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The Games We Play…Until They’re Banned


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What is going on??

I love finding stories like this because they are the signposts along the road that make people aware that we, as a country, are leaving the city limits of Common Sense. A school in Colorado Springs, CO has officially banned the game of tag from being played on its playgrounds. First dodgeball gets the hook from some schools and now tag is getting a time out.


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I'm guessing they don't play "Smear the queer" much at that school. :)

I remember back when I was in Boy Scouts, we were on some weekend campout. I decided to start a game of Smear the Queer. I got everyone in a group, threw the ball up in the air and yelled, "SMEAR THE QUEER!!!"

For some reason, there was a group of moms that stopped by for a couple hours and they were walking by at that exact moment. My mom being one of them. She yelled at me and pulled me aside and said don't you say that. I told her this is Boy Scouts, we're boys, this is our campout, this is what we do. She didn't like it , but knew I was right. They left shortly afterwards, which was good, because there ended up being a few bloody noses.

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What is going on??

It's called Liberalism....and it's a mental disorder. Guilt, the obsession not to have anyone offended or with hurt feelings, and the "everybody is a winner" attitude that's churning our blithering idiot dumb as rocks high school graduates.

Just another reason why the Federal Govt. needs to be thrown out of the public education system.

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