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Offensive Line Rankings


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7. Washington Redskins

The Redskins have one of the best tackle combinations in the league in Jon Jansen on the right side and Chris Samuels on the left. They are big parts of a unit that was one of only three in the NFL to give up fewer than 20 sacks (19) in 2006. At the same time, they were able to gain over 4.5 yards per carry and pile up the fourth-best overall rushing total (2,216 yards) in the league. With the highly respected Joe Bugel coaching the line, the players are starting to live up to expectations. They are not the heaviest line in the league, but they are athletic and do a great job of eliminating mistakes that can cause turnovers and losses. Center Casey Rabach has become the glue that holds the unit together and is just coming into his prime in his sixth season. Guard Randy Thomas is also in his prime.


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this has to be the most solid team on paper (what else is new?) going into this NFL season.

the defensive line will do great as long as the backs stay healthy.

a decent place kicker is worth about 3 extra victories and that's all we need.

it's up to the coaches!!!

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this has to be the most solid team on paper (what else is new?) going into this NFL season.

the defensive line will do great as long as the backs stay healthy.

a decent place kicker is worth about 3 extra victories and that's all we need.

it's up to the coaches!!!

I'd say that eight for nine is pretty decent. Suisham has my vote.

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we'll have to see how wade works out at left guard. dockery was very solid. gibbs and saunders like to pull a lot so wade will have to be quick and in shape.

it's not news that we have a great run blocking line, but those sack numbers are slighty skewed from all of brunell's throws to the bench. JC's mobility will help, no doubt.

man, i can't wait to see the portis-betts duo rack up 2,500 yards this year!

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wow. Kinda funny how the big knock on our offense is the line work?

The knock on our offense has been inconsistancy at the QB position. I think the line has been generally well respected for the last two seasons.... they had an uphill battle to regain respect after their rep was ruined by the two Spurrier seasons.

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The knock on our offense has been inconsistancy at the QB position. I think the line has been generally well respected for the last two seasons.... and they had an uphill battle to climb after their rep was ruined by the two Spurrier seasons.

Actually, didn't Dockery come under Spurrier? He was the only drafted bright spot for a while.

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This is one solid line. Even with the new addition of Wade this line is still a line to be rekoned with. We will still pound the ball just like the Gibbs teams of the 80's. With the addition of Campbell's big play arm(if he stays acurate) will open up this offense to scoring at least 7 points more per game. That alone wins us 6 more games last year. We will see this year the results of the past 3 years of gibbs trying to fix 15 years of ineptitude.

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ESPN talking semi nice?


But really if you read the whole artcle they are not being nice. For instance look at Cincy's review.

5. Cincinnati Bengals

The Bengals have a combination of experience and youth with right tackle Willie Anderson entering his 12th season and the other four players following his lead. They have a quality left tackle in Levi Jones, who is more of a finesse-type blocker than a smashmouth drive blocker, and massive guards Bobby Williams and Andrew Whitworth, both of whom are in the 340-pound range. The center position is adequately handled by third-year man Eric Ghiaciuc, though he is still learning the nuances of the position at the NFL level. Cincinnati was in the middle of the pack last year with 36 sacks allowed and just 3.7 yards per carry, and having pretty much stayed put with the same group, it will be difficult to show much improvement.

How the heck are we behind them? We are one of the top three teams protecting the QB, we have the fourth best rushing total in the league with a solid 4.5 yards per carry despite our all-star top of the line RB being down and the guy who was beat out by Trung Candidate taking on the heavy lifting.

Fact is the only line in the league with a legitmate argument for being better than the dirbags is Indy.

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I hate being 'that guy' but I think this has been posted before.

Anyways, I think we should be ranked higher. I know Dockery's replacement is still a question mark but some of the OL's ranked higher than us also have question marks. Besides, Dockery was our 4th-5th best lineman, which is not a knock on Dockery but the fact that we have some great/good players on our line.

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this make me wonder wtf was wrong with our offense last year.

While I can't find the stats to back this up, I would suspect our average overal offensive ranking is due to a poor redzone efficiency. Betts is not a goalline back, he is able to follow blocks but is not able to run people over for that last foot or two to put up 6. Combine that with the fact that all of our WRs are shorter than 6 foot, it makes the red-zone a scary place.

Also do not forget that we had an inept QB and a first time starter throwing the pigskin around for us. That likely skewed our numbers overall by quite a bit.

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I will persist that our low offensive rankings last year were due to several things, but not our offensive line. Throughout the year, and especially towards the end, our O-Line was terrific, as evidenced by Ladell Betts coming-out party. I think the things to blame (among others) were our QB play (which picked up once JC took the reins), our porous defense (causing our offense to stay off the field), and horrible play-calling in the redzone. I did not agree with many of Saunders' calls last season, as I don't think we used our potent running attack effectively last season. Obviously, I'm not an offensive coordinator, but some of those plays were unnecessary.

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If their metrics are yards per carry and sacks, then, with our 4.5 ypc and 19 sacks, we should be in front of the Broncos (4.4 ypc, 31 sacks), Bengals (3.7 ypc, 36 sacks) and Patriots (3.9 ypc, 29 sacks).

And none of the other 3 teams ahead of us have better ypc AND sacks, so it's possible we should be even higher than 4th. Keep in mind that our 4.5 ypc came with an injured Clinton Portis.

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this make me wonder wtf was wrong with our offense last year.

Inconsistant QB play. Brunell is done and Campbell made his first 7 starts in the NFL. His development will be the key factor, he'll need to be more accurate.

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this make me wonder wtf was wrong with our offense last year.

You mean the offense that allowed Ladell Betts to average 4.8 ypc while breaking 1000 yards despite not starting for a good portion of the season? The one that kept Brunell and Campbell upright most of the year? That offense? :)

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