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ES Coverage: 2007 Training Camp - Day 5 (FINAL)


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As my boss ran up to my car to prevent me from leaving three hours early, he was pelted by the gravel and debris coming off of my spinning tires as I rolled the F out of work. And waving goodbye using only one finger, I made my way to Redskins Park to cover Day 5 of training camp.

Greeting bretheren and sisteren! I am JimmiJo and I will be your host for Day 5. Today we will see our first glimpse of a signed LaRon Landry. Today we will see what they do to compensate for the temporary loss of Chris Samuels. The fans are already out in force and soon we will be heading down to the fields. The sun is blazing and the temps are high.

But for some reason it feels like fall.

See you soon...


6:40PM Update

Back from the fields and a glorious day here at training camp. I've got photos. I've got audio. I've got tales to tell. Stand by for all of it and more...

7:25PM Tidbit

Stephon Heyer did in fact start at left tackle. He was very impressive. He spent the practice going against Andre Carter and I don't remember him getting beat. Listen to the audio from him if you have not already.


Injury Report

Kevin Jones - Hamstring

Pete Schmitt - Rotator Cuff

Clinton Portis - Tendonitis in knee


To listen to former Redskin Gary Clark click HERE

To listen to Ladell Betts click HERE

To listen to Stephon Heyer click HERE

To listen to Andre Carter (assessing Stephon Heyer) click HERE

To listen to Reed Doughty click HERE

To listen to Lemar Marshall click HERE

To listen to Anthony Montgomery click HERE

To listen to Joe Salave'a click HERE

To listen to Shaun Suisham click HERE



Photos 1


Photos 2


Photos 3



Despite being brutalized by the weather, we were all treated to a good day of practice. As I referenced in my tidbit above, Stephon Heyer played left tackle and did a swell job. When you read the quotes of the day below you will see that I am not the only one who was impressed with his play.

The team started with stretching (as always) and then on to squad drills. The best part of this portion was watching the receivers and Cooley work on different handshake techniques. I caught some of it in pictures. I could just hear them call out different types of handshakes. At the end Brandon Lloyd came up to Cooley and said, “We can always just do the old butt-squeeze.” He then proceeded to cup one Cooley butt-cheek in his right hand. I tried to snap the photo but my camera just would not go there.


Today’s practice was open to the public and while a smaller crowd than over the weekend, the fans were very loud once practice got underway. The team did something that I have never seen them do in two seasons covering. They began practice moving sideways on the field – from one sideline to the other. They did this I believe to use the defensive players not in the play to shield the practice from the fans so that they could not see what was being run. They practiced running plays during this portion and there was some hard hitting going on.

This has been a physical camp so far, much more so than last year. In the audio you will hear me mention to guys how their jerseys have paint on them. This is helmet paint I am talking about and it comes from hitting.

Soon the team got lined up in the proper direction on the field and the 7-on-7s, 9-on-9s, and 11-on-11s began.

Yes LaRon Landry was present (even though he avoided cameras it seemed during the shooting portion of the session) and played. While he did not do anything spectacular, he had one good hit today. Ladell Betts came through the left side of the line and into the secondary. Landry ran up and made contact – not trying to bring him down, but just to let him know he was there. Betts took the hit, bounced past and fell.

The feel-good story of today has got to Stephon Heyer who filled in for Chris Samuels. This kid let very little past him. He did an excellent job on Andre Carter, so much so that I wanted to ask Carter just one question after; what did he think about Heyer’s play? After practice Heyer was mobbed by reporters which showed I was not the only guy who noticed his good play. I was lucky enough to grab him afterward and by me speaking to him started another mob as cameras and reporters gathered round.

You may have heard me ask him about carrying gear. Today the rookies had to carry the shoulder pads and jerseys of the veterans. It looked like most all of the rookies had to do this today except one – no-one here remembers LaRon Landry carrying anything other than his helmet. Damn Millionaires...

Landry saw action today first lining up with the second team. In short order however he was working next to Sean Taylor. Another good play he made was breaking up a pass intended for Kyle Brown. Actually, it was more a case of alligator arms as LaRon was bearing down on Brown. After practice Safeties Coordinator Steve Jackson spoke about LaRon, saying he is really impressed with how he is doing so far as a rookie. I bet this will be up on Redskins.com and I advise you to watch.

The play of the day was made by Jerametrius Butler who made a spectacular interception of Todd Collins intended for Burl Toler. It was an over-the-shoulder pick 30 yards down the left sideline and you could see that Butler read it all the way. It would have been a great catch even if a receiver had made it.

Jason Campbell looked very good again today. His passes were crisp and accurately thrown. Behind him, Mark Brunell continues to look good. After these two however, it falls off the map.

I would say as far as the line play, the offensive line won the day on passing plays and the defensive line won the day on most running plays. There were a few exceptions where big holes were opened.

Derrick Blaylock had a very good day, taking one run to the house. He made a number of good receptions and runs.

Mike Sellers appears to have a need to run people over. Well, persons over. Well, a person over. In the last two training camps, I have seen him run poor little Reed Doughty over at least 5-6 times. He did so twice today. I razzed Reed a bit about this, but he took in good humor.

Near the end of the day the team brought out a little razzle-dazzle for the fans. They ran a flea-flicker and Campbell caught Atwaan Randle El streaking down the left side for a huge gain.

With the heat there was a little tussle towards the end of day. It looked like a linebacker got into to it with someone. It must be training camp…

Quotes of the Day

“Don’t you f******* push anybody!” – Greg Blache to Anthony Montgomery who pushed one of the offensive linemen in the back after the play

“It’s his feet! Look at the way he moves his feet. You can tell he is believing in his coaching. He’s doing great” - Trevor Matich raving about the good tackle play of Stephon Heyer


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What a beautiful day! I've been looking forward to updates about camp, seeing how Landry is looking, finding out more about Samuels, finding out more about WTF they are gonna do with the OL....

So I get outta work a little early to, and what is the first thing that happens when I get home?


Gentlemen, my season tickets have arrived!


Looking forward to hearing more about day 5! You guys keep up the great work, reporting and pics!

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I'm down with that... just make sure to inform the masses here that your reports will be even later than they typically are :)

Just make sure you pack a lunch, 'cause you're gonna be in for a long day. You'd be better off starting up with JimmiJo - much like his interviews he might just mail it in.

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"As my boss ran up to my car to prevent me from leaving three hours early, he was pelted by the gravel and debris coming off of my spinning tires as I rolled the F out of work. And waving goodbye using only one finger, I made my way to Redskins Park to cover Day 5 of training camp."

You are starting to develop some street cred my brotha! :D

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Oh, and if you interview any of the vets, like Portis or Moss, maybe even Griffin or Washington, i was wondering if they had anything special plans to welcome the rookies. Besides the usual carrying of the equipment.

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So, is Fabini taking Samuels spot while he's out.......or will Wade move over to LT?

I'm curious to see who steps up.

JimmiJo, I'm sure you will include this anyway, but if could include something about our Oline in your report.

We are all waiting to hear what our new offensive line looks like.

Thanks in advance! :cheers:

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JimmiJo, I'm sure you will include this anyway, but if could include something about our Oline in your report.

We are all waiting to hear what our new offensive line looks like.

Thanks in advance! :cheers:

According to Gary Fitzpatrick of Redskins.com, Stephon Heyer - the undrafted rookie out of UMD - is working with the first team offensive line at left tackle.

Just fyi...

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According to Gary Fitzpatrick of Redskins.com, Stephon Heyer - the undrafted rookie out of UMD - is working with the first team offensive line at left tackle.

LaCanfora is reporting the same thing. This kid is either getting a big look to see if he steps up before he's shown the door or he has the making of the new Redskins' Extremeskins mancrush. It would be awesome to have an undrafted kid show enough promise to earn a roster spot at reserve LT... one of the hardest positions to fill in the NFL.

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