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presidential "debates" tonight at 7 on nbc

Leonard Washington

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He's one of the only ones. The only other ones I can think of now are Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich.

And that's why he has my vote. He's someone who's smart enough to have gotten this whole thing right from the very beginning. It's nice and all to come out now and say you screwed up but like you said this mess is on the rest of them as well as on Bush, although not to the same degree IMO.

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Do we need proof the media is biased toward the liberal side. Ok let's.

Dan rather basically reports a lie about Bush jr. that was proven false and stands by it. CBS stands by Rather.

Rush Limbaugh makes a statement about John Edwards wife and her cancer that this could help his campaign with sympathy. Later that night the news media blasts him for being insensitive, while turning around and saying the exact same statement the next day!

Don Imus gets fired, while Rosie and other liberal stars make statements which are in my view just as bad if not worse in some cases and not one news outlet is calling for a firing!!

I could go on but why bother? People laugh when Fox says they are fair and balanced, but they are. Whenever I watch them they grill republicans just as much as democrats. WHereas on other networks they tend to ask softball questions to democrats and grill republicans or just have all negative viewpoints about republicans.

I ask you this?? If the media isn't biased, why don't ever see uplifting or positive news stories about IRAQ?? You can't tell me that there aren't any good news stories from there and only bloodshed and violence??

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And that's why he has my vote. He's someone who's smart enough to have gotten this whole thing right from the very beginning. It's nice and all to come out now and say you screwed up but like you said this mess is on the rest of them as well as on Bush, although not to the same degree IMO.

It's unfortunate that someone like Kucinich can't get taken seriously in this country. Admittedly, he is kind of goofy but he has interesting and imaginitive ideas and he has stood up for the working class against a lot of powerful people over the years yet all I ever hear about him on the news is about his physical appearance, or his ambiguous love life, or some other characteristic that makes him seem effeminate.

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It's unfortunate that someone like Kucinich can't get taken seriously in this country. Admittedly, he is kind of goofy but he has interesting and imaginitive ideas and he has stood up for the working class against a lot of powerful people over the years yet all I ever hear about him on the news is about his physical appearance, or his ambiguous love life, or some other characteristic that makes him seem effeminate.

I agree. It is a shame. I think Kucinich is way smarter then people give him credit for.

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It's unfortunate that someone like Kucinich can't get taken seriously in this country. Admittedly, he is kind of goofy but he has interesting and imaginitive ideas and he has stood up for the working class against a lot of powerful people over the years yet all I ever hear about him on the news is about his physical appearance, or his ambiguous love life, or some other characteristic that makes him seem effeminate.

That along with his idelogy and politics remaining in the 1960s is why many of us do not take him seriously

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Do we need proof the media is biased toward the liberal side. Ok let's.

Dan rather basically reports a lie about Bush jr. that was proven false and stands by it. CBS stands by Rather.

Rush Limbaugh makes a statement about John Edwards wife and her cancer that this could help his campaign with sympathy. Later that night the news media blasts him for being insensitive, while turning around and saying the exact same statement the next day!

Don Imus gets fired, while Rosie and other liberal stars make statements which are in my view just as bad if not worse in some cases and not one news outlet is calling for a firing!!

I could go on but why bother? People laugh when Fox says they are fair and balanced, but they are. Whenever I watch them they grill republicans just as much as democrats. WHereas on other networks they tend to ask softball questions to democrats and grill republicans or just have all negative viewpoints about republicans.

I ask you this?? If the media isn't biased, why don't ever see uplifting or positive news stories about IRAQ?? You can't tell me that there aren't any good news stories from there and only bloodshed and violence??


Here's a good one to start with. And by the card-carrying communist AP.

You throw a few random, unrelated incidents into a haphazardly written post where you incorrectly believe that you've proved liberal bias in media. Did you read my above posts? Where I talk about the corporate bias in media, whose agenda is to make money? And both parties are more than willing to help them out.

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The Democrats refusing to attend a debate that has Fox as a sponsor is ridiculous. Brit Hume is no more partisan or less professional than Chris Mathews, Tim Russert or Stephanopoulos.

Back on topic, am I correct in assuming this debate is like most others. Carefully scripted answers with no new news? Any bomb throwing between candidates?

And when is the last time we had a primary debate almost a year away from primaries? This is overload in my opinion.

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The one democrat that I find intriguing is Gov. Richardson. He has more international experience than pretty much the rest put together, 4-time Nobel nominee, and plenty of experience at the federal level (not all good of course).

As far as electability, he seems to be a weird mix of liberal and conservative that will either kill him in the election or help him gain voters who would not normally vote Dem because of one specific issue or another. For example, his stance on gun control would probably help him have a much better chance in the western states than the other Dems, but could hurt him in more liberal areas.

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Unfortunately I think it's already a done deal that it's going to come down to Obama, Edwards and Hillary but I could see Richardson as the VP candidate or even as a Secretary of State.

Ya, I agree :(

Even if things had not already shifted so heavily to Obama and Clinton, I think he would have a hard time getting the nomination. While he has some of the "normal" liberal stances on abortion, etc., and a moderate stance on gay marriage, his gun control and death penalty views are such that it would be difficult for the more liberal arm of the Dem Party to even consider him.

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I tell you one thing, they sure put Obama in the hotseat...

The debates are in South Carolina, and they asked HIM if they should ban the Confederate flag from flying.

His eyes were sure dancing around the audience when he was trying to answer that one :laugh:

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I've said it before and I'll say it here. There is no question that there is to a degree a liberal bias in the mainstream media. Fox, however, does not have a conservative bias. They take the conservative position. That's a big difference.

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I tell you one thing, they sure put Obama in the hotseat...

The debates are in South Carolina, and they asked HIM if they should ban the Confederate flag from flying.

His eyes were sure dancing around the audience when he was trying to answer that one :laugh:

what did he say?

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Unfortunately I think it's already a done deal that it's going to come down to Obama, Edwards and Hillary but I could see Richardson as the VP candidate or even as a Secretary of State.

Remember that Clinton came out of nowhere too. There's a LOT of time left for some of the top people to say stupid things and for the inevetible sniping. I wish I had watched this, I may be a homer, but Richardson has been GREAT for this state and he's my choice for Pres.

Edit: Tell me you wouldn't want a Spaceport in your county. :D This tax passed and our spaceport is going to be a reality!


New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson visited Vista Middle School in East Las Cruces to ask for support for the spaceport initiative.

"The spaceport is 5,000 jobs for Southern New Mexico, the spaceport is discovery, space -- it's America's future and it's going to be here in Southern New Mexico," said Richardson.

The spaceport is a proposed $225 million facility to launch tourists into space.

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ORANGEBURG, S.C. - It was less of a debate and more like a polite first date where the Democratic presidential candidates wanted to avoid any fast moves that risk turning off voters.


Front-runners Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (news, bio, voting record) were on the receiving end of a couple jabs, but the Democrats vying for the White House were downright complimentary, calling each other by their first names more like friends than rivals.

Offered a chance to rebut Obama on his plan for Iraq, Clinton said: "I think that what Barack said is right." Asked who else on the stage could win against a Republican presidential candidate, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden said: "I'm looking at a bunch of winners right here, number one. And whoever wishes for Hillary is making a big mistake."

Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd praised Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich for declaring his commitment to abortion rights. "What Dennis just said is extremely important," Dodd said.

In short, they mostly pulled their punches and played it safe in their first debate.

"No runs, no hits, no errors," said Democratic consultant Erik Smith. "Nobody made any significant mistake, but nobody distinguished themselves."

After their Thursday night face-off at South Carolina State University, the candidates planned to hang out another day in the state that holds the important second primary next January. They all were to attend the state party's biggest fundraiser Friday evening, then party together at a fish fry thrown by Rep. Jim Clyburn in a downtown Columbia parking garage.

The candidates spent most of their time in the 90-minute event broadcast live Thursday night on MSNBC explaining how they would lead the country and defending against their biggest criticisms.

Clinton said the fact that most of the public doesn't like her is actually a form of flattery because it shows she stands up for what she believes in. Obama, questioned about whether he's light on substance, laid out a three-point health care plan.

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards said even though he gets $400 hair cuts, he remembers what it was like when he was a kid and his father couldn't afford to pay for the family to eat at a pricey restaurant. And when the notoriously long-winded Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware was asked if he had the discipline to be a player on the world stage, he replied with uncharacteristic brevity. "Yes," was all he said to laughter in the hall with 850 viewers.

"The candidates did more testing of themselves and their own messages than against each other," said Democratic consultant Stephanie Cutter. "Very few issues separated them, and very few moments distinguished them. As these debates go on, that will change."

Their biggest target was President Bush. The candidates universally condemned the failures in Iraq and said they would bring troops home. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson said he would end the war on his first day as president, coupled with diplomatic efforts to rebuild the country.

White House counselor Dan Bartlett in an interview with CNN Friday accused the Democratic candidates of pandering to "the most extreme elements in their party" by promising an immediate end to the Iraq war if elected, but "not really talking about the consequences of their actions."

In his first chance to speak in the debate, Edwards showed he was ready to challenge his rivals on the war. "Senator Clinton and anyone else who voted for this war has to search themselves and decide whether they believe they've voted the right way," Edwards said. Dodd, Biden and Edwards also voted for the Iraq war resolution, although all three have said they regret it.

Clinton responded that she did as good a job as she could with the information she had at the time and said the focus now should be on how to get out of Iraq — which she said she would do as president if Bush doesn't do it first. Even though she was the front-runner, it was the only time she was called on to rebut a challenge.

The differences between Clinton, Obama and Edwards were on display at one point when moderator Brian Williams set up a familiar scenario of two U.S. cities attacked simultaneous by al-Qaida and asked the three how they would respond. Edwards and Clinton said they would swiftly retaliate. Obama did not mention retribution for al-Qaida but instead spoke about how he would make sure there was an effective emergency response, correct intelligence and a conversation with global allies.

Obama later got a chance to talk about how seriously he takes threats to the United States, after liberal longshots Kucinich and former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel said Obama's declaration that all options are on the table with Iran amounted to a threat of war.

Obama responded that it would be a mistake to initiate war with Iran, but the country's nuclear programs pose a major threat to the United States. As Kucinich and Obama talked over one another, Gravel jumped in to complain that the United States has refused to disarm its nuclear weapons.

"Who the hell are we going to nuke?" Gravel shouted. "Tell me, Barack. Barack, who do you want to nuke?"

Obama smiled to cool the heated exchange. "I'm not planning to nuke anybody right now, Mike, I promise," he said to laughter from the crowd.

"Good," Gravel said happily. "We're safe then, for a while."


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I ask you this?? If the media isn't biased, why don't ever see uplifting or positive news stories about IRAQ?? You can't tell me that there aren't any good news stories from there and only bloodshed and violence??

When do you see uplifting positive stories on ANYTHING???

Positive doesn't sell.

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People laugh when Fox says they are fair and balanced, but they are. Whenever I watch them they grill republicans just as much as democrats. WHereas on other networks they tend to ask softball questions to democrats and grill republicans or just have all negative viewpoints about republicans.

The only Press Secretary in the History of the United States to come directly from the media came from FOX. Do you think it was because of his neutrality? :laugh:

An example of fox grilling a Republican.

Senator, that is one ugly tie. Now, why are the Republicans letting the Democrats get away with doing such stupid things. Democrats are ruining this country. Shouldn't you as a Republican do more to stop democrats from destroying the constitution and raping our families?

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