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presidential "debates" tonight at 7 on nbc

Leonard Washington

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i don't think there are many democrat fans here but just in case.

As the network announced in January, MSNBC will telecast the first debates of the 2008 presidential campaign season. “NBC Nightly News” Anchor and Managing Editor Brian Williams will moderate the South Carolina Democratic Party’s debate on April 26th. MSNBC Election Anchor Chris Matthews will moderate the Reagan Library’s GOP debate on May 3rd, in partnership with politico.com.

The South Carolina Democratic Party has announced that Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, Mike Gravel, Dennis Kucinich, Barack Obama, and Bill Richardson are all confirmed to participate in the debate on April 26th. The debate will take place at South Carolina State University in Orangeburg, South Carolina, and will air live on MSNBC from 7:00 to 8:30 pm (ET) and stream live on MSNBC.com. South Carolina NBC affiliates, WIS-TV in Columbia, WYFF-TV in Greenville and WCBD-TV in Charleston, will join MSNBC in airing the debate.

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Well at least you admit Fox isn't "Fair and Balanced."

Sure I do. They're as far right as NBC is left.

Now, I don't want to hijack, honestly. If someone could post who's making good points, and if anyone discusses the details of their various plans, I'd be most appreciative. I've got one more evening shift to get through before a nice long 3-day weekend; and I can't see this at work.

As an aside, from what I've been able to hear on CSPAN radio, I like Obama. I'm not sure I could vote for him because of his "univseral" healthcare plan, and a few other things. But on a personal level, I like the guy. While he recognizes a need for SOME affirmative action programs, he's said we have to change what's going on at home first. Not just in the black community, but everywhere. I'm anxious to hear what his fatherhood initiative entails.

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Hey, if I show up do I get to debate too?

I was wondering that myself, its like a Hillary Obama debate where a clown car drove up on stage and unloaded its contents. I dont know if this is done on purpose to make their top two look better, or if their field is really that bad. I cant believe some of these guys up there.

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Sure I do. They're as far right as NBC is left.

Now, I don't want to hijack, honestly. If someone could post who's making good points, and if anyone discusses the details of their various plans, I'd be most appreciative. I've got one more evening shift to get through before a nice long 3-day weekend; and I can't see this at work.

As an aside, from what I've been able to hear on CSPAN radio, I like Obama. I'm not sure I could vote for him because of his "univseral" healthcare plan, and a few other things. But on a personal level, I like the guy. While he recognizes a need for SOME affirmative action programs, he's said we have to change what's going on at home first. Not just in the black community, but everywhere. I'm anxious to hear what his fatherhood initiative entails.

Ah, the myth persists that NBC and other media outlets are "leftist" or liberal. They're not. They're run and owned by people whose sole purpose in life is to make money. General Electric, who owns and operates NBC and MSNBC profit greatly from the Republicans just as they do from the Democrats. Specifically, they make a lot of money from building weapons systems and other items designed for military use and as such are beneficiaries of the Republican's war policies lately. Their agenda is to make money, not promulgate some kind of narrow party agenda. They don't care what party they're with, if there's a politician selling, they're buying.

Fox, as it happens, is slightly different in that it's CEO is an extreme idealogue, but they do the same money-making bull****. I see more "What to Get Your Mate on Valentine's Day" on Fox than I see them actually talking about real news.

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Anyone but Hillary in 08. And who is running for the republicans??? oops, I mean who cares?? Most on the democratic side make me want to vote just so none of them win....they all scare me!! On the republican side, they make me want to not vote because they bore me!! Will a real republican please stand up, please stand up.

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Right, headexplode. Now shock me and show me that a liberal can take his blinders off too. :rolleyes:

Do you not understand what a corporation is designed to do? It's not that hard to imagine. They're designed to make as much money as possible, with the least amount of expenditure, and the least amount of risk. They do have agendas. To make money. That's it. Six corporations own virtually all of the mainstream media. It's not conspiracy. It's not obscured information locked in a guarded vault buried deep in the mountains of Nevada. It's out in the open for everyone to see and discuss. If they're interested in policies of this nation, which they certainly are, it's not on the level of conservative vs liberal, republican vs democrat, red state vs blue state, they realize these are meaningless distractions that keep people too consumed to actually pay attention to what's going on. They want the scratch, and they don't care how they get it, or who gives it to them. Do you really think it's coincidence that media regulations are eased just about every year, to allow more ownership by giant multinationals? Do you find it odd that the biggest easing of regulation happened in 1996 and was wholeheartedly supported by one Bill Clinton and the republican congress. Working together. That the policies and cooperation of both parties is helping them to larger and larger profits even as programming gets worse and worse? This doesn't raise your eyes? Are you trying to say that corporate ownership doesn't shape news content? Do you really expect me to believe that the "media" has picked sides based on political idealogy? And that they want to piss off the people who keep them in fine clothes and expensive mansions? Yeah, I'm wearing blinders.

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OK, gotcha. The agendas are all on the right. The left meanwhile is wholesome, decent and honest in all capacities. I got it.

Has Barak laid out any details of this fatherhood initiative he's got? I really am interested to see what that's all about.

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OK, gotcha. The agendas are all on the right. The left meanwhile is wholesome, decent and honest in all capacities. I got it.

That's not at all what I'm saying. You didn't get it at all. You're still hung up on left and right. The media is not inherently left or right. Again, the corporations who own media outlets are concerned with making money, not getting involved in party disputes or party politics.

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I'm really curious about something. The Democrats are screaming for us to get out of Iraq. Maybe they are right. BUT, I have yet to hear, and maybe I'm wrong, but I have yet to hear what the plan would then be when Iraq collapses and turns to doo-doo. What do we do if/when (more like when) the wackos walk right in and take over? What then?

I'm not trying to stir anything up, it's just something I was thinking.

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I wish I'd watched.

I have to admit, I think if I were asking one of the questions, my first one would have been "How do each of you feel, as a Presidential candidate, about the Iraq funding bill that just passed the Senate?"

I'd be curious as to exactly how each of them would sidestep making a firm declaration.

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I'm really curious about something. The Democrats are screaming for us to get out of Iraq. Maybe they are right. BUT, I have yet to hear, and maybe I'm wrong, but I have yet to hear what the plan would then be when Iraq collapses and turns to doo-doo. What do we do if/when (more like when) the wackos walk right in and take over? What then?

I'm not trying to stir anything up, it's just something I was thinking.

This is a good question. I would start by asking the democrats why they overwhelmingly supported the war to begin with, and are now the first ones to point the fingers at republicans for the way it has been mismanaged. They are part of the blame, they should shoulder part of the weight.

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This is a good question. I would start by asking the democrats why they overwhelmingly supported the war to begin with, and are now the first ones to point the fingers at republicans for the way it has been mismanaged. They are part of the blame, they should shoulder part of the weight.

Barack Obama never supported the war. He spoke out against it.

Barack Obama's Iraq Speech - 26 October 2002

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both those questions where asked, and both were evasively answered. The most direct answer came from Biden, I think, who said he would take all our troops out and replace them with international troops. Thats a pretty cool trick.

I would replace them with unicorns, rainbows, and leprechauns. I think my answer is just as realistic as his at this point in the game.

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