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Biggest Concerns for the 2007 Redskins


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A lot of blanket statements there especially about people you have know concept for including Lindsey, Washington, and Fletcher. Lindsey was one of the coaches that helped develop Urlacher from what I understand and although he's kind of a jerk and a disciplinarian he's still an effective coach. He's just not our kinda' guy though so I too am glad he's gone. Washington sucked last year? Huh, didn't see that at all but okay. Fletcher has never slowed down since the beginning of his career and proved to be extremely durable and productive so why question whether he can still play or "has tread on his tires?" From what Lazor and co. say Campbell has quickened his motion and release and improved his footwork, so sounds like you're making a lot of statements without a whole lot of support. Prioleau would be nice to have as depth at FS but he isn't playing the strong side at 5'10 185 or whatever he is. The guy is certainly a key safety in the rotation and knows the schemes but he's not going to immediately impact the spot as a starter unless Taylor is playing SS (which he won't). :2cents:


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"Maybe 8tds" for portis... lol you must be joking...he had 7 last year in like 7 starts...If Portis is healthy he is the team MVP and franchise player, he finds the end zone extremely well. For example, he has already scored 52 touchdowns in just 5 years in the NFL...that is an average of over 10 Td's a year.

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My biggest concern is offensive line depth. Last year we were pretty fortunate to have our starters in general good health. Does anyone else see this as a problem?

Absolutely. Not only am I worried about the depth...I'm not sold on Wade as the starter to replace Dock. He seems to bee too tall to get good enough drive on the defender in order to knock him out of the space for the RB to run through. He will probably make up for it in his pass-blocking but I see this team as a run-first team still.

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My concerns:

1. Coaching staff too top heavy ... too many cooks in the kitchen.

2. No WR depth ... if Santa goes down ... offense is in trouble.

3. Portis will not be healthy.

4. Need impact waekside OLB. If Washington falters ... uuh oh!

5.. Springs will not be healthy.

Otherwise team should be in great shape for a playoff run!

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My concerns:

1. Coaching staff too top heavy ... too many cooks in the kitchen.

2. No WR depth ... if Santa goes down ... offense is in trouble.

3. Portis will not be healthy.

4. Need impact waekside OLB. If Washington falters ... uuh oh!

5.. Springs will not be healthy.

Otherwise team should be in great shape for a playoff run!

We have a winner!

Great post, and dead on imho.

#1 and #2 are the most important. The coaching confusion is beyond belief, and could you imagine if Santana went down with a season ending injury? Game over.

#3 I really belive is a non-issue. Call me crazy, but I think Portis will be the backup by week three, if not by week one, and that Betts will be the face of this offense for the next five years.

Good post.

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Saunders will call the plays from the booth and Gibbs passes them down to J.C.

D line is still in question but I have a feeling the coaches know something about those guys that we don't. Or they would've went after some dlineman, but I guess we could still add some depth after the june 1st cuts, we'll see.

Gibbs role as HC is everything the team does personel wise runs through him. We don't add, trade, release, resign, etc. w/o Gibbs approval 1st. He is more of GM/HC now.

If J.C. offseason work pays off the way it should then he will not be ? anymore.

We have heard nothing but good things about Todd Wade and he should fill in good for us at LG, don't forget Fabini is also a player that could come in and do well, if he stays healthy.


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My biggest concern is the DL. Landry will hopefully be great, but they should have taken Okoye. I just hope Gregg Williams can find ways to be creative with the personnel he's got because right now they look really thin along that DL.

D line is definetly of concern, but were going to have an awesome secondary.

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offensive line: they are the most dominant unit on the team and if they can't play as well or better than they did last year the team is sunk. Without a dominant oline, the running game is going to suffer and without a running game Jason Campbell is going to struggle. Age is starting to become a concern.

defensive line: weakest unit on the team and if they can't improve their play dramatically, teams will kill the Skins on time of possession, keeping the offense on the sidelines.

Jason Campbell is a huge question mark and without a decent qb no team can win in the NFL, but if the team needs him to be great to win it is going to be a long season

good health is always the x factor for every team every year

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the d-line will be fine as long as griffin can stay healthy, but thats no guarantee. griffin and carter along with rotations of salavea and golston at the other DT and daniels and wynn at the other DE should be a pretty good line (in 2005 they were very good). if griffin goes down, we could be in trouble like we were last year. golston would have to step up big time in event of injury

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My worries are

1. DL and OL....both lines need new starters OL - LG, DL - DE and DT...OL needs help with depth, like some young studs that can be groomed to take over for Samuels, Jansen and Thomas in a couple of years. Samuels is often injured and Thomas wont hold out too much longer. Jansen is a season/career ending injury waiting to happen. DL needs more immediate depth help because our starters may not last the season due to injury or incompetence.

2. JC - He is a huge question mark but I think he will do well....I just hope he gets the protection he needs and doesnt spend the season on his back like PR did.....

3. WR's - Will they play up to their potential if we have a solid OL and can they spread the field or will we struggle against the cover-2 again because JG believes that short WR's are the only type we need?

4. JG and the FO - are they going to ignore basic needs again every year or will we get a qualified GM that can deal with teams on a professional level not a throw money at the problem level....Just because you spend alot of money doesnt mean you get alot of quality.....I hope they learn that lesson soon.

5. QB - Get rid of MB and Collins.

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Good post and lots of thoughtful replies.

My concerns:

1. Offensive line: Aging, starting to show injuries now. Definitely unsettled at the Left Guard. Samuels was beaten frequently by an outside pass rush, but that might have been due to his 2006 health. A major concern is that the offensive line didn't adapt well to Saunders' schemes in 2006, and it's unclear how well they do in 2007. (NOTE: In the past, this line had difficulties handling schemes beyond the traditional Redskin-style running game.) Valid concerns over lack of depth on offensive line especially at guard position.

2. Defensive line: Aging line, but with some infusion of untested youthful talent. Carter improved in second half of 2006, but can he maintain that level in 2007? Salave'a is slipping from the Skins top-tier DT performers and his position will be where teams will attack in the interior running game. 2006 D-line couldn't mount much pressure in 2006 and no new faces yet for 2007. Lack of defensive line solidity and pressure means the defense may not get enough 3-and-outs from opposing offenses, and will be on the field way too long again. Griffin needs to stay healthy or the interior line will be a major weakness, which in turn presents serious problems for the long-term effectiveness of Skins' smallish MLB.

3. Corners: -- Springs is aging and injury-prone. Smoot is undersized but steady enough in passing defense, a little weaker in supporting run-defense. Carlos Rogers will be the 'weakest link" of the CBs. Teams will attack Rogers this year, and his 2006 performance shows no promise that he can adequately meet the challenge. Perhaps Rogers will be helped by improved play from the safeties, and middle-linebacker. Now Rumph and Wright are gone, Rogers needs to step up seriously year, or he'll be the 2007 version of Kenny Wright.

4. QBs -- At this point, more of a question-mark than a concern. We've got youth and experience, and depth. How well they play the Saunders offense is the main question. I'm getting more positive about Campbell, though. I don't think Collins has ever had a fair opportunity to show what he's got, and could be a decent backup. Brunell is aging, slowing, and doesn't seem a good fit for this offense.

5. Kicking: Field-goal kicking is fair and punting is definitely unpredictable. With all this money Washington has spent, it's odd that the best they could come up with is Suisham and Frost. too late now. Depth and hangtime on kickoffs and punts need to improve, or we put too much pressure on special teams again, and they are spotty.

6. Outside Linebacker Play: McIntosh hasn't stepped up, and seems injury-prone. Washington coming off an injury, and it's uncertain what he's going to be like now. Lemar Marshall can only fill one of those two positions, and frankly his pass-coverage skills are not that good. Hopefully Carlor Rogers doesn't needs too much help because our safeties are going to need to be free to help out the linebackers.

Bold Predictions: ...Yes, Drink that Kool-Aid!

1. Washington running game shifts into high gear, and media pundits start to compare it to the KC offense.

2. Washington signs a high-profile Defensive Tackle who shores up the Redskin front-four and it becomes a major factor in resurgence of Redskin defense in 2007 to about the 10th-rated defense.

3. Campell's QB rating exceeds all his doubters expectations, as his good numbers are built on his effectiveness in a quick-tempo passing game to Moss, Randle-El, Betts, Cooley, and Portis.

4. Landry becomes a fixture of the secondary by no later than the third game, and is even called in to do spot duty for Rogers (who reputedly goes out due to reinjuring his arm, or whatever.)

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#3 I really belive is a non-issue. Call me crazy, but I think Portis will be the backup by week three, if not by week one, and that Betts will be the face of this offense for the next five years.

yes i'll call you crazy, in fact, i might suggest you're smoking crack rock. Betts the face of the frachise?pshttttttt, pleaseeeeee... Betts IS NOT good enough to be a starting RB and has proven over the years he's not EFFECTIVE ENOUGH IN THE REDZONE. there is just no way.

And, Portis a back-up?? pshttttttttttttttttt.. Regardless or portis's injuries, Don't forget what that man can do and has done for us. HE catches better then betts,blocks better,runs,better and is just overall BETTER.

I guarantee this, if we were to ever lose ports, you better believe we will be picking up our next explosive RB in the draft or we'd make a play for the best available RB that fit us in FA at that time. But Betts will not be the starter,ever.(unless something happens like last year)

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Good post and lots of thoughtful replies.

My concerns:

1. Offensive line: Aging, starting to show injuries now. Definitely unsettled at the Left Guard. Samuels was beaten frequently by an outside pass rush, but that might have been due to his 2006 health. A major concern is that the offensive line didn't adapt well to Saunders' schemes in 2006, and it's unclear how well they do in 2007. (NOTE: In the past, this line had difficulties handling schemes beyond the traditional Redskin-style running game.) Valid concerns over lack of depth on offensive line especially at guard position.

2. Defensive line: Aging line, but with some infusion of untested youthful talent. Carter improved in second half of 2006, but can he maintain that level in 2007? Salave'a is slipping from the Skins top-tier DT performers and his position will be where teams will attack in the interior running game. 2006 D-line couldn't mount much pressure in 2006 and no new faces yet for 2007. Lack of defensive line solidity and pressure means the defense may not get enough 3-and-outs from opposing offenses, and will be on the field way too long again. Griffin needs to stay healthy or the interior line will be a major weakness, which in turn presents serious problems for the long-term effectiveness of Skins' smallish MLB.

3. Corners: -- Springs is aging and injury-prone. Smoot is undersized but steady enough in passing defense, a little weaker in supporting run-defense. Carlos Rogers will be the 'weakest link" of the CBs. Teams will attack Rogers this year, and his 2006 performance shows no promise that he can adequately meet the challenge. Perhaps Rogers will be helped by improved play from the safeties, and middle-linebacker. Now Rumph and Wright are gone, Rogers needs to step up seriously year, or he'll be the 2007 version of Kenny Wright.

4. QBs -- At this point, more of a question-mark than a concern. We've got youth and experience, and depth. How well they play the Saunders offense is the main question. I'm getting more positive about Campbell, though. I don't think Collins has ever had a fair opportunity to show what he's got, and could be a decent backup. Brunell is aging, slowing, and doesn't seem a good fit for this offense.

5. Kicking: Field-goal kicking is fair and punting is definitely unpredictable. With all this money Washington has spent, it's odd that the best they could come up with is Suisham and Frost. too late now. Depth and hangtime on kickoffs and punts need to improve, or we put too much pressure on special teams again, and they are spotty.

6. Outside Linebacker Play: McIntosh hasn't stepped up, and seems injury-prone. Washington coming off an injury, and it's uncertain what he's going to be like now. Lemar Marshall can only fill one of those two positions, and frankly his pass-coverage skills are not that good. Hopefully Carlor Rogers doesn't needs too much help because our safeties are going to need to be free to help out the linebackers.

Bold Predictions: ...Yes, Drink that Kool-Aid!

damn it-, you have got to be the dumbest person i've ever seen respond to a post. You have no clue what the hell you are talking about, and im only going to say this. HOw is McIntosh seem injury prone when he was drafted last year? How can you say marshall can only fill one of those two positions when in fact, he can play all three because thats where his value is at. AND actually marshall is very good in pass coverage. ANd we have one of the best offensive lines in the league, how can you sit there and say they are aging and need help?oh but they didnt adapt well? haha you are a clown my friend.

Oh yeah, and carlos rogers i not the problem. He's a good,young cb, and you can't blame him for last years secondary.

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damn it-, you have got to be the dumbest person i've ever seen respond to a post. haha you are a clown my friend.
I think these comments are out of line. You can criticize posts and differing opinions without personal attacks. This is the kind of thing that ruins good threads.
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