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Smoking in films will affect movie ratings


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This is moronic, would Casablanca been as good if Bogart wasn't smoking?


It's a prop, and if anyone smokes cause they saw someone in a movie do it then they are an idiot anyway.

What exactly is a good basis for smoking? Lots of people who smoke do it cause they saw others doing it. Now I could care less since it doesn't affect me.

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The Grudge 1 was PG-13 and scaredthe shiz outta me. Probably the scariest movie I had seen. No joke.

Yeah, but it would have been a lot better if it were R.

PG-13 movies piss me off, because you know some stuff was taken out to keep it clear of that R rating.

I first realized this when i saw the Godzilla movie that came out in the late 90's, the one with Matthew Broderick. It sucked balls. It COULD have been so awesome, but all the potential was reigned in. Seriously, Godzilla is loose in NEW YORK CITY and not ONE person says HOLY **** ITS ****ING GODZILLA! ? Not likely.

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Guest sk1nzHEAD
This is moronic, would Casablanca been as good if Bogart wasn't smoking?


It's a prop, and if anyone smokes cause they saw someone in a movie do it then they are an idiot anyway.

yeah, but does casablanca appeal to 12 year olds anyways?

they aren't banning it, just using discretion.

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This serves no purpose at all, just more bs from the anti-smoking crowd. I can imgaine how this meeting went "Lets do something that'll give the impression we did something important to help society" "Ooooh I know, we'll change the ratings for movies that have people smoking".

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I started chewing tobacco at 8 because it looked cool when athletes did it. At 10 the cool older nieghborhood bad girl I wasn't suppost to talk to smoked reds, I am trying to get down to a pack of those delicious little ****s a day. I hate that I love smoking. I wish they would illeagalize the manufacturing of pre rolled tobacco. Then it would be way harder, especially as a kid and I could still enjoy the ocasional. It's just way to easy to pop a class A outta the pack of twenty, but I digress. Less exposure to smoking for kids is definitly good, but it'll sure make it look cooler when the big kids do it.

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Ok this is stupid....why make a movie R for smoking when you can walk down the street and see it all the time.

I don't smoke and I hate people who smell like smoke, but these anti-smoking loons are pissing me off now. I am tired of all the regulation that is going on now. Pretty soon you will only be able to wear blue on teusdays.

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I dont smoke cigarettes. I have no interest in smoking cigarettes. I think the world could do without people smoking cigarettes.

But for the government to tell people that they cant smoke cigarettes? Ridiculous.

When social equality, education, employment, and a billion other things are running smoothly, maybe...just maybe I will think the government can tell me not to smoke cigarettes. But until then? No thanks.

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I dont smoke cigarettes. I have no interest in smoking cigarettes. I think the world could do without people smoking cigarettes.

But for the government to tell people that they cant smoke cigarettes? Ridiculous.

When social equality, education, employment, and a billion other things are running smoothly, maybe...just maybe I will think the government can tell me not to smoke cigarettes. But until then? No thanks.

I am about as anti-gov as your gonna find in almost every case, but as a failed quiter(over and over) I love it. Give me any BS excuse you can find. Just make it go away.

When I was 10 and bought my first pack of smokes, I wanted Reds, but the guys at the gas station laughed at me because I couldn't say Marlboro. They made me buy Camels, no filters, Figured it would sway me to not try it again. Suckers, I went home and sucked one down. See, I was trying to impress an older girl so I had to try very hard. I threw up after the first one, but I was determind. I got up on that horse and smoked that camel. Sucsess. Please do anything possible to keep them away from kids. Nicotine is added 20% more to all smokes avalible today as apposed to 20 years ago(except Kools,40%) . It's gotta stop being avalible. The movie rating thing is dumb, it'll just make it look cooler.

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