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Bruce Smith at the Press Conference

Guest fuji869

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Guest fuji869

Chick Hernandez on ComCast Sports made a good remark about Bruce Smith being @ the Spurrier Press Conference. It seemed like Bruce was not to keen about Marty coming back and was not planning to return to the Skins next season but now with the coaching change it could be different?

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The statement made by Darrell Green was the initial step and the leak that let you know the tide was turning.

It just came in the middle of the media circus, so it got swallowed up. I did make a couple of references to it, but most were keen on other stuff. Anywho, the fact that the three main vets with playoff expertise, were immediately brought to the fore. The actually 'felt' a need to do it. Some of it's on their own, some from the renewed determination under Marty.

It is a very profound and as much as others may find the "the dark side" to every good story, Spurrier is not the wimp others would like him to be and he definitely knows how to motivate and lead, even without shouting.

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I almost wish Bruce wasn't coming back. Next year will be his 18th season, and you have to wonder how long he can hold up. It seemed as though this year (especially in the Dallas game), that he was just going for sacks and not worrying about the run. I don't want somebody like that on our team. It's preventing us from moving Kenard over and picking up a DT as well. (Parella?)

Just my opinion.

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I think that is all he should be doing anyway. If the new D.C. can convince him to be a pass rush specialist and only come in on passing downs I would be ok with it. Plus, if we pick up a young DE in the draft, it would be nice to have Bruce to tutor him.


Randy Redskin

Fan for Life

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Bruce's return helps this team. Instead of burning dead cap money now, we have approximately the same hit and we have a player that can help us. I think he's a whining little beyatch, but, for another season, this helps this football team on the field and with the cap.


Doom is in the box.

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I think we need to get a replacement for him, whether he commits to return or not. Face it, he's guaranteed to be gone in a year (maybe two, but I wouldn't bet on it). So, if you get a DE (or a DT, and plan to move KLang over), then the worst that can happen is that you'll have gotten one a year before you absolutely had to.

Now, if we can get him to take a lead from Darrell, and become a role player (and model), he could be really usefull. (I've heard a few people say that one person who deserves a lot of credit for the Packers success is McMann: because every time the rookie Farve came off the field after a rookie mistake, McMann was the guy who talked to him about it).

If we can talk him into taking situational pay, that wouldn't hurt, either.

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I nominate Orangeskins for the "Mr. Negative Fan" for this board.

Are you sure you're not Bucs92?


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Bruce Smith for 20 plays a game is an asset to the Redskins. As a full-time performer, Bruce is a guy that will wear down and give you less and less as the season progresses. Some of this is of course age, but it is also worth noting that Smith has gone from 295 pounds in the late 1980's to 264 today.

At 264, you are not going to be able to hold the point of attack against players like Larry Allen and Ron Stone.

When Marty was fired, I think there was a collective sense of relief. The tension was in the air for every minute that Marty was here.

Perhaps it was just my perception but Marty was not and it didn't look like he ever intended, to become a part of the community here the way Joe Gibbs did. True he didn't have 10 years to get comfortable, but Marty held himself so aloof from everyone that it s hard to believe he would ever develop the kind of fan loyalty and following that a more dynamic and personable coach would.

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Bruce should be back as a part-time player.He is really only interested in the sacks and a ring. I would rather see Lang at DT during pssing downs and at end the other times. I think Lang got worn down during the last part of the season. It was interesting that the players who Spurrier had spoken to at Redskin Park-were all defensive players.

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Bruce should be back as a part-time player.He is really only interested in the sacks and a ring. I would rather see Lang at DT during pssing downs and at end the other times. I think Lang got worn down during the last part of the season. It was interesting that the players who Spurrier had spoken to at Redskin Park-were all defensive players.

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Contrary to some of what we have as proof and the way the support of the players are to each other in this regard, Bruce Smith may have been more concerned that he was actually wearing thin in practice more. When the games came, he was too spent, for his age. Since the starters are constantly used in practice, with the first team, Green wasn't always tapped, as much as Smoot, except for the 3 game swing until Smoot's return.

Not that Darrell Green's performance should be discounted, but taking on tackles, sometimes an additional lineman or TE and having to chase down the RB or FB can have it's drain on you. With Marty ball the beloved defense was whipped constantly to impress Marty, even when it should have chilled. Still Smith's complaints were shabby at times and untimely, since most in the world already knew about it.

Slap! "Snap out of it!" Cher, in Moonstruck

He did and now hopefully he will accept the "role" he may be given, while a coach focuses on building, and working toward the future of the team.

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i think you're all short changing bruce a bit. of course he's after the sack record. of course he wants to go to a SB - that's why he came to DC in the first place. i seem to recall comments during the season that he loved playing football and realized that this was his run and he wanted to play as long as he met his standards. additionally, i recall him stating that he truly enjoyed the team comraderie that evolved as the season wore on. he's no saint, but he's not the one dimensional character many paint him to be.


looking through a glass onion

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