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I may be turning into one of "THEM"


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Actually...its one of you. Yeah. Thats right. One of those folks who spends more time in the Tailgate and not in the Stadium. Throwing myself into political discussions that and the end of the day have no answers. Playing the "silly" word games and "name your favorite" threads. Showing your cars, yourself and well...anything else you may be willing to show that you wont get banned by posting. Understanding that MSF has no sense of humor...and why.;) Sharing random thoughts at random times. Squeezing in a picture of a hot babe at any time it may seem appropriate...or not appropriate for that matter. Enjoying taking advice on very personal matters form people who...generally speaking if you were walking down the street and they walked up and smacked you you still wouldnt know who they were. Being a part of the TW clan. I still am here for my SKINS....but find that the tailgate atmosphere is most enjoyable. Here's to all of you!:cheers:

Now...who do we need to talk to about getting these posts to count?:D




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I'm pretty well convinced that everybody here that's worth their weight in spit has this epiphany eventually DOOG. But don't worry, come the regular season, your posts will degenerate back into game-thread musings like, "PPPPPPORTISSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and "DAMNIT C-LOS!!!!!111!!1!11!!!!"

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This is definately my favorite part of the site now. I'm tired of the bickering over uniforms and sissy complaints in the stadium. Plus it;s offseason, so there isn't much to talk about anyway.

not only that...you can post without feeling like you have to throw our teh old "IM SORRY IF I MISSED THIS I DID A SEARCH" crap. Its much looser, for lack of a better term, over here. And most of the conversations are more engaging, whether you agree with them or not.

I'm pretty well convinced that everybody here that's worth their weight in spit has this epiphany eventually DOOG. But don't worry, come the regular season, your posts will degenerate back into game-thread musings like, "PPPPPPORTISSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and "DAMNIT C-LOS!!!!!111!!1!11!!!!"

Oh...I'm sure. The Skins is what has brought us here and I dont see that changing.

It's just too bad that the Stadium isnt as welcoming as the Tailgate.:2cents:



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haha. Nice post DOOG. That pic reminds me of ESL.

Seriously though, the reason I stay in the tailgate is because I hate all those noob posters than start threads about "Campbell/Bramlett QB Controversy?" threads.

Yea, I know we were all noobs once but I dont like stupid threads.

And yea posts should count in the tailgate.

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There are a lot of reasons why I avoid the stadium. I'd list them, but I'd probably get banned as a result. Something about an annoying double-standard, if you know what I mean.

yes...yes I think I do.;) :logo:

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