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microsoft and their new imaging technology...should adobe be nervous?

Leonard Washington

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SeaDragon/Photsynth ...


It says 1GB recommended.

You can download and try a preview yourself. :cool: It uses photos from St Mark's Square in Venice.

On my little Dell notebook the preview ran just like in the video in the first post - very fast and slick

I have dual processor with 2GB of RAM and running XP Pro, but I also had a lot of other stuff open, including a Virtual PC session and lots of applications running.

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The problem (and the government does this a lot) that cable market will be outdated in the future. Verizon is smart because they know DSL can not compete and FIBER has the ability to continue to expand unlike Cable.

I hated that in Reston we were not even allowed to get DSL for the longest time. Now that FIOS is here comcast is gone :)

What will be interesting is what will happen with I2, and who will be responsible for creating the backbone and network once it is allowed to go into private industry.

Fiber is not coming to everybody. Verizon is just putting it where they know they can make money. Folks who live in rural areas are going to be stuck with the other solutions.

The service Verizon is offering right off the bat, cable can compete with. But you are right. The bandwidth of fiber continues to grow as new ways to compress the signal are created. So the limits on the throughput fiber can provide are not yet set. It will be the de facto winner. But the cable which services the area will always give the users a place to retreat from if the sole owner of the fiber network gets too greedy.

I2 isn't a compression or service technology. I2 is a new internet standard which is supposed to open up more ip addresses and allow the Internet to continue to grow. I believe the Pentagon .mil nipernet is going to be I2 within a year or two. I don't think that's going to effect the fiber advantage or the cable / direct TV disadvantage.

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I2 isn't a compression or service technology. I2 is a new internet standard which is supposed to open up more ip addresses and allow the Internet to continue to grow. I believe the Pentagon .mil nipernet is going to be I2 within a year or two. I don't think that's going to effect the fiber advantage or the cable / direct TV disadvantage.

Currently I2 is only available for universities and hospitals I believe. I2 is also a new level of bandwith that will be 10x what we have today.

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Wrong. They were found to be a monopoly. They are still a monopoly regardless of future behavior. This lowered the bar for all future lawsuits against Microsoft.

The settlement did not change the legal finding that Microsoft was and is a Monopoly.

AT&T was broken up by an act of Congress. Monopolies don't spontaneously evaporate! They are legislated out of existence. Like AT&T, US Steal, Alcoa, and Morgan Bank.

N/M this is a no win argument for anybody.

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i think some of those shots are with the new remote apps microsoft is creating, now you have to log into a box like terminal server or citrix, what ms is doing with longhorn is the actual link on your desktop will be a remote app, and no longer need to log in etc.... it is pretty cool

The apps run virtualized. They have their own virtual registry and all. You can take any available application and run it through the configuration engine and run it. You can also run multiple versions of the same app. Such as Word 2000 and Word 97 simultaneously.

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Fiber is not coming to everybody. Verizon is just putting it where they know they can make money. Folks who live in rural areas are going to be stuck with the other solutions.

The service Verizon is offering right off the bat, cable can compete with. But you are right. The bandwidth of fiber continues to grow as new ways to compress the signal are created. So the limits on the throughput fiber can provide are not yet set. It will be the de facto winner. But the cable which services the area will always give the users a place to retreat from if the sole owner of the fiber network gets too greedy.

I2 isn't a compression or service technology. I2 is a new internet standard which is supposed to open up more ip addresses and allow the Internet to continue to grow. I believe the Pentagon .mil nipernet is going to be I2 within a year or two. I don't think that's going to effect the fiber advantage or the cable / direct TV disadvantage.

You're thinking IPV6 for providing more addresses.

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Currently I2 is only available for universities and hospitals I believe. I2 is also a new level of bandwith that will be 10x what we have today.

jbooma you probable know more about this than I do but let me chime in and state my understanding so you might correct me and I might learn something.

The internet is currently based on four octets. thus a four byte address identifies a unique location on the internet based on the peer machine which is trying to locate the address. In this case local host.

The I2 protocol uses a long in stead of a byt for each octet. A 32 bit integer instead of an 8 bit integer. thus instead of a maximu address of with the new internet you have a 2**32 or 4,294,967,296 unique values per octet instead of that many addresses for the entire internet. 2**32 per current internet. 2**128 for I2.

The speed of the internet is not relyant on the protocol used, IP4 (I) or I2. The speed of the internet is dependent upon the underlying hardware which is used to implement the network. Not the software protocol used by that hardware.....

Go ahead, throw rocks....

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You're thinking IPV6 for providing more addresses.

Isn't that incorporated in I2? Does I2 mandade faster speed or is it just the new hardware which runs the protocol faster? ..


What makes Internet2 so different is that it has many fewer users and much faster connections.

While Internet1 is open to pretty much anyone with a computer, access to Internet2 is limited to a select few, and its backbone is made up entirely of large-capacity fiber-optic cables. Rather than Internet1, which is cobbled together out of old telephone lines, Internet2 was built for speed—the roads are all wide and smooth, like your own private autobahn. Internet2 moves data at 10 gigabits per second and more, compared with the 4 or so megabits you'll get using a cable modem. As a result, Internet2 moves data 100 to 1,000 times faster than the old-fashioned Internet.

Sounds like faster hardware..

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SeaDragon/Photsynth ...


It says 1GB recommended.

You can download and try a preview yourself. :cool: It uses photos from St Mark's Square in Venice.

On my little Dell notebook the preview ran just like in the video in the first post - very fast and slick

I have dual processor with 2GB of RAM and running XP Pro, but I also had a lot of other stuff open, including a Virtual PC session and lots of applications running.

good work...works on vista also

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N/M this is a no win argument for anybody.

It's not an argument. Microsoft was found to be a Monopoly in 1999 and they continue to exist today as a Monopoly. The only reason they were not broken up is because

#1 Bush is a moron and didn't understand the case well enough to see it through.

#2 Judge Penfield Jackson who had been involved in the Microsoft Anti Competitive for the better half of a decade, was replaced in the sentencing phase after Microsoft was found guilty. In the eleventh hour, the fifty ninths minute, and last millisecond. They swapped the judge. The new judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly slapped Microsoft on the wrist and let them go.

Even though they escaped being broken up, they remain a monopoly and they remain with a bullseye on their backs for any future prosecutor who wants to make a name for themselves and address a documented predatory monopoly existing in the country.


It's not like Microsoft has ever shown the ability to innovate and be competitive without their Monopolistic advantages.

I don't see what's so special about the imaging software. It provides some context to the picture, if you have additional related photo's. Big deal one can do that with HTML with far less than a gig of ram...

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Looks cool but... how much RAM is he running with?
SeaDragon/Photsynth ...


It says 1GB recommended.

You can download and try a preview yourself. :cool: It uses photos from St Mark's Square in Venice.

On my little Dell notebook the preview ran just like in the video in the first post - very fast and slick

I have dual processor with 2GB of RAM and running XP Pro, but I also had a lot of other stuff open, including a Virtual PC session and lots of applications running.

I only have 512 MB of RAM and a crappy graphics card and it still ran smooth as a baby's butt. Perhaps the preview is supposed to run that way, but I'm actually rather impressed with this. I'm gonna keep an eye on this one.

EDIT: I did have trouble running it in Firefox (Big surprise! :silly: ) but it ran just fine in IE 7.

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Dam sounds like someone got busted for haveing illegal software :laugh:

Look just because you do not invent things does not mean you are not the smartest. Microsoft has taking what others have made and made them 10 times better. Netscape was HORRIBLE as a browser, I know I used to code for it. When 7.0 IE had long surpassed them.

On your list you do not put anything like vb, visual studo, sharepoint, project, visio, outlook, onenote, infopath, soloman, dynamics, etc.... You also forget to add .net on your list.

You may hate microsoft that is your personal issue. Without Microsoft businesses would be no where near the level they are today without them. There is a reason they dominate the marketplace, no one else makes software now that can compare in the business world.

Similar to 3M they don't make a lot of the products, they just make the products better.

The next big thing they are getting into now is the VOIP industry and unlike Cisco they have the software that can make this really take off.

The other thing about Microsoft is they are so large now each prodcut is basically its own company.

true that sir :notworthy

btw, what are some of the newer product lines that they are coming out with, do you know?

the only thing i've never heard of before was:Microsoft Expression Studio Family

and i recently found out about it at: http://www.totaltraining.com/prod/microsoft/expression.asp

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