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Draft profiles for Golston and Montgomery??


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24 pounds is a big difference, especially if one is more muscle. A tenth of a second in the 40 may not seem big, but drop Ginn or CJ a tenth of a second and see where they fall (maybe CJ is still 2, but I doubt Ginn goes 9).

a tenth of a second IS a big deal, you are correct. but your case has to do with WR, which is a speed/skill position. in the land of defensive tackles, it doesn't make nearly as much of a difference.

now if you said that one tackle could squat 150lbs more than the other one, i'd say that's a big deal.

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I think a lot of things come down to perception. Fact is, we think less of a player because they were drafted lower, when the reality may be that there isn't much difference between that player and one that was projected to be higher.

We all sit around and think Branch is that much better than Montgomery because we are told that it is so by "experts". But, the Redskins could have seen all the tape, and know what Monty gives them and decide that Branch isn't that much of an upgrade. We can cry fowl in that, but we don't have the resources to really compare the two players, since we have barely seen Monty play.

So, a lot of people here don't think much of Monty, mainly because he didn't make an instant impact, and wasn't super impressive when he did get to play. It doesn't mean that he can't be the player a lot of us think Branch would have given us.

I think, as fans, we have come to expect instant results from a player, that if they don't immediately make an impact, that the player can never make an impact and we need to find a new guy. Course, the expectations change depending on the round the player is selected. If the guy is a first rounder, we expect him to be able to start immediately with few problems.

But, in the end, these guys are all rookies and there is always a learning curve. How sharp it is is variable and doesn't always match up with what round they were drafted in.


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Ok, and your point? golston weighs 80 lbs less.

He also played more than 2 games in a higher level than Community College and wasn't arrested for Conspiracy to Commit burglary. Golston also didn't get kicked out of two programs. You guys really want to see this guys in burgundy and gold?

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24 pounds is a big difference, especially if one is more muscle. A tenth of a second in the 40 may not seem big, but drop Ginn or CJ a tenth of a second and see where they fall (maybe CJ is still 2, but I doubt Ginn goes 9).

He's listed at 305 on the Skins website and 312 on ESPN so I think he's in the 310 range...I'm looking forward to seeing his development in the teams offseason program....

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Montgomery has the frame to add 15-20 Ibs. of muscle with the right strength coaches over the next 2 years. An athletic 6' 5" DT that weighs 325-330 and is young.....isn't that what everyone is clamoring for. I can't recall a link, but I remember hearing that Montgomery lacked the physical strength to handle the role the skins envision him filling. 3-4 months of a periodized strength program should help him significantly! I expect we'll see a lot of Montgomery and Golston this year.

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Montgomery has the frame to add 15-20 Ibs. of muscle with the right strength coaches over the next 2 years. An athletic 6' 5" DT that weighs 325-330 and is young.....isn't that what everyone is clamoring for. I can't recall a link, but I remember hearing that Montgomery lacked the physical strength to handle the role the skins envision him filling. 3-4 months of a periodized strength program should help him significantly! I expect we'll see a lot of Montgomery and Golston this year.

I couldn't find it anywhere, but wasn't it said that both Golston and Montgomery were busting thier butts in the gym recently? If that's the case, it might go a long way in helping themselves and the team this season.

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I think thats why the skins aren't that worried about our line wew have a great starter in griffin and joe but we also have two young developing players their and we all know that if the skins don't like a late draft pick their gone. These two were able to get into the rotation and play well they just need time to develop but when you have two young guys with talent who want to work they can only go up.

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Absolutely no correlation. Completely different players. Just because stats and weights are the same does not translate what so ever as to how the person will play in the NFL. Ridiculous to compare the two. :rolleyes:

OK, if you don't go by production how would you compare these two. Let me guess, some so called expert told you so. :secret:

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24 pounds is a big difference, especially if one is more muscle. A tenth of a second in the 40 may not seem big, but drop Ginn or CJ a tenth of a second and see where they fall (maybe CJ is still 2, but I doubt Ginn goes 9).

I go by production. The size and speed is just to show they are both large DT's. But I would rather have a guy that produces more not runs faster.

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What have you seen from Montgomery? I dont recall how many plays he got last year, but it was a significant number less than Golston. I remember the one game where they both started our defense didn't look too good. Do you have any examples of the good things you've seen from these two?

. . . 31st overall for the entire year. I don't really think that they were, if anything, subpar.

I'm sorry that we have two, though I do agree that Golston is better, prospects that might actually help our team, save us from overspending/trading, and win us a few more games. It seems to be killing most of you.


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Art's post is dead on.

It is a sad and pathetic state of affairs when you go thru the offseason hoping the team will turn it around so it can be shoved back in the faces of their own "fans".

Usually I hope for the best to spite fans of other teams, and I'd bet that is how it is with most fans around the league. One reason I like the Redskins to win is to put Cowboys, Eagles and Giants fans in their place.

Never before have I felt like I do this offseason, where I want them to win to make our own 'fans' eat their words.

It's disgusting the level of hopeless hate directed at our team by our 'fans'.

As to the topic, obviously they're both young low draft choices. To expect Pro Bowls out of them is not realistic. But if they can develop into solid players (and I don't see any reason to believe they can't at this point) then it's a good thing all around.


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. . . 31st overall for the entire year. I don't really think that they were, if anything, subpar.

I'm sorry that we have two, though I do agree that Golston is better, prospects that might actually help our team, save us from overspending/trading, and win us a few more games. It seems to be killing most of you.


What? Nah, better yet WTF? Is it that hard to answer the question of what positive things a person has seen from Montgomery last year? I can understand that there are a lot of positive things said about Golston because he did do some positive things. What I'm asking is what positive things did Montgomery do? And if you can't name any, then why are people saying that they saw promise in him last year?

Sure the guy had a nice draft profile, but so did Heath Shuler. I'm trying to have a logical disussion on the skills of these players and I get BS responses like this. Maybe I should only respond to skins fans with the IQ above a 5th grader cause this is gettting stupid.

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Worst case scenario we have two solid rotational DT's that we picked up on the cheap. Best case, one of the two (or dare I say both?) build on what they did last year and cement themselves as solid starters or better......

Exactly, if these two continue to improve as JG says they are in their first offseason workout regimen with the team the we will have to solid contributors coming off the bench. If these two can spell Griff and Salave'a for a few plays then that means our starters will hopefully be less injury prone due to taking fewer snaps. But all in all, this year will be an evaluation year for everyone on that DL because we tooking care of the LB units and the secondary for that matter. I faith though and I really like Golston's attitude. And plus he currently have a FULL DRAFT next year so we could make plenty of young quality additions to both the OL and DL.

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Worst case scenario we have two solid rotational DT's that we picked up on the cheap. Best case, one of the two (or dare I say both?) build on what they did last year and cement themselves as solid starters or better......

Thats a very optimistic worst case scenario. I'd say that the worse case scenario is that both players are cut and don't pan out to anything. I'm not trying to say that that's going to happen, but its definately possible, especially for Montgomery who hasn't shown me anything yet.

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Absolutely no correlation. Completely different players. Just because stats and weights are the same does not translate what so ever as to how the person will play in the NFL. Ridiculous to compare the two. :rolleyes:

On what grounds do you make this statement. Stats during your senior year seems like a pretty fair gauge to rate a player. Besides, I haven't heard any derogatory comments about effort said about Montgomery that I have heard about Branch.

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What? Nah, better yet WTF? Is it that hard to answer the question of what positive things a person has seen from Montgomery last year? I can understand that there are a lot of positive things said about Golston because he did do some positive things. What I'm asking is what positive things did Montgomery do? And if you can't name any, then why are people saying that they saw promise in him last year?

Sure the guy had a nice draft profile, but so did Heath Shuler. I'm trying to have a logical disussion on the skills of these players and I get BS responses like this. Maybe I should only respond to skins fans with the IQ above a 5th grader cause this is gettting stupid.

1) Wow, insulting my IQ for your inability read and comprehend my post, you get a gold star for that.

2) My point was that Golston and Montgomery were on a terrible defense last year. They did a decent job for rookies, especially Golston. I'd give Golston a B and Montgomery a C. Sorry that I can't remember specific plays, but isn't that the argument against Monk being in the Hall?

If Golston and Montgomery did a B and C job as rookies on the SECOND-WORST defense in the LEAGUE, then I'd think it would be logical to say that they will do better in their second year in a hopefully improved defense.

I'd go on, but it's time for recess and us fifth graders are gonna kick the butts of those wimpy fourth graders in kickball.


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Ok, and your point? golston weighs 80 lbs less.

My point was you said we needed athletic guys for our line, I just said Golston was off the charts athletically.

You didn't mention size as a required necessity, only juxtaposing the 375 against a 40 time to prove athleticism.

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I think these two are busting tail in the weight room and running hard for one reason...

Read this site and read magazines. No one believes in them and that can be the most motivating issue to an athlete. Tell them they can't do it and see what happens. Cause thats what the media and this site has been saying. I hope they come in and dominate.

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Like very off season he Skins never seriously look to upgrade their d-line via the draft. I mean picking a player in later rounds that might pan out isn't being serious about it to me. Also taking a player in the 1st rd doesn't gurantee anything but at least is shows that you're trying to get a young strong energetic player. My feeling is that one year is all I need to see of the Skins not being able to stop the run, much less not having a pass rush. To not address it all is mind boggling to me. So just like in past seasons, I just hope I'm wrong about my gut feeling. That gut feeling being that the run defense is gonna be the same in my mind. There are those who equate being pessimistic with not being a fan. If thats your interpretation, so be it. Like some of you, I've played football and grown up around it all my life. Certain things that the Skins brass do should be questioned. Doesn't mean I'm not a fan. I don't think so but I hope Montgomery and Golston work out. :2cents:

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I couldn't find it anywhere, but wasn't it said that both Golston and Montgomery were busting thier butts in the gym recently? If that's the case, it might go a long way in helping themselves and the team this season.

Gibbs stated they both were in his post draft press conference when asked directly why no DL were drafted. They were both at Redskin Park during the voluntary workouts, even tho all players were given the freedom to train on their own.

Seems the coaching staff is comfortable enough with these two to not "reach" for DL prospects in this year's draft.

And that's good enough for me.

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