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A Soldier's Wife


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My good friend Katy is a country singer and she just finished her song "A Soldier's Wife". Her husband is deployed in Iraq and she has had a tough time with it. I thought those of you in the military or with family and/or friends in the military could relate to it and would like it.


P.S...she is a HUGE redskins fan..in fact, we had her bachelorette party at a redskins game ;)

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OMFG!!!! I just listened to that and I'm sitting her crying as I type this. That is one of the most special and wonderful pieces of music I have heard in a VERY, VERY, VERY LONG TIME. Probably since I heard "Have you Forgotten"

MissU, thank you for posting that link. I was going to leave a comment for her, but I don't have a MySpace account so apparently I can't. The next time you see or talk to Katy please tell her that as the member of a family that has people currently overseas in the military and has a long history of military service, I think "A Soldier's Wife" is spectacular. I will definitely be looking to see if she's playing anywhere in the NorthEast in the near future.

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OMFG!!!! I just listened to that and I'm sitting her crying as I type this. That is one of the most special and wonderful pieces of music I have heard in a VERY, VERY, VERY LONG TIME. Probably since I heard "Have you Forgotten"

MissU, thank you for posting that link. I was going to leave a comment for her, but I don't have a MySpace account so apparently I can't. The next time you see or talk to Katy please tell her that as the member of a family that has people currently overseas in the military and has a long history of military service, I think "A Soldier's Wife" is spectacular. I will definitely be looking to see if she's playing anywhere in the NorthEast in the near future.

Wow, I did not expect such an intense reaction from you! I am really glad you enjoyed it so much. Katy was on my softball team and over the summer her dad (our coach) played this song in its raw form to garner our opinions about it. He said she had sung it at this dinner the night before the singing World Championships and some guy in the audience told him that if Katy could finish the song he would personally make sure it got into the hands of President Bush.

Her dad wanted honest opinions about it, because, of course, friends and family were going to love it. He was trying to find out how he could market it. We thought he could send it to that show "Army Wives" and get it to play on there somehow. He was very interested in the demographics of it...who would like the song, who would relate, what to do with it... so I'll be sure to let him know the reaction it gave you.

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Wow, I did not expect such an intense reaction from you! I am really glad you enjoyed it so much. Katy was on my softball team and over the summer her dad (our coach) played this song in its raw form to garner our opinions about it. He said she had sung it at this dinner the night before the singing World Championships and some guy in the audience told him that if Katy could finish the song he would personally make sure it got into the hands of President Bush.

MissU, members of our military service and the people they leave behind here are among the most important people in this country so far as I'm concerned. Until Operation Desert Storm, my father's family could trace at least a single member of the family involved in every major US Military conflict since the American Revolution (and even before that). I had family members wearing both Blue & Grey in the 1860's. I had family members on Utah Beach. My father gave up two different potential exemptions to serve in SouthEast Asia. I have a cousin who is in Afghanistan currently, and another who is headed back there in October.

Unfortunately all too often we think about the soldiers, sailors and airmen but forget about those who are just as important; the one's they've left at home. The ones for whom every ringing of the phone and every unexpected knock on the front door takes another couple of minutes off the life of their heart as they wonder "Is this THAT call/visit." We tend to forget them because they're not that visible. We see the pictures and hear the stories from the War Zone, but not from the Homefront most of the time. If Katy's song can change that just a little bit, I think it will be a spectacular success.

The other songs I was trying to think of earlier are "If you're reading this" and "Private Malone". I can't listen to either of them without losing it.

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She's got a very nice voice. Personally, I found it a little too 'sappy' for my taste, but I'm sure there are those that will like it a lot. Country music tends towards extremes anyway. Best of luck to your friend.

I don't disagree with Mass' sentiments, just a little too saccharin for my tastes.

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I agree with you 100%. With a brother in the marines, a boyfriend who just got out of the marines this past November, and many friends who are either overseas or have someone they love overseas, I cry when I hear certain songs as well... "American Soldier" (the video is so sad), and "Letters From Home" are what get me. I will give Katy the link to this thread so she can see honest opinions. I know she will appreciate them.

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OMFG!!!! I just listened to that and I'm sitting her crying as I type this.


Dude, I swear to you, I am seriously just kidding, I just couldn't resist after the shock of the mighty manly MSF being touched by anything emotionally. It does say a lot for you though. It makes the rest of us realize you are truly human afterall.

I'm actually glad you had the balls to admit that, because most people wouldn't have, it shows you're a bigger man than most of us.

As for the song, it is completely amazing, and one of the best vocal performances I've ever heard. I'm highly impressed.

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Dude, I swear to you, I am seriously just kidding, I just couldn't resist after the shock of the mighty manly MSF being touched by anything emotionally. It does say a lot for you though. It makes the rest of us realize you are truly human afterall.

I'm actually glad you had the balls to admit that, because most people wouldn't have, it shows you're a bigger man than most of us.

I have my moments, Buddy. They're not many and they don't come often, but when they do they're generally pretty powerful.

Like being reminded this morning that six years ago today I carried the flag draped coffin of Specialist Brian H. Marks (my father, a Vietnam Veteran) to it's final resting place after losing him to skin cancer which may or may not have been caused in part by his exposure to Agent Orange. That flag was the only acknowledgement of his military service that he wanted. As he said... "The Army was part of my life, it didn't define my life." Like I said, they're not many in number but they're strong emotional moments when they do come.

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Thanks for posting that. She has a very nice voice, even though country isn't my cup of tea.

It's rough on the young wives when they separate the first time. Most people can't even relate to separation of that length. Fortunately there are other wives going through the same thing, and they usually all get together and get each other through

the rough times

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My good friend Katy is a country singer and she just finished her song "A Soldier's Wife". Her husband is deployed in Iraq and she has had a tough time with it. I thought those of you in the military or with family and/or friends in the military could relate to it and would like it.


P.S...she is a HUGE redskins fan..in fact, we had her bachelorette party at a redskins game ;)

Can't listen to it because myspace is banned on gov't computers. Oh well, I sent the link to my wife and I should be able to hear it over the phone. Sounds like it's a great song and I hope she does well. I'm tearing up a little just reading the posts about the song.

OMFG!!!! I just listened to that and I'm sitting her crying as I type this. That is one of the most special and wonderful pieces of music I have heard in a VERY, VERY, VERY LONG TIME. Probably since I heard "Have you Forgotten"

MissU, thank you for posting that link. I was going to leave a comment for her, but I don't have a MySpace account so apparently I can't. The next time you see or talk to Katy please tell her that as the member of a family that has people currently overseas in the military and has a long history of military service, I think "A Soldier's Wife" is spectacular. I will definitely be looking to see if she's playing anywhere in the NorthEast in the near future.

Wow, that's all I can say. :notworthy

Mass you never cease to amaze me brother and thank you for your support.

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  • 6 months later...

As sort of an update, Katy sang the National Anthem for George Bush during a speech at the white house... You can go to the link and then click on the video icon on the right to listen and hear him talk about her :) Pretty cool.


Oh, and Katy's husband returned from his tour a few weeks ago. Very glad he's home safe :)

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Hi MissU28, thanks for the update. Your friend has a wonderful voice, especially well-suited for country. That's great that she got to sing for the president, amazing accomplishment! Please tell her thank-you for the sacrifice she and her family has made for this country.

P.S. The Redskins game bachelorette party is one of the best ideas I've ever heard of, I'm going to have to insist on this if I ever get married!

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