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CNN: Marijuana may increase psychosis risk, analysis says


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Interesting. Then again I'd suggest that the use of marijuana itself already proves a significant lack of intelligence, common sense, and good judgement... but that's just my take on things.

Mass_SkinsFan.......I am not harping on you in any way. What you choose to do with your body is certainly your prerogative, and is not something that should be judged by anyone else. However, I believe this statement that you felt compelled to write is extremely shortsighted, especially when considering you have never once tried MJ. What you did was make a blanket accusation that everyone, no matter how much MJ they smoke or ingest is lacking in INTELLIGENCE, COMMON SENSE, and good judgement (and whether or not you choose to believe it, that is a large number of people). My personal belief is that ANYTHING done excessively can be harmful. But, to say that MJ is WORSE that alcohol is foolish. If you need to confirm this, just think about the kinds of trouble people get into while drinking.......and the kinds of trouble people get into while smoking MJ. Really think about that question, and then re-read your initial post. Here, I'll get you started....

Alcohol - Fights (crimes of aggression), DUI, waking up somewhere unknown to you (maybe next to someone unknown to you)...

MJ - uh....someone help me out here.....

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Yes, I am. I also tend to avoid any pain medication that gives that "loopy" feeling. Even to the point of enduring the pain of 31 teeth being extracted in an 8 day period on only Advil because I couldn't deal with the Percocets I was prescribed.

I am the same way with many other things in my life. For example you'll never see me eating Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream... for political reasons.

It deeply saddens me that you will never experience the goodness that is Half Baked Ben & Jerry's.

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I have seen the effects on others. I have read about the effects. I have discussed the effects with others who have experienced them. I have had it compared against the feeling of being drunk, which I have experienced, and from all these sources have determined that more than likely, I'd end up doing myself severe mental, if not physical harm in such an altered state BECAUSE of the personal panic I go into when I feel like I am out of control of my body & mind.

Man.....it is NOTHING like being drunk. The only reason MJ would be a problem for you would be because you have fear of losing control.

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Whereas I see that "exploration of the mind" as an experience I find vile, disgusting, and panic inducing (which I know from my two experiences being drunk). I find absolutely no redeeming qualities in that experience whatsoever.
Fair enough. I say legalize it, and if you don't like it, don't do it (I feel the same way about tobacco <note: I've never done either>).
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It deeply saddens me that you will never experience the goodness that is Half Baked Ben & Jerry's.

I'd love to, the moment they stop sending money to groups like Handgun Control, Inc. and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Until then, I'm not putting any more money in their pockets to use against the legal gun owners of the United States.

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Yes, I am. I also tend to avoid any pain medication that gives that "loopy" feeling. Even to the point of enduring the pain of 31 teeth being extracted in an 8 day period on only Advil because I couldn't deal with the Percocets I was prescribed.

I had to address this point, due to my burgeoning interest in amatuer dentistry. Are you saying that you have had 31 of your teeth pulled, leaving you with 1 tooth? And you did this on over the counter pain meds? Holy ****.

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Mass_SkinsFan.......I am not harping on you in any way. What you choose to do with your body is certainly your prerogative, and is not something that should be judged by anyone else. However, I believe this statement that you felt compelled to write is extremely shortsighted, especially when considering you have never once tried MJ. What you did was make a blanket accusation that everyone, no matter how much MJ they smoke or ingest is lacking in INTELLIGENCE, COMMON SENSE, and good judgement (and whether or not you choose to believe it, that is a large number of people). My personal belief is that ANYTHING done excessively can be harmful. But, to say that MJ is WORSE that alcohol is foolish. If you need to confirm this, just think about the kinds of trouble people get into while drinking.......and the kinds of trouble people get into while smoking MJ. Really think about that question, and then re-read your initial post. Here, I'll get you started....

Alcohol - Fights (crimes of aggression), DUI, waking up somewhere unknown to you (maybe next to someone unknown to you)...

MJ - uh....someone help me out here.....

No problem, Will. We're having a respectful discussion so far as I can see. Obviously we have very different views on this topic, which is fine. In my mind the use of marijuana does fall under the description I used in my original post... stupid, and lacking in common sense/good judgement. I will agree that almost anything dones in excess is likely harmful.

The simple act of possessing marijuana is a crime, Will. That's the trouble. Then you add the altered state of mind it induces, which I find both troubling and morally vacant. I can go from there if you really want, but I figure that should give you a good idea where I'm coming from.

Man.....it is NOTHING like being drunk. The only reason MJ would be a problem for you would be because you have fear of losing control.

I think you may have misunderstood what I was trying to say. The people who I have had that discussion with used the concept of being drunk (something I unfortunately HAVE been) as a benchmark to explain their description of being high. Suffice it to say that it's something I have NO INTEREST in ever experiencing.

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I had to address this point, due to my burgeoning interest in amatuer dentistry. Are you saying that you have had 31 of your teeth pulled, leaving you with 1 tooth? And you did this on over the counter pain meds? Holy ****.

I'd already had one removed several years earlier. My oral health has never been good. It was ignored for long enough that the decision to remove everything and go to full upper and lower plate dentures was made about four years ago. In the interest of getting everything done ASAP, I had 12 teeth removed one Monday and the other 19 the following Monday. I did it almost exclusively on over the counter meds and missed only one additional day of work beyond the two surgical dates.

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I'd already had one removed several years earlier. My oral health has never been good. It was ignored for long enough that the decision to remove everything and go to full upper and lower plate dentures was made about four years ago. In the interest of getting everything done ASAP, I had 12 teeth removed one Monday and the other 19 the following Monday. I did it almost exclusively on over the counter meds and missed only one additional day of work beyond the two surgical dates.

Damn.... There must have been some sort of a genetic component at work there. There are some people who never brush their teeth and simply never develop tooth decay. Others take great care, only to develop cavities regardless. My grandfather had dentures. I used to think it was funny when he'd stick them out at me. Next time you see a little kid, try that. It'll make him laugh (or cry).

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I have SERIOUS control issues, monk. On those limited occassions that I feel like I am no longer in control of my body or mind, I go into an absolute PANIC. To the point of flailing around, screaming, etc... It probably goes back to the Grand Mal seizure I had when I was four years old, but that's another story entirely.

Which means that pretty much any form of exploration of the human mind outside of meditation is something I avoid entirely.

I can understand your feelings on alcohol and prescription pain killers. While I do drink on occasion I'm not one for getting drunk. And pain killers are dangerously addictive. But pot....despite your fears is not the paranoia inducing substance you are being led to believe. The paranoia is related to your surroundings. In the right environment (nature) you'll find it to be much more calming.....something you would no doubt benefit from (no offense) while enhancing meditation. The same can be said for mushrooms, peyote, and other naturally growing psychotropics.

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No problem, Will. We're having a respectful discussion so far as I can see. Obviously we have very different views on this topic, which is fine. In my mind the use of marijuana does fall under the description I used in my original post... stupid, and lacking in common sense/good judgement. I will agree that almost anything dones in excess is likely harmful.

The simple act of possessing marijuana is a crime, Will. That's the trouble. Then you add the altered state of mind it induces, which I find both troubling and morally vacant. I can go from there if you really want, but I figure that should give you a good idea where I'm coming from.

I think you may have misunderstood what I was trying to say. The people who I have had that discussion with used the concept of being drunk (something I unfortunately HAVE been) as a benchmark to explain their description of being high. Suffice it to say that it's something I have NO INTEREST in ever experiencing.

I have to say, being that you do not do anything with regularity, I can really empathize with your side of this. To not do ANYTHING of the sort is Noble, and hence I truly respect your side of this discussion. But, from the perspective of what should be legal/illegal in this country....I truly feel that MJ is benign when compared to the troubles caused by alcohol. This country FEEDS us cigarettes and alcohol.....both of which are proven to kill MANY people every year (in addition to the other issues I mentioned concerning alcohol), and, in the case of cigarettes, to be extremely addictive. There is no proof of MJ ruining lives (outside of the law), or even that it has killed EVEN ONE PERSON. So, your initial statement seems a little off. I know that someone like you, who is concerned about the death toll from firearms, can agree with that. Ever see the movie 'Thank You For Smoking' BTW?

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I'd already had one removed several years earlier. My oral health has never been good. It was ignored for long enough that the decision to remove everything and go to full upper and lower plate dentures was made about four years ago. In the interest of getting everything done ASAP, I had 12 teeth removed one Monday and the other 19 the following Monday. I did it almost exclusively on over the counter meds and missed only one additional day of work beyond the two surgical dates.

You should get a purple heart for that....

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I can understand your feelings on alcohol and prescription pain killers. While I do drink on occasion I'm not one for getting drunk. And pain killers are dangerously addictive. But pot....despite your fears is not the paranoia inducing substance you are being led to believe. The paranoia is related to your surroundings. In the right environment (nature) you'll find it to be much more calming.....something you would no doubt benefit from (no offense) while enhancing meditation. The same can be said for mushrooms, peyote, and other naturally growing psychotropics.

No, actually the paranoia is related to the lack of control that I feel in such situations. It even occurs under theraputic hypnosis, which we found out when I was a child. Personal Meditation is the only form of mental "broadening" that I've ever been able to involve myself in without suffering staggering panic attacks.

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I have to say, being that you do not do anything with regularity, I can really empathize with your side of this. To not do ANYTHING of the sort is Noble, and hence I truly respect your side of this discussion.

Thank you. I have a high amount of respect for your side as well. Especially when presented in a polite, reasonable manner as you have.

But, from the perspective of what should be legal/illegal in this country....I truly feel that MJ is benign when compared to the troubles caused by alcohol. This country FEEDS us cigarettes and alcohol.....both of which are proven to kill MANY people every year (in addition to the other issues I mentioned concerning alcohol), and, in the case of cigarettes, to be extremely addictive.

Believe me, I'd love to see cigarettes go the same was as cocaine, heroin, and marijuana. I see no positive effect to tobacco either, and I've already commented on the alcohol issue.

There is no proof of MJ ruining lives (outside of the law), or even that it has killed EVEN ONE PERSON. So, your initial statement seems a little off. I know that someone like you, who is concerned about the death toll from firearms, can agree with that. Ever see the movie 'Thank You For Smoking' BTW?

There are more important things than death that can be the dangers of marijuana use. Most of them are morally based. My concern about the death toll from firearms is more who is dying than how many. If the death toll was 10K criminals, I'd be ALL for it. No I haven't seen the movie. Then again I already believe smoking to be pretty much as bad as drug use.

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For the most part yes. In small, moderated doses alcohol is a less grevious substance in my mind, but it's not something I find much use for in general.

Somewhat. On this issue it's a matter of the altered state of mind caused by any use of MJ and the overuse of alcohol that I believe creates the problem as much if not more than the legality of the substance.

Yes it is, and if I actually gave a care what anyone else thought I might find your viewpoint interesting and informative; but since I don't, have a nice day.

And if you use them both at the same time, WOW!

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There are more important things than death that can be the dangers of marijuana use. Most of them are morally based.

Care to elaborate? I'm having a difficult time making the connection.

Then again....I'm also having a difficult time putting my thumb on the pulse of your moral compass after seeing your feelings on prostitution.

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Care to elaborate? I'm having a difficult time making the connection.

Then again....I'm also having a difficult time putting my thumb on the pulse of your moral compass after seeing your feelings on prostitution.

The few users of marijuana I have been directly exposed to over the years were basically lazy, worthless sacks of **** who didn't deserve the oxygen they were breathing or the flesh they inhabited. Likewise, the standard stereotype I've gotten from society is one of laziness, sloth, and just generally malaise. All things I find morally repugnant. Additionally, I'm not sure how many regular users hold down steady, full-time jobs or carry out their moral obligations as Men and women in society. Now, I'm seriously generalizing here, but that's the impression I have of the majority of regular MJ users.

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The few users of marijuana I have been directly exposed to over the years were basically lazy, worthless sacks of **** who didn't deserve the oxygen they were breathing or the flesh they inhabited. Likewise, the standard stereotype I've gotten from society is one of laziness, sloth, and just generally malaise. All things I find morally repugnant. Additionally, I'm not sure how many regular users hold down steady, full-time jobs or carry out their moral obligations as Men and women in society. Now, I'm seriously generalizing here, but that's the impression I have of the majority of regular MJ users.

As opposed to those of us who don't partake, have a full time job, pay our bills on time, are judgemental and spend an inordinate amount of our employers time posting about guns, MJ and the revolutionary war on an internet message board. I include myself in that group by the way. :) At least I'll have an excuse soon. :laugh:

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As opposed to those of us who don't partake, have a full time job, pay our bills on time, are judgemental and spend an inordinate amount of our employers time posting about guns, MJ and the revolutionary war on an internet message board. I include myself in that group by the way. :) At least I'll have an excuse soon. :laugh:

Actually I'm not at work today. I was on-call last week and spent the entire evening (9pm to 8am) at work last night, so I had today off. :silly:

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