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Looks like we need some fullbacks....


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Beasley, Schmitt, and Bell are all gone.

We have no back up fullbacks. Any guys got cut that we'd look at? Is it possible we move Rock back to fullback? Is this an unusual situation 1 week before the first game to have no back up fullbacks?

btw, if we have some random guy no one has ever heard of on the roster somewhere and I missed it my apologizes. But it looked like we got rid of everyone. :logo:

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I think there are a number of guys that can play FB on this team. Sellers would have to have something freaky happen to him (in terms of injury) for him not to be the guy. Cartwright, Yoder, Cooley, maybe Edwards have/could play in the backfield at the FB position if need-be. We've got one spot open...I wonder if that is open for a FB but I highly doubt it b/c it's not rare that teams go with 1 guy as FB on the roster all year. I'm sure we'll keep a FB on the practice squad as a safety valve but IMO we don't need another FB on the active roster.


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Beasley only lasted a short time here but the team did get the opportunity to see what he brings to the table. I could envision a scenario where if an injury does occur to Sellers, Beasley would be a guy who could come in.

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Zack Crockett of the Raiders got the ax today. I wouldn't mind seeing him get a workout with the team. Hes a pretty decent fullback and could be good for depth.

But I don't really see us doing anything there for the time being.

I think our focus is on finding another receiver and DE at the moment. Too bad, no big names that jump out out you were cut. So it looks like we need to hope for the best with what we already have on the roster.

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Zack Crockett of the Raiders got the ax today. I wouldn't mind seeing him get a workout with the team. Hes a pretty decent fullback and could be good for depth.

But I don't really see us doing anything there for the time being.

I think our focus is on finding another receiver and DE at the moment. Too bad, no big names that jump out out you were cut. So it looks like we need to hope for the best with what we already have on the roster.

Yeah i noticed that too.

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It would take a lot for mike to even admit he was hurt. He's tough and his passion for the game keeps him even tougher than he seems. Hell back in the cfl he played with a broken hand. Took maybe 2 games off then played with a custom made cast. And he still scored TDs. I know he was hurting but unless you were close to him, him never let on. I wouldn't worry about bigg Mike.

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