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In your opinion where does this Eagles team compare to ..


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the other great NFC teams of the past. I wouldn't say they are on the level of the 'Boys dynasty of the early-mid 90's, or the Skins in the early to mid 80's, but I think this Eagles team would probably make top 10 in the all-time NFC East team record. I'm an Eagles fan though so of course I'd feel this way. Thoughts?

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I think the standard response belongs here:

Win your superbowl first then we'll talk.

Usually I feel like it's a dumb thing to say to opposing team's fans but In this case I think its true. We'll talk about wher this team belongs once the rings are on your fingers. Until then you guys are simply a very good team.


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Originally posted by DrunkenBoxer

I think the standard response belongs here:

Win your superbowl first then we'll talk.

Usually I feel like it's a dumb thing to say to opposing team's fans but In this case I think its true. We'll talk about wher this team belongs once the rings are on your fingers. Until then you guys are simply a very good team.


That's a valid point, although I think this team is better than the one the Giants won with in the early 90's.

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Thing is that postseason is what this game is really all about. The super Bowl is a super bowl and that giants team was pretty darned good. It's not like we're talking about the giants team that went to the superbowl two years ago.

hehe superbowl is such a funny word....

Anyway, it's not postseason yet. Do you guys ahve a shot at something special, sure you do, but you've shown you're capable, and you've shown some amazing resilience. Now go out and win.


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Win a superbowl and then we'll talk. Actually the early 90's Eagles teams were better than this current team. You know the team that saw this:

1990: Giants Superbowl Champs

1991: Skins Superbowl Champs

1992 and 1993: Boys Superbowl Champs

Had to do that. :laugh:

The great NFC EAST teams of the past went to the superbowl. Get to the superbowl first, win it and you'll get them in the top 10.

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There's no way to say where this Eagle team fits in after only 13 games. Heck, the Bucs and the Packers are 10-3 right now as well, but I doubt anyone (outside of Buc/Packer fans) is ready to put them on any "All-Time" lists ... even for a division.

Patience, Legendz, patience.

If the Eagles somehow run the table in the post-season they'll get all the credit due them. Until then, they are simply a division leader after 13 games and there's going to be 8 of those every year.

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Seeing as 10 NFC East teams have won the superbowl (Not to mention the other 7 that have been there and lost it) I'd say the Eagles would have to at least win the superbowl to be considered in the top 10, and win convincingly.

I will say that they look to be the most impressive NFC East champ since the 95 Cowboys, for what it's worth.

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I think the Eagles are as good as any team in the nfl now and will probably make it to the SB and maybe win it depending on how McNabb comes back. But I think the Cowboys, Skins, Giants, and even Eagles teams from that era would beat them easily. With the salary cap, I don't think we'll see many teams as complete as those teams were.

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As others have mentioned, you have to win a Super Bowl or two to be mentioned among historical runs within the NFC East. Despite a downward period the last few years, this has been the premier division in football in the Super Bowl era.

I think this is the best Eagle team, at least in my lifetime. Maybe more correctly, this is the Eagle team with the best chance to win it all.

During the late 80's and early 90's, the Eagles had dominating defenses and a playmaking QB in Cunningham, but he was the whole offense. And they just had bad timing as the Giants, Redskins, and Cowboys all won Super Bowls during that period.

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Ryskins makes a good point. In a Span of like 15 years the Skins won the Superbowl 3 times, Giants twice and Dallas 3 times also to add onto their other 2. Philly had decent teams in there but the other 3 Superpowers were just too much at the time.

I'll say this since I am a 'Cuse fan. I think behind Favre, McNabb is the best QB in the NFC (when healthy). Even better than Vick at this point. I hated seeing him drafted by Philly and now he'll be there for life with that contract. I just hope that the other teams in the East get smart and our D's can start handling him better.

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Great teams dont get blown out at home by the Colts. And they dont let bad teams come back to beat them.

The Eagles are a good team. THey are the best in the East this year. But comparing them to an alltime list of great teams is grasping at straws.

The Buddy Ryan teams of the early nineties that talked all the trash and got whipped in the playoffs were MUCH better.

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Originally posted by Brave

There's no way to say where this Eagle team fits in after only 13 games. Heck, the Bucs and the Packers are 10-3 right now as well, but I doubt anyone (outside of Buc/Packer fans) is ready to put them on any "All-Time" lists ... even for a division.

Patience, Legendz, patience.

If the Eagles somehow run the table in the post-season they'll get all the credit due them. Until then, they are simply a division leader after 13 games and there's going to be 8 of those every year.

Yea, yea, I know, I know, but see these good things don't come along too often for us Eagle fans. We have to savor the moment :)

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Outside of beating th Bucs in cold weather and the most overrated playoff team of alltime (the Bears) this Eagle team has choked as well.

The Eagles in 2000 were a mediocre team with a favorable schedule who got beat by a better opponent: the Giants. We had Charles Johnson and Torrance Small as our 1 and 2 receivers! They make Pinkston and Thrash look godlike. The team last year was good, and lost to arguably the best offense in NFL history in their dome by 5 points in the NFC Championship game. Our best corner was hurt for the game as well. I wouldn't call that choking.

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Well, if you have the ball on the 50 with less than a minute to go and throw an INT. I'd call that choking.

That "best offense in history" lost their next game.

It's not meant to be a knock. The Eagles have benefitted over the past 3 years from having 2 unbearable teams in the NFC (Cowboys, Cards), 1 medicre at best team (the Skins) and drawn favorable matchups vs the Bucs in the playoffs.

They just wouldn't make anyones list of the top 50 teams of all time (except obvious Eagle fans).

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