietary or grooming habits don't agree with mine, but it's not as serious a problem as the legal and moral issues of drug use, sexual orientation, and some of the other things we've discussed over time.

Does that make it a little clearer for you, Baculus?

The one thing it does make clear is that you're freely admitting that you pick and choose which places in a person's PRIVATE life are their own and which ones you think should be controlled by others in an arbitrary manner based mostly on the emotion that the particular subject rises in you. Is the hypocriscy in that lost on you? A person's dietary choices affect us all, at the very least from a monetary standpoint in terms of the cost of health care. A person's sexual orientation doesn't. So which is it, is it our life to do with what we will (within the law) or is that only if the particular action (which has NO direct impact on you) isn't offensive to you?

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The one thing it does make clear is that you're freely admitting that you pick and choose which places in a person's PRIVATE life are their own and which ones you think should be controlled by others in an arbitrary manner based mostly on the emotion that the particular subject rises in you. Is the hypocriscy in that lost on you?

Obviously what I see as a very clear distinction between what society should be regulating and what should be a personal choice is lost on you. What I look at as a fairly clear definition based on which personal acts affect society and which don't is considered hypocrisy in your mind. That's fine, and there's no point in debating it because it's not going to lead anywhere useful.

A person's dietary choices affect us all, at the very least from a monetary standpoint in terms of the cost of health care. A person's sexual orientation doesn't. So which is it, is it our life to do with what we will (within the law) or is that only if the particular action (which has NO direct impact on you) isn't offensive to you?

It is our life to live as we choose inside the proper morals and values that should be rigidly enforced by society.

Health Care is not a RIGHT. It's a LUXURY. I do agree that your medical expenses shouldn't be affected by my health, but that would require a wholesale change in the system. One I'd approve of, but that isn't ever going to happen and we both know it.

A person's sexual orientation has a great deal of affect on their moral standing in society so far as I'm concerned. Which is what makes it a much more important issue in my mind.

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Why does your life have no value?

Don't you have any hopes and dreams?

SUNSTONE, I learned a long time ago that my life has no value. I learned that I have been doomed to failure and disappointment in this life. I learned that it is not my lot in life to be successful, fulfilled, or to experience joy and happiness in life. The reasons for that are numerous and would simply bore the board if I were to discuss them again.

As for hopes and dreams.... Yes I have them. I just grew to understand many years ago that they'll never be anything more than hopes and dreams; sitting beyond my reach. Occassionally coming almost close enough to grasp, but still just beyond my reach while the Powers of the Universe laugh at my futile attempts to grasp them. Eventually one learns not to bother reaching anymore.

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You really don't see how that doesn't make sense from a logical and practical standpoint? You don't see the disconnect in it? From where I'm sitting, if it's something YOU like to do (shooting guns, eating junk food, ect) then nobody should have a say in it but if it's something you don't like you seem to believe that person's actions should be controlled. It's quite the conundrum. Personally, I'm of the feeling that if it's not directly affecting or infringing on another's rights, whether I like the action or not, I've got no business judging it or wishing it to be prevented. Instead, you seem to choose to be judge and jury on what's societally acceptable and defend the things you like with the same vigor you condemn those things you don't, regardless of wether or not they have any real impact on anyone not specifically involved. Maybe it's just but that seems to be not much more than simple selfishness. :whoknows:

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You really don't see how that doesn't make sense from a logical and practical standpoint? You don't see the disconnect in it? From where I'm sitting, if it's something YOU like to do (shooting guns, eating junk food, ect) then nobody should have a say in it but if it's something you don't like you seem to believe that person's actions should be controlled. It's quite the conundrum. Personally, I'm of the feeling that if it's not directly affecting or infringing on another's rights, whether I like the action or not, I've got no business judging it or wishing it to be prevented. Instead, you seem to choose to be judge and jury on what's societally acceptable and defend the things you like with the same vigor you condemn those things you don't, regardless of wether or not they have any real impact on anyone not specifically involved. Maybe it's just but that seems to be not much more than simple selfishness. :whoknows:

Actually all you need to do is to reverse the arguement you make and maybe it'll make more sense to you....

You make the arguement that I simply approve of the things I like. Have you ever thought that maybe it's a matter that I simply enjoy a number of the things I believe to be appropriate? Of course that brings us to a Chicken vs. Egg arguement which has no end.

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Actually all you need to do is to reverse the arguement you make and maybe it'll make more sense to you....

You make the arguement that I simply approve of the things I like. Have you ever thought that maybe it's a matter that I simply enjoy a number of the things I believe to be appropriate? Of course that brings us to a Chicken vs. Egg arguement which has no end.

Yes but appropriate isn't the issue. It may be to you, however, my point is that the common thread we're dealing with here is individual personal decisions in people's personal lives that have minimal (if any) direct impact on other citizens. Moral offense absolutely does not count as direct impact, that problem lies with the offended in a free society such as ours.

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Yes but appropriate isn't the issue. It may be to you, however, my point is that the common thread we're dealing with here is individual personal decisions in people's personal lives that have minimal (if any) direct impact on other citizens. Moral offense absolutely does not count as direct impact, that problem lies with the offended in a free society such as ours.

Appropriateness is most definitely the issue, so far as I'm concerned. In my mind an individual is responsible to live an appropriate life not only for themselves, but to ensure the strength of the moral foundation on which any proper society is built. Therefore a moral offense is a much greater problem than a personal offense because it effects both the individual AND the society. At least in my mind.

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SUNSTONE, I learned a long time ago that my life has no value. I learned that I have been doomed to failure and disappointment in this life. I learned that it is not my lot in life to be successful, fulfilled, or to experience joy and happiness in life. The reasons for that are numerous and would simply bore the board if I were to discuss them again.

As for hopes and dreams.... Yes I have them. I just grew to understand many years ago that they'll never be anything more than hopes and dreams; sitting beyond my reach. Occassionally coming almost close enough to grasp, but still just beyond my reach while the Powers of the Universe laugh at my futile attempts to grasp them. Eventually one learns not to bother reaching anymore.

One could conclude that because of your failed dreams you find life has little value.

Now that may not be true for you, but it is for a lot of people....maybe most.

And that's why I started this thread.

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But that doesn't matter, there are over weight people who don't wish to be overwieght, and I believe this thread will help them out.

Uh... how? There's no insight in this thread related to losing weight, its mostly just a broad statement of "fat people don't take care of themselves".

First time in history that I actually agree with MSF.

Seconded, even though he's awfully inconsistent about personal freedoms and morals

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Uh... how? There's no insight in this thread related to losing weight, its mostly just a broad statement of "fat people don't take care of themselves".

Seconded, even though he's awfully inconsistent about personal freedoms and morals

What did you do? Read the first part only?

This is the main point of the thread.......


Ok so I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

All of that is common sense.

What you want to know is how do you fix these problems.

And that brings me to the main point.....


Not having proper relationships is like a football team that has missing players and coaches.

You're not going to be able to handle the problems that are thrown at you.

How many times have people started a new years resolution to lose wieght and get in shape, but fall away from the plan after only a month or two?

The most successful people sticking to the new years resolution are those that hire personal trainers.

It's like a coach that pushes his players with 2 a days. You think those players would work out as hard if they didn't have someone pushing them?

When you lift wieghts, do you try to lift the heavier wieghts without a spotter? No way, it's too dangerous.

Besides a good partner helps pump you up so that you perform better than you would by yourself.

This should be spread out through all areas of your life.

Financial, emotional, etc.

We are taught to be self sufficiant, but the truth is we can get a lot more done as a group than as an individual.

For example most americans try to get loans to get a new home, but look how the Amish do it. They get together as a group and build the house for that newly wed couple.

This is something the new couple could not do on their own, atleast not in the same time frame.

So you should get the point by now, without me writting a book size post.

We have such a big influence on each, good or bad.

So if your life has problems it's probably because you don't have the right team.

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I would see Yule on my way home. Drink in one hand, cigarette in the other, getting BJs from two girls.... now we're both dead.


What the **** is this thread about, anyway? Weight loss--MSF's meaningless existence--Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee in some kind of homoerotic boxing match? What is going on?

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