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Don't be embarrassed to be a Skins fan!


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Only thing I'd be embarrassed by would be George Preston Marshall's racist attitudes back when he was owner. But even that doesn't really embarrass me in that I know that pretty much every institution and endeavor I enjoy and take part in has racism in its distant past (some not as distant as I'd like lol)...You live in America, that's a given. Hell, you live anywhere and that's a given.

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It is so cool that Renaldo Wynn posts on ES. Nothing makes my day more than seeing that I got a personal response from someone who's on the team. We are very lucky as fans to have that kind of relationship with our players. Mike Vick was giving the finger to his own fans!!!

It truly is great being a Skins fan, and I'm VERY encouraged to know that Renaldo believes in what this team is doing.

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I love those guys...they were the cheerleaders for the O-line, and that O-line deserved its own cheerleaders, they were that good. They came to cheer on Bostic and Grimm and Jacoby...and Riggins. They celebrated the big, fat, low-drafted, blue collar player who went on to succeed beautifully for Gibbs and the Skins. I love what the Hogettes represented, and I love that they became so well known throughout the league and the country that they even got their own MasterCard commercial lol. And they've gone on to use that fame towards charities and help the community.

Seeing the Hogettes for me is like seeing Cheif Zee...both put smiles on my face.

I agree there was a time and place when the hogettes were an interesting novelty and that the OL were worthy of something like this (and much better). However, the hogs are retired... The hogettes have meanwhile gone commercial (and charitable, of course) and while many of the founding members are still in the 23-year old organization (going on 24 years), there are a lot of new faces and it has become too big (I heard it was operating in the 100s+ by a news report, but someone correct me if I'm wrong).

I have no problem with the original hogettes dressing up for games and continuing in the tradition (even if old men in dresses is not exactly how I would like to see my favorite team honored)... I agree that those original men are much like Chief Zee (though I prefer Chief Zee). However, the hogettes have outgrown the tradition... It's sad when you see the Hogettes in the Pro Football HoF, but not one single Hog.

I may be going to far, but it's just my opinion and I'm sure I'll get roasted for it: To me, it ends up being more of a disgrace than an honor (Edit Note: it's a disgrace that the hogettes are in the HoF instead of the real hogs).

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Never have been embarrassed to be a SKINS fan and have always been proud (my whole family is that way).

I still remember being a little kid (like 4 years old) and my older brother (9 yrs old at the time) switching to the Vikings during the 70s for one season cause he liked the color purple... I thought Mom and Dad were going to disown him.. my mom said that he could "Go get a job and buy his own food for now on!" :laugh:

My same brother (now 43) has been to jail at least three times due to bar fights were someone bad mouthed the SKins just a little too much :D !

Also when I was a kid my grandmother had bought me a nice Steelers jacket (cause it was on sale and they had just finished winning the Super Bowl again...)... I think I accidentally made her cry when I said "I don't want this crap!!" Oops.. sorry grandmaw!

HTTR!!! Forever!!! :cheers:

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It's ridiculous how much hate we get.

Here's a telling stat.

Only THREE teams have won more Super Bowls than the Redskins. THREE. San Francisco, Dallas, and Pittsburgh.

Only Dallas, Denver, and Pittsburgh have BEEN to more Super Bowls than us.

Only 17 teams have even WON a SINGLE Super Bowl in the first place.

Only one team can win each year. In the grand scheme of things, in the big picture, in the overall picture the NFL is painting, the Redskins are one of the best teams out there.

Be proud to be a Skins fan. We are among the elite, and we have a good chance to climb even higher very soon.

And, most importantly, quit hating on Gibbs, who is the REASON we are among the elite.

I've never seen or heard anyone who doesn't claim we are one of the storied franchises in the NFL. Because of our great history, our present situation looks even worse. That's where the "hate" comes from. If you are the World Champ and you suffer through mediocre to poor years, the contrast is stark.

If you're an above average team, but not championship caliber, and you fail, hardly anyone notices.

As a fan of one of the greatest NFL franchises, I get frustrated when we play poorly and make, in my opinion, bad decisions, but I am never embarrased to wear my Redskins winter coat in February after a 5 - 11 season, or whatever it is.

But, we do need to get this thing turned around if we want to re-earn the respect of others. At one time, I think all NFL fans respected and appreciated how the Redskins played and ran the organization (our friendly Eagles, Cowboys, and Giants fans maybe can attest to this or disagree). Right now though, I don't think anyone outside of "Redskins Nation" respects us for where we are now, but I do think they respect our past.



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the last time i was in NYC with my band we were walking around and i saw more redskins stuff than i did nyc / nyj stuff. it was pretty wild.

I went to NYC last summer and wore my Redskins hat with pride. Went to the top of the Empire State building and shouted Giants suck!!!

Got a few looks, but oh well.

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I love those guys...they were the cheerleaders for the O-line, and that O-line deserved its own cheerleaders, they were that good. They came to cheer on Bostic and Grimm and Jacoby...and Riggins. They celebrated the big, fat, low-drafted, blue collar player who went on to succeed beautifully for Gibbs and the Skins. I love what the Hogettes represented, and I love that they became so well known throughout the league and the country that they even got their own MasterCard commercial lol. And they've gone on to use that fame towards charities and help the community.

Seeing the Hogettes for me is like seeing Cheif Zee...both put smiles on my face.

Don't forget the most recent Home Depot commercial also. Plus they are great in the community with their charities.

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i dunno, some people seem to be embarassed when they post stupid ass **** like "if the skins trade for player x, or dont draft player x ,etc, then i quit being a fan" anyone remember that poll where "fans" actually said they would stop being fans if the skins traded for briggs?

Those are either not real fans, or someone just trying to spark a fight. If a player came here that I don't like (see sanders, deion), then i just suck it up and root for him because I root for the team, not individual players (unless their on my Fantasy Football team- see cooley, chris).

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very nice, just some more ammo against the d*uche in my office who is a Pittsburg fan who hides behind the SB win two years ago and the 5 sb trophies...he doesn't know jack about football, quid pro quo, he says the skins have the worst o-line in the nfl and are a dead end franchise, anyone else have anything I can throw back in his face?

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And, most importantly, quit hating on Gibbs, who is the REASON we are among the elite.

Exactly, I hate all these Gibbs haters, what the else have we done since he's been gone, besides see the playoffs ONE TIME!

Not a damn thing. Gibbs is the best thing we have at going back to the playoffs / superbowl.

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I've never been embarrassed. I have to deal with Eagles fans on a daily basis. Do you people have any idea how annoying that is? Now there is a loser franchise. One superbowl and no wins. That is an embarrasssment. This was once the most dominating division in football and the couldn't eek out one win.

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very nice, just some more ammo against the d*uche in my office who is a Pittsburg fan who hides behind the SB win two years ago and the 5 sb trophies...he doesn't know jack about football, quid pro quo, he says the skins have the worst o-line in the nfl and are a dead end franchise, anyone else have anything I can throw back in his face?

Two teams last year ranked top 8 in rushing and sacks allowed. Not only is our O-Line not worst in the NFL, but it's actually the second best overall.

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who's ashamed, i wear at least one piece of Redskins parephenalia daily... And I live in New York
Here in Fla I feel quit comfy wearing my skins gear. It seems everyone is from someplace else. As you drive through you can see it's a melting pot of loyal fans supporting their team. I have noticed a huge amount of skins fans in the tampa bay area. I mean you can't go anywhere in a day without seeing someone sporting our stuff. Good going Tampa Bay Skins fans! Now if I can get everyone in Palm beach and stuart to get on board.:point2sky
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Guest NebraSKIN

Outstanding Post!!! :applause: :applause: And I agree 110%

It's ridiculous how much hate we get.

Here's a telling stat.

Only THREE teams have won more Super Bowls than the Redskins. THREE. San Francisco, Dallas, and Pittsburgh.

Only Dallas, Denver, and Pittsburgh have BEEN to more Super Bowls than us.

Only 17 teams have even WON a SINGLE Super Bowl in the first place.

Only one team can win each year. In the grand scheme of things, in the big picture, in the overall picture the NFL is painting, the Redskins are one of the best teams out there.

Be proud to be a Skins fan. We are among the elite, and we have a good chance to climb even higher very soon.

And, most importantly, quit hating on Gibbs, who is the REASON we are among the elite.

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Guest NebraSKIN

That is perfect! I would love to wear the colors around the rival fans.

But, I'm like you and wear something Redskins every day (almost anyway). I tell the family that if they are having trouble deciding what to get me for a gift to just make sure it has a redskins logo on it and I will love it. I do not have the effect you do here in Lincoln, but I'm in support all the time. Glad there are other freaks out there like me.

who's ashamed, i wear at least one piece of Redskins parephenalia daily... And I live in New York
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Before stupid FA, you just knew we were gonna be contenders. Three of the teams in the division would be in the championship game. It's stupid to hate on the Skins. I remeber a thread from a while ago about people being glad the media and skeptics were counting us out. Bunch of quiters and crybabies. I'm glad to see so many young guys on here being fans. Those who don't even remeber the glory years of great football and still they wait to see what the rest of us remeber. HTTR. We're getting back on track.

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