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ESPN Sports Nation: 7-9 Redskin Tidbits


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egami (iowa): KK, thanks for the chat, what NFL coaches do you think are in their last season with their current team?

SportsNation Keith Kidd: Here are the possible teams that could be looking for coaches in '08: Bucs, Giants, Browns, Jaguars, Titans, Redskins, Panthers,..and here are three more possibilities Seahawks, Packers and Vikings. It could be an explosive offseason from what I am being told around the league.

Alex (Washington, DC): Keith, I think everyone is going to see a vast improvement in the Redskins' defense since last year, when they ranked 31st in the league. Does anyone remember how consistently dominant they were the previous two years?? I feel like with a healthy Springs starting the season, one more year of experience for Carlos Rogers, and the additions of Smoot and Landry, their secondary is good enough to mask any deficiencies the defensive line might have. Your thoughts??

SportsNation Keith Kidd: The goal of this offseason was to simply things on defense. This team still needs to find a way to create pressure with its four man rush while not giving away big plays at the back end. I do think they will be an improved team on offense, because I liked what I saw from Campbell last season.

Kevin (Manassas): If this is Gibbs last year in DC, will the Skins go after Cowher, or will they hand the job to Williams or Saunders?

SportsNation Keith Kidd: The things I have heard out of DC is that Joe Gibbs might eventually move up to a position in the organization when he decides to step away. But that time and that decision will be his.

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Depends on how they got there. Significant injuries at key spots could make any team 5-11. Barring that possibility, I think a change should be considered. Gibbs has earned the right for the benefit of the doubt, but everyone needs to be accountable for a sustained poor performance..even Joe.

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I will be happy with Gibbs here as long as he wants to be. He made the Redskins. End of story.

Its the biggest homer kind of thing to say, but i gotta agree.

This is only the second season Saunders, Williams, and Gibbs have all worked together, the beginning of stability. What I hope we will see this season is a playoff run, and hopefully Gibbs re-ups for another two seasons, building a championship, and steps away from it in threee years after winning a Superbowl, or hands a team ready to win a superbowl over to someone else. I know its a long shot, but here's to hoping... :cheers:

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Depends on how they got there. Significant injuries at key spots could make any team 5-11. Barring that possibility, I think a change should be considered. Gibbs has earned the right for the benefit of the doubt, but everyone needs to be accountable for a sustained poor performance..even Joe.

Sorry, but when your coach is the only one who has ever won a Lombardi for your franchise over a 40+ year period--and he won 3--he can coach as long as he damn well pleases.

The person who supports firing Joe Gibbs after another bad season is the type of person who didn't want to "overpay" Monk to play out his career here.

Long-term perspective, please.

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Joe Gibbs did not make the 5-11 season last year. He did not play a single down of football. If you ask any professional player in the league, they will say the same thing. The players are responsible for the record. Coaching of course has something to do with it, but the bottom line is the players have to win the game. Joe Gibbs is a HOF coach, and was handed a terrible team to take over. He will have a winning season, and will be in the playoffs this season, thus making next season a mute point.

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if gibbs record this year is 5-11 yet again, do you really want to keep him for the 5th year

Without even thinking twice. We have three Super Bowl trophies, who coached us to all of them? Who is in Canton? That's what I thought.

This is Gibbs franchise. He made us who we are, he created our reputation, our tradition, he wrote the history book that is the Washington Redskins. He has the right to coach as long as he wants. Period.

If Joe Gibbs can't make things right in DC, then I sure as hell don't know who can.

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keep in mind joe gibbs was out of the leage for a LONG time. he is still getting accustomed to the game of todays nfl. besides he also has a lot more responsibility this time around. he has only been back for three seasons and already the organization is showing signs of lessons learned.

if only we had learned them about 10 years ago...

it is gibbs choice and his alone when and how he leaves. hopefully it is with a solid foundation and a NEW tradition of winning.:logo:

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Without even thinking twice. We have three Super Bowl trophies, who coached us to all of them? Who is in Canton? That's what I thought.

This is Gibbs franchise. He made us who we are, he created our reputation, our tradition, he wrote the history book that is the Washington Redskins. He has the right to coach as long as he wants. Period.

If Joe Gibbs can't make things right in DC, then I sure as hell don't know who can.

So you are saying, that if we are 5-11 again, that it isn't proof that the game has passed JG by and there is no proof to the fact that his drafting and trading strategies are flawed greatly and that just because he coached along time ago at a high level, that he is still great and not a bad coach/president this time? Wake up from your pretty delusions.

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Kevin (Manassas): If this is Gibbs last year in DC, will the Skins go after Cowher, or will they hand the job to Williams or Saunders?

SportsNation Keith Kidd: The things I have heard out of DC is that Joe Gibbs might eventually move up to a position in the organization when he decides to step away. But that time and that decision will be his.

Nice job of not even answering the question that was asked. Not that he really could know the answer anyway, but still....

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if gibbs record this year is 5-11 yet again, do you really want to keep him for the 5th year

Being a diehard Redskins fan, my answer is "No."

Another 5-11 team w/ players he picked, not handed to him, oh no. Coming back after another 5-11 season would ruin his HOF image.

I hope this is a 10-6 or better team. We'll know by the 3rd pre-season game. Don't forget how bad we played last pre-season against the Patriots. Everyone thought it was just a bad game. We played the entire season minus 1 or 2 games like that.

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ugh, this is the problem with joe gibbs. there is no accountability at all from the majority of the fans here. he could take us 0-16, and somehow the majority of you would find justification in it because of what he accomplished almost over 2 decades ago. so far gibbs has done as follows:

2004: 6-10

2005: 10-6 playoff win

2006: 5-11 after spending loads of cash

anybody other than gibbs would have been fired the night the giants bludgeoned us. but snyder cant fire gibbs, he'd alienate a huge portion of this teams fans. gibbs cannot coach the redskins for the rest of eternity no matter how many of you want him to. if gibbs cannot take us to at least 8-8 this season, he needs to go. we need to think about the future, and 68 year old joe gibbs isnt it. the longer we delay attempting to find a long term coach the more painful its going to be.

and whoever said 06 wasnt his fault, i wont blame him for the defense, but our offensive mess early on is all on him. he let this team run amuck and it really hurt us. when he finally gained control over everything after portis went down, our offense resembled something good, but gibbs is 100% to blame for the decisions he made early on this season. keeping brunell in there and getting away from the power rushing game falls all on him.

flame away.

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