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microsoft and their new imaging technology...should adobe be nervous?

Leonard Washington

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the guy sounds like the biggest nerd on earth...i think he calls it sea dragon or c dragon. it's a program that stores gigabytes of pictures, and lets you view all of them at any levels of zooming and orientation.

here's the link.


Microsoft is a monopoly. Thus their technology is irrelevant. If they build it you have no choice but to use it, if they so decide....

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Microsoft is a monopoly. Thus their technology is irrelevant. If they build it you have no choice but to use it, if they so decide....

Microsoft is smarter then everyone else. They crack into a new market and become a major player in it in no time. Look what microsoft has done in bussiness applications, and server apps etc... I have been very impressed with some of the products they have coming out.

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Microsoft is a monopoly. Thus their technology is irrelevant. If they build it you have no choice but to use it, if they so decide....

Big bad Microsoft. The computer industry would be so much better off without them. :doh:

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Methinks you didn't look to see how badass that thing they made is... flicker technology rules!!!

As I said, their technology is irrelevant. If Microsoft decides you will use it, you have no choice but to use it. They can disable adobe on your machine. They can disable their operating systems, Microsoft office, and all their other software if you try to remove it. That's how Microsoft Internet Explorer became the pre-eminant browser. Netscape had 95% of the market and was a superior product. Over night IE replaced them. Not because any consumer actively choose IE, but because consumers weren't given the choice.

Sure Microsoft eventually had to pay a fine. Microsoft always has to pay a fine. Fact is however it's cheaper to pay the fine and take the market share than the alternative. The fine for subverting the marketplace is just the price of doing Business the Microsoft way.

Let me count the number of innovative products/ software companies Microsoft has put out of business not based upon a superior product but based upon their monopolistic marketplace leverage.

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Microsoft is smarter then everyone else. They crack into a new market and become a major player in it in no time. Look what Microsoft has done in business applications, and server apps etc... I have been very impressed with some of the products they have coming out.

The only new innovative software Microsoft has ever come out with is the Basic PC compiler back in the late 1970's. Every thing else Microsoft has ever produced they've either purchased outright ( PC-DOS, MS-DOS ), copied from a competitor who typically had a better product than MS eventually came out with, or outright stole resulting in Microsoft having to pay millions in fines, years after their competitor had to close their doors.

Original product............................... Microsoft's Copy

Novel..............................................Microsoft network solutions

Apple GUI based OS..........................Windows

Word Perfect....................................Word

DB3P...............................................Fox pro (purchased)

Borland C/C++...................................MS Visual C++

Borland Delphi................................... MS Visual Basic


Stacker............................................Disk Doubler (stole)


Go Corp hand helds............................Microsoft Pocket PC, Smart Phone

Sendo's windows console....................Microsoft Pocket PC, Smart Phone

Java................................................J++, C## (stole)

PC Media Player.................................Microsoft Media Player


On and on.. these are just off the top of my head..

The reason why Microsoft is able to take over market share in any software niche they so choose is because they leverage their dominance in other software niches to do so..... If you find yourself competing against Microsoft two things happen to you.

(1). All the sudden your software stops working on Microsoft's Operating system usually associated with a patch Microsoft just released.

(2) Microsoft's product, unaffected by the patch is distributed to every desk top in the world automatically and without consumers choice. Oh and if the consumer tries to remove their software, The OS stops working, or your word processor stops working. Call up Microsoft help for these products the first thing they will tell you is to reinstall what you installed.

Microsoft is a cancer on the software industry and has been so for more than a decade. We no longer live in a capitalistic free market economy. We live in the United States of the 1890's when trusts control the marketplace. From Software, to Health care, to Insurance, and oil companies. It's not about competition any longer, not in this country.

If you have the misfortune to build a better mouse trap, if you attract the attention of one of the trusts; they will just take your market share away from you based solely on their power to do so; it's not reliant on them having a better product.

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The only new innovative software Microsoft has ever come out with is the Basic PC compiler back in the late 1970's. Every thing else Microsoft has ever produced they've either purchased outright ( PC-DOS, MS-DOS ), copied from a competitor who typically had a better product than MS eventually came out with, or outright stole resulting in Microsoft having to pay millions in fines, years after their competitor had to close their doors.

Original product............................... Microsoft's Copy

Apple GUI based OS..........................Windows

Word Perfect....................................Word

DB3P...............................................Fox pro (purchased)


Stacker............................................Disk Doubler (stole)


Java................................................J++, C## (stole)



Dam sounds like someone got busted for haveing illegal software :laugh:

Look just because you do not invent things does not mean you are not the smartest. Microsoft has taking what others have made and made them 10 times better. Netscape was HORRIBLE as a browser, I know I used to code for it. When 7.0 IE had long surpassed them.

On your list you do not put anything like vb, visual studo, sharepoint, project, visio, outlook, onenote, infopath, soloman, dynamics, etc.... You also forget to add .net on your list.

You may hate microsoft that is your personal issue. Without Microsoft businesses would be no where near the level they are today without them. There is a reason they dominate the marketplace, no one else makes software now that can compare in the business world.

Similar to 3M they don't make a lot of the products, they just make the products better.

The next big thing they are getting into now is the VOIP industry and unlike Cisco they have the software that can make this really take off.

The other thing about Microsoft is they are so large now each prodcut is basically its own company.

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Big bad Microsoft. The computer industry would be so much better off without them. :doh:

Microsoft isn't a software innovation. Microsoft doesn't even produce quality software. Microsoft is a very successful marketing company which controls a software monopoly. And yes, the consumer is better off without Monopolies controlling segments of their economy.

You can't even argue that Microsoft is a monopoly. They were found to be one in a court of law! You can argue that monopolies are good for the nation and all the Libertarians in this country would agree with you. All 4% of them. Problem is any economic text from the elementary to the advanced would disagree with both you and the libertarians.

Not like we don't have a rich history in this country of both Monopolies subverting the free marketplace, and breaking up those monopolies. ( AKA Teddy Roosevelt, and Franklin )

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Microsoft isn't a software innovation. Microsoft doesn't even produce quality software. )

It is clear you have not even touched Office 2007 then :doh:

Or even server 2003, longhorn, project, visual studio, infopath, etc....

You just hate just admit it.

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Look just because you do not invent things does not mean you are not the smartest. Microsoft has taking what others have made and made them 10 times better. Netscape was HORRIBLE as a browser, I know I used to code for it. When 7.0 IE had long surpassed them.

It is true that Internet Explorer is today a better browser than Netscape. It is not true that IE was a superior product when IE took over the marketplace. IE did not compete with Netscape. IE mearly removed Netscape's ability to compete through monopolistic practices. That was proven in a court of law. The consumers had zero to do with the outcome.

Same with IBM's OS/2. Microsoft's windows 95 was a far inferior product, but Microsoft was able to conspire and use their Market power to have OS/2 removed from the market before the consumer ever had a choice in the matter.

On your list you do not put anything like vb, visual studo, sharepoint, project, visio, outlook, onenote, infopath, soloman, dynamics, etc.... You also forget to add .net on your list.

Actually I did put VB. Microsoft was sued by Borland's Delphi for stealing their proprietary secrets when Microsoft came out with VB. Visual Studio was likewise a knock off of Borland's C++ which had a GUI interface for almost five years before Microsoft. Microsoft Project, and Microsoft Vision were both products which Microsoft purchased. Outlook was likewise not among the first GUI email clients, to this day it's not among the best GUI interface products. It just comes installed with other Microsoft products like office so it's pervasive.

Likewise .Net relies on C#. C# is a direct rip off of Java. Microsoft was sued by Sun because they were a Sun partner and as such were given Java's virtual machine technology; which Microsoft used to subvert java and introduced both J++ and C#.

You may hate Microsoft that is your personal issue. Without Microsoft businesses would be no where near the level they are today without them. There is a reason they dominate the marketplace, no one else makes software now that can compare in the business world.

Again with the I hate.. Fact is I don't hate Microsoft. I'm just telling you truthfully what they are about.

Second if it is your contention that Monopolies are good for the country or the economy then I think it is you who are out on a thin limb. That's what you are arguing. That since the Carnegie group controlled the steel mils of the late 1800's. Because the Morgan groups controlled the Banking and Railroads of the late 1800's... They were good for the economy.

Similar to 3M they don't make a lot of the products, they just make the products better.

3m has also had troubles with Microsoft over trademark infringement.

It's not about making the products better. That's not a problem. It's that Microsoft is not dependent upon making things better in order to take over a product niche. They've shown this many times. That's because they are a proven MONOPOLY, and don't need to rely on innovation or software quality to eclipse their would be competitors.

The other thing about Microsoft is they are so large now each product is basically its own company.

Right. So installing Internet explorer won't disable your MS office product? I think you are unaware of what Microsoft is all about.

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Here is a basic statement of fact.

  • Microsoft is a monopoly.

That is not disputable, because it is a legal finding. It was proven in a court of law.




Here is the basic premise which you are arguing against.

  • Monopolies are bad for the economy.

How is this even a discussion? You think the economy was worse off after Teddy Roosevelt? I think you will find Teddy is one of the most admired and best thought of presidents of all time. First tear, because he stood up to monopolies and thus made the lives of consumers better across the country.

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.Net relies on C#.

Again with the I hate.. Fact is I don't hate Microsoft. I'm just telling you truthfully what they are about.

Right. So uninstalling Internet explorer won't disable your MS office product? I think you are unaware of what Microsoft is all about.

Do you even understand what .net is all about it can be run on ANY language the beauty in it is how it is compiled that is the key, and you do not need C# to create .net you can use vb.net

So what if they are a monopoly, and lets see the reason they were called a monopoly because they put IE on their OS put people thought that was bad :doh: So what is their OS there name they can do what they want. You don't consider Apple the same with the ipod where you can only play their coded music files on it??

Why would you want to unistall IE, you do know it works with office, and if you don't know yet vista works with office 2007 pretty well as well :doh:

You can install other browsers just fine and be ok :)

Still waiting for a company to create an OS that can be similar to Miscrosoft and be able to use in an enterprise type environment, oh wait no one else can.

You can continue to hate MS all you want but they are not going anywhere and what they are going to do in regards for business server type software in the next 2 years will blow your mind.

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Still waiting for a company to create an OS that can be similar to Miscrosoft and be able to use in an enterprise type environment, oh wait no one else can.

You can continue to hate MS all you want but they are not going anywhere and what they are going to do in regards for business server type software in the next 2 years will blow your mind.

yea there are better OS's out there but the average consumer doesn't know how to use them. i for one don't want to type 10 commands to open a program. and if the OS has a GUI like windows, then what's the point? at this stage in the game, no one can afford come up with something completely novel, to take on MS, and win.

what i do give to MS is that they don't seem to rest on their success. they come out with new or "improved" (depending on your opinion) products all the time. also with the companies they put out of business, i'm sure they didn't end up homeless. they probably got work at MS or some other software giant.

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lets see the reason they were called a monopoly because they put IE on their OS put people thought that was bad :doh:

If you actually believe this, you need to do a little more research. :)

The point was Microsoft used their de facto monopoly in one area, the OS, to drive competitors out of a different business. OEMs were required to include IE if they were to produce PCs with Windows. This was in direct and deliberate violation of existing court orders. This was before IE was integrated with the OS.

You also mention Micorsoft Project. In the 90s, Microsoft gave the product away with Office to drive other desktop project management tools such as CA SuperProject and many others out of the market. Now MS Project is not discounted and costs more than Office. :doh:

That said, the technology in the video looks very cool.

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You also mention Micorsoft Project. In the 90s, Microsoft gave the product away with Office to drive other desktop project management tools such as CA SuperProject and many others out of the market. Now MS Project is not discounted and costs more than Office. :doh:

That said, the technology in the video looks very cool.

That is true but project is also very powerfull especially the server software. Why is that bad to use one of your main products to try others out. To me that is being creative more then taking advantage.

They might be doing the same now with infopath and lifebook which are very nice products if you use them.

I do think Google may be the only company that can compete with MS with on OS we will just have to wait. Mac has given up competing them in the business side, but are doing very well on the personal side. That is also most likely because they are working together now :)

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Do you even understand what .net is all about it can be run on ANY language the beauty in it is how it is compiled that is the key, and you do not need C# to create .net you can use vb.net

Actually that's not accurate. .Net can run on a few languages, mostly Microsoft proprietary languages. Not any language. Also the language independence of the technology is tied to intermediately translating the authoring language to a common code set. That technology to use an intermediate language compilation step is central to Java's virtual environment technology which gives Java it's platform independence. That technology was given to Microsoft by Sun under a teaming agreement. An agreement which Microsoft subsequently broke.

So what if they are a monopoly, and lets see the reason they were called a monopoly because they put IE on their OS put people thought that was bad :doh: So what is their OS there name they can do what they want. You don't consider Apple the same with the ipod where you can only play their coded music files on it??

Ipod plays wav files as well as MP3's. Ipod does play non proprietary music formates.

Monopolies don't rely on competition to remain monopolies. By definition they are beyond the power of the marketplace to influence. They control the market, not the other way around. In all of American history please tell me of a monopoly not established and regulated by the government which was a good thing for the economy? You can't, because such a beast doesn't exist. That's why we break up monopolies in this country. Always have, hopefully always will.

Why would you want to unistall IE, you do know it works with office, and if you don't know yet vista works with office 2007 pretty well as well :doh:

The point is, Consumers weren't given a choice to originally install it. Consumers aren't given a choice to keep it on their machines. Couple that with the fact that Microsoft true to form came out with a number of "security patches" which disabled Netscape or destabilized it. Microsoft went from 5% market share to 95% market share in a matter of weeks, even while IE was still an inferior product to Netscape.

You can install other browsers just fine and be ok :)

Now you can. But even this isn't true, because Microsoft did disable and destabilize Netscape in security patches in order to become dominant. That all came out in coart.

Still waiting for a company to create an OS that can be similar to Microsoft and be able to use in an enterprise type environment, oh wait no one else can.

There have been several. SCO, OS/2, and Linux. All have either been removed from the marketplace through unfair trade practices. ( Sco, and OS/2, which Microsoft subsequently paid a token fine/jugement for. ) Or like Linux are actively fighting Microsoft through the courts.

You can continue to hate MS all you want but they are not going anywhere and what they are going to do in regards for business server type software in the next 2 years will blow your mind.

They will be broken up within the next 10 years. They have already been labeled a Monopoly. Their unfair predatory trade practices are a blight on the marketplace and are well documented. When a Democratic retake the white house look for the Justice department to get more interested in protecting the free marketplace again.

Don't worry though. If Microsoft has an innovative product, which I doubt, It will still be brought to market by one of their surviving baby Microsoft's. Only then the marketplace will decide if their product is innovative and useful and not dollar Bill.

And stop saying I hate, this company or that country. I'm just telling you the truth. I don't hate anybody or anything. Hating is a waste of time. Knowing is what's meaningful. Address my argument, stop trying to phycoanalize my motives.

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And stop saying I hate, this company or that country. I'm just telling you the truth. I don't hate anybody or anything. Hating is a waste of time. Knowing is what's meaningful. Address my argument, stop trying to phycoanalize my motives.

You do hate because if you didn't you would use their products because they are far superior to what is out there.

Miscrosoft isn't going anywhere. No one is stupid enough to break it up, not now a lot of companies would be hurt by this. As long as you let At&t back then nothing will happen to Microsoft, since At&t was a legit monopoly.

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