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Couple brutally tortured...


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If you really don't think media coverage suffers from too much political correctness, why was the Imus story so utterly huge until the Virginia Tech tragedy? At the same time, why was the dropping of charges against the Duke lacrosse players so marginalized? Back to the topic at hand, should these 5 people be charged with hate crimes?

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If you really don't think media coverage suffers from too much political correctness, why was the Imus story so utterly huge until the Virginia Tech tragedy?

Because everyone knows Don Imus. Why was the coverage of Alec Baldwin's little phonemail rant against his daughter so utterly huge? Because everyone knows Alec Baldwin.

At the same time, why was the dropping of charges against the Duke lacrosse players so marginalized?

In what way was it marginalized? We all read about it.

Back to the topic at hand, should these 5 people be charged with hate crimes?

Do we have any reason to think that race hate was a motivator for the crime? Or are these 5 people just evil scum who prey on others no matter what their race?

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OK. So your saying a story of this magnitude wouldn't create massive amounts of revenue due to increased ratings? Do you seriously think this?

I'm saying people don't want to REALLY hear about this. I couldn't even make it through the first couple of paragraphs on the link. It's too gruesome and I can't imagine people getting off of work after a long day wanting to sit down and watch this on TV.

And do you really think this wasn't big because of an agenda? What is the agenda?

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I have to run so I can't respond any more right now.

I will be interested to see how many more oppressed young white guys post here about the unfairness of the way the deck is so stacked against them in this country... :)

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Because everyone knows Don Imus. Why was the coverage of Alec Baldwin's little phonemail rant against his daughter so utterly huge? Because everyone knows Alec Baldwin.

In what way was it marginalized? We all read about it.

Do we have any reason to think that race hate was a motivator for the crime? Or are these 5 people just evil scum who prey on others no matter what their race?

Marginalized is a bad word to describe it. However, it is dead on accurate that the Duke players didn't get the same amount of media coverage in their vindication. They were grilled in the media and called everything in the book by everyone. After they were proven innocent most in the media didn't appologize for what they did, nor didn't confront anyone about their vicious comments toward the Duke players.

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Do we have any reason to think that race hate was a motivator for the crime? Or are these 5 people just evil scum who prey on others no matter what their race?

I think that the fact that a woman has also been charged who was at the house should definitely raise a flag that this wasn't a standard kidnapping/rape case. I don't really have an opinion on whether it was a hate crime or not simply because there is so little information available about the case.

I don't think there is some massive politically correct media conspiracy. I'm just suggesting that the random choosing of stories you describe perhaps isn't so random. I don't doubt that they chose to cover the Elizabeth Smart story more over the Alexis Patterson story because she was white. A story of a rich white girl dissappearing from her mansion is going to get more ratings than a poor black girl dissappearing from her house. Just the same, I think in stories specifically dealing with violent crime and rape, the media tends to favor white on black incidents because they will get more ratings.

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I'm saying people don't want to REALLY hear about this. I couldn't even make it through the first couple of paragraphs on the link. It's too gruesome and I can't imagine people getting off of work after a long day wanting to sit down and watch this on TV.

And do you really think this wasn't big because of an agenda? What is the agenda?

Where do you live? This country is addicted to violence. People are drawn to the most violent things on TV and the internet. This would had been a national story if the suggestion that this was a hate crime is true. Just because something is gruesome doesn't mean it shouldn't be reported. People still have a right to know that is going on in their communities.

Yes, of course this was agenda driven. This story was supressed to protect the ideology of multiculturalism which is supported by the people who run the majority of the media outlets. They prob thought that if you ran this story in the national media you might create some racial animosity.

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Hmmm....never heard of it until today on ES (May 2, 2007)


It was out there.

There were several articles.......in January and February........the girl charged in the crime was at first called a witness........then was charged.

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First, I haven't seen or heard of this story, but I'm not a "news watcher", I usually only hear about the biggest stories. I do think that if it was a black couple attacked by 5 whites, it would have been everywhere.

However, to be fair, what about the media coverage of Jon Benet Ramsey, Lacy Peterson, the girl missing in Aruba.... These stories were all overblown in the media, I know that Oprah even had a show that focused on the fact that there are black murders that are similar, but they never get the same coverage.

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These types of crimes are done everyday. Regardless of race its still wrong. They are making it a race issue. Its an humanity issue. The justice system here is to soft. If you think about it. People in jail live better then the homeless. The justice here is designed to make money. Not to punish criminals. When someone is arrested. They have to pay money for a lawyer. The Judge gets paid. Then if you have to serve time. You have to do free labor. Guyana has one of the best justice system. Its called hanging day.

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My neighbor and good friend was one of the lead investigators on this case with KPD.

The reason they sprayed the girl's mouth with bathroom cleaner was to try and get rid of DNA evidence.

He has told me other details about the case that I simply wish I didn't know. :( Obviously I'm not going to type them here.

Apparently though they caught the girls' dad trying to sneak a gun into the courtroom. Poor guy... My question is what jury would ever convict the girls' dad if he did shoot these guys in plain sight?

They are animals, they deserve maximum punishment.

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It's not a hate crime.

Because there is no such thing. Crime is crime. Intent is intent. If someone plans to kill, that's different than someone spontaneusly killing. Hence the difference in 1st degree and Manslaughter.

After that though, we are on a dangerous path when we begin regulating ANY thought. And that includes the disgusting ideas running through the minds of criminals when they commit their crimes.

I hadnt heard this story until now. Thankfully.

But Greta Van Hypestrum had another Natalie Holloway story the other night.

There is no such thing as news organizations anymore. They are all entertainment and ratings/circulation first. If they get the story right, it's a miracle.

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My neighbor and good friend was one of the lead investigators on this case with KPD.

He has told me other details about the case that I simply wish I didn't know. :( Obviously I'm not going to type them here.

Can you at least verify what was quoted in the original link? That Uber-Patriot site contains a lot of details that I have never seen noted in the mainstream press. Some of that stuff sounds like a bad horror movie...I'm just curious how much has been sensationalized.

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Can you at least verify what was quoted in the original link? That Uber-Patriot site contains a lot of details that I have never seen noted in the mainstream press. Some of that stuff sounds like a bad horror movie...I'm just curious how much has been sensationalized.

Here are a few links. Believe me, this was an absolutely horrendous crime. If anything, the reports aren't sensationalized enough. The offenders were from Kentucky of all places... and the kids were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It started off as a car-jacking.





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Wow that is one hell of a racist site... scroll down and you get this:

If you were a black male during the mid 1800's in great physical shape you were worth about $350.00 a lot of money for the time! You were taken care of, clothed, housed and fed. After all, who is going to purchase an investment then mistreat it? But because of the media "The great Levar Burton" in Roots, we think that all slaves were were beaten and every white person owned one.

If you were an Irish male in great physical condition, in the mid 1800's, you were worth nothing. You were greeted with a sign that said, "Die, MICK, Die!" or "Help wanted Irish need not apply", "Go Home Mick! Go Home!".

Pretty damn amazing statement right there.

As for why some stories are covered and others aren't both sides of the race line make the same argument. White killing blacks get coverage the reverse doesn't... one side will scream. White children getting abducted are national news the reverse is not... the other side will scream.

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Regardless of the type of crime, those "people" are nothing but savage animals. It's too bad they can't receive the same kind of treatment they gave those poor kids as their punishment.

You aren't kidding. This crime sounds like the stories you hear coming out of African civil wars (the cut off breast reminded me of it). I don't know how people can get this crazy.

Death penalty in this case almost seems like putting down a rabid dog. Criminals as bad as these have gone so far past what I can recognize as human that I just don't see them as people.

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I've never heard of this story before today.... This type of **** angers me to no end... What angers me even more is that there is a support group out there defending the actions of these barbaric pieces of ****... racially motivated or not... no human being should ever have to experience something so horrible and anyone that commits a crime of this nature should be killed the same way they killed their victims

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