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Man Versus Wild Fraud

Zen-like Todd

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Survival show faces 'fake' claim

Channel 4 is to investigate a claim that it misled viewers in a survival series, in the latest allegation of reality being manipulated on a TV show.

Born Survivor featured British adventurer Bear Grylls dealing with "perilous situations" in the wild.

But a crew member told the Sunday Times some nights were spent in hotels.

Channel 4 insisted Grylls was never billed as working entirely unaided, but promised to raise the matter with the production company that made the show.

American survival consultant Mark Weinert, who was recruited by Diverse Productions, told the paper Grylls claimed to be stranded on a desert island on one occasion.

However, he was actually in Hawaii and spent some of his time there in a motel, Mr Weinert alleged.

Another time, he added, Grylls was filmed building a raft by himself, whereas the crew had actually put it together and dismantled it beforehand, to ensure that it worked.

And in a further episode, supposedly "wild" horses rounded up by Grylls had come from a local trekking facility, he claimed.

Further investigation

Channel 4 said in a statement that Born Survivor was "not an observational documentary series, but a 'how-to' guide to basic survival techniques in extreme environments".

"The programme explicitly does not claim that presenter Bear Grylls' experience is one of unaided solo survival.

"For example, he often directly addresses the production team, including the cameraman, making it clear he is receiving an element of back-up."

The broadcaster said Grylls carried out his own stunts and did place himself in perilous situations, "though he does so within clearly-observed health and safety guidelines required on productions of this kind".

"However, we take any allegations of misleading our audiences seriously and will be looking into this further with Diverse over the next few days."

The series was originally made for the Discovery Channel in the US and was acquired for UK transmission by Channel 4.

Diverse Productions declined to elaborate on Channel 4's statement, while Grylls's agent was unavailable for comment.

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Who cares? Bear is clearly knowledgable. Even if he does have some help, he shows people what to do if they're caught in the wilderness. It's an awesome show, regardless of how he spends his nights. It's hard to fake eating grubs, falling in quicksand, that nasty crap in Scotland, jumping into freezing water, etc.

The man MADE A BOW in the ecuadorian rain forest, and HUNTED PIRANHA!

He's pretty awesome, as well as the show.

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Well I am sure he has to travel to the locations in order to get there, who cares if he stays in a hotel some nights? He is on location and has to stay somewhere when filming is over.

He never says that he is doing everything entirely by himself, but everything he shows viewers is what is needed to survive some time in the locations he travels to.

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Talking about it and demonstrating it are cool. I watch to see them live it. Bear fails on that one. Kind of like watching NASCAR with bumper cars. He couldn't possibly die on his adventures (not that I want to see any of them die) but Les could.

Is Les out on his own?

Well, it doesn't really matter, Bear could die as well, you are going up against mother nature and wild animals, neither one of those mess around. I will take the avalance versus 3 to 4 people every time.

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C'mon kao. We both know that if you're in waters below freezing for too long, you can die. He's been in that. He could die just as easily as Les. I like them both, Les seems more of a hippy, while bear is more entertaining to watch.

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first off, it is obvious that he has a camera crew with him. Second, how do they get along?? They have to survive too, I think it foolish to think that they do not work together on shelters and other things in order to survive the wild. Not to mention the stuff he does, is crazy and would certianly be in need of help if something went wrong. I don't believe the program to be 100% true man vs. wild, but more of a lesson plan for survival and entertaining to boot. Regardless of the alligations, Bear is THE MAN!!!!

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this guy is a puss.

"I really hate killing these animals..I really do."

Whereas Bear killed a freakin rattlesnake in the rockies.

Did I mention that he hunted PIRANHA with a bow he made in the Ecuadorian rainforest?

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Survivor Man walked 5 miles, found a stream and had to walk back to get the camera equipment and bring it back, set it up and get the shot


real man.

this guy is a puss.

Thank you. I knew I wasn't the only one to see through his fraudalent tough guy act.

C'mon kao. We both know that if you're in waters below freezing for too long, you can die. He's been in that. He could die just as easily as Les. I like them both, Les seems more of a hippy, while bear is more entertaining to watch.

Dude, there was a helicopter in the backgroung (I'd bet) with thermal blankets ready to wisk him off to a cushy condo. Puss indeed.

first off, it is obvious that he has a camera crew with him. Second, how do they get along?? They have to survive too, I think it foolish to think that they do not work together on shelters and other things in order to survive the wild. Not to mention the stuff he does, is crazy and would certianly be in need of help if something went wrong. I don't believe the program to be 100% true man vs. wild, but more of a lesson plan for survival and entertaining to boot. Regardless of the alligations, Bear is THE MAN!!!!

Of course they work together...that's what makes them pusses. Bear couldn't carry Les' hippy jockstrap in the wild. Like I said, mano y mano Bear would win the fight to the death. More the reason to redicule him for not manning up and do a REAL survivor show.

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It's different. Isn't les just trying to survive in one spot until someone rescues him?

Bear is all about getting out of the peril you're in. He's trying to escape.

And kao, the one I'm talking about is where he jumped into icy water, climbed up a cliff, and then into a thermal pool to warm up. There's danger to both, and they're both good shows. But MVW is definately more entertaining to me.

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Survivorman isnt always "on his own" either or he wouldn't have a show...he complains too much too.


Q. What is your back up emergency plan?

Les: I'm supposed to be able to pull the plug whenever I need to and so I carry an emergency satellite phone...

Q. Do you really run all the equipment yourself ? Isn't there a crew with you?

Les: I have a crew come in with me for the first introduction day only - then they leave me alone to do my thing for the week. That's the way it has to be or I don't have a show. So I run all the cameras myself - set ups and tear downs...build my shelters and try to catch game...start my fires...all completely alone. Sometimes the crew knows where I am...sometimes they don't...and sometimes there has been no back up crew - I'm out there on my own until the end of the week.

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It's disappointing. It was always obvious Bear Grylls had a camera crew with him, but he did put himself in perilous situations, especially with some of his climbs. I would have liked to have believed he was truly roughing it however. His show is more entertaining, and I have no doubt with his training and background he could survive in these situtations, but I like the idea of Les Stroud's show that he's not getting any help. I'd like to see Bear Grylls go it alone.

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It's different. Isn't les just trying to survive in one spot until someone rescues him?

Bear is all about getting out of the peril you're in. He's trying to escape.

And kao, the one I'm talking about is where he jumped into icy water, climbed up a cliff, and then into a thermal pool to warm up. There's danger to both, and they're both good shows. But MVW is definately more entertaining to me.

I agree, I like them both...it's fun to yank some chains though. :silly:

Fact is, which is more useful to me? I'm more likely to have to survive until someone finds me in say the Rockies than I am to have to build a bow in Ecuador to shoot piranha. I don't know the percentage, but far more people live to tell the tale by staying somewhat put and surviving, than attempting to escape.

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Survival show faces 'fake' claim....

The dude drank his own urine. The show is spell binding and Baer is a great host.

I disagree about one thing. They say on the show that the crew doesn't help him at all and has strict instructions not to help him.

Now having said that, in the last show I saw Baer purposly dunked himself in a frozen lake in freezing weather to demonstrate survival techniques. When he climbed out of the lake and returned to the fire he had prepared; the fire had gone out. I assume if Baer wasn't able to get the fire going again his crew wouldn't have left him their to die.

All in all, it's an amaizing show and is very well done.

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both shows are entertaining and only a fool would believe that they're "on their own". Calling "fraud" would presume someone believed it to be.

My father went thru a 2 week survival training, for OCS or flight training, in the sierra nevadas. within days, he and his friend found thier way to reno. they had my mother wire them some cash and ate, drank, and gambled then made thier way back into the woods. The instructors couldn't figure out why they gained weight, when everyone else lost like 10lbs. :D

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The man MADE A BOW in the ecuadorian rain forest, and HUNTED PIRANHA!

That was a good episode!

I love the show...and I always thought there must be some outside help there somewhere. Survivorman is the one who's really crucial, but Man Vs.Wild is a fantastic show nonetheless.

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The dude drank his own urine. The show is spell binding and Baer is a great host.

He also drank the water out of elephant dung and he eats snakes live like it's no big deal. Just watching him swim in alligator infested water is good enough tv to keep me enchanted.

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I thought the Mount Kilauea episode was a joke. The lava field, caves, and live flow are accessible by car. Why? because geologists are studying them all the time. :)

Also, Volcanoes National Park is a small lava park because Kilauea is a small volcano that's actually just a pimple of the volcano it rests on, Mauna Loa.

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Bear Rules!

I watched like 8 straight episodes on Sunday and was riveted with each one.

He is the real deal. Even though a few episodes, you can tell he was over dramatizing the danger (he always says he is allot higher than he actually is) - I really cant imagine him repelling down a waterfall, with a vine, which looked at least 60 feet hight. He had to have some equipment on that one.

Anyway, he rocks and I am sure there have been some liberties taken.

Rock on Bear!

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