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What Republican has fallen furthest?


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I was reading an article about Condi in today's post and that question popped into my mind. Four years ago, she was everyone's darling and there was pretty serious talk about her being a major contender for President in '08. Now, she's off almost every radar screen. There's also Delay, who through corruption and criminal behavior left/was forced out of the Senate. This guy was a leader of the Senate and a major major power player. Then, we have the Libby, Hunter, and others who wound up in jail. Finally, we have Rumsfield, Wolfowitz etc. who were the pupeteers and now have either been ousted or are just barely hanging on.

For this querry, you can not pick George W. Bush. Why? It's just too easy an answer. It will also lead to a less fun debate and become more of a typical bashing game. Besides, he's still the President and he couldn't be re-elected even if he wanted to be. So, I'm eliminating him from the choice list.

You can define "Fall" how you want? It could be the steepest ascent leading to a sudden plunge. It be from the highest heights to the lowest irrelevance. Or however you envision it.

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You know I can't really argue any of those selected so far.

Allen... dead an buried (even worse than Kerry who has amazing foot and mouth disease)

Frist... Stock corruption, plus I'm a doctor I only play a Representitive on TV

Sarge... Jan Brady has nothing on him right now. Klinton. Klinton. Klinton. Or Pelosi. Pelosi. Pelosi (that may be Kilmer actually) ;)

George H. W. Bush... well, if you had a son like his wouldn't you consider jumping.

On the D side of the aisle, I am beginning to see quite a fall upcoming for Pelosi. She still has the opportunity not to, but her missteps right now are louder than her steps.

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Condi rice is off people's radar screen because she already came out and said that she really does not want to be president.

I don't know. The respect level and the trust level for Condi has disipated to a very large degree. She has done so poorly whenever questioned. I think if we surveyed a large enough group more people would say she's out of her depth than doing a great job right now.

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Foley is up there, but not necessarily tops in my opinion. Delay had to talk him into running again, so the fact that he got kicked out wasn't that big a fall for him. The only real change for him is that instead of stalking interns now he's back to stalking kids at Disney World.

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Foley is up there, but not necessarily tops in my opinion. Delay had to talk him into running again, so the fact that he got kicked out wasn't that big a fall for him. The only real change for him is that instead of stalking interns now he's back to stalking kids at Disney World.

He still gets my vote. Thats dispicable.

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The whole republican party on a whole. I have never seen a bunch of spineless, ball-less losers who wouldn't defend their own wives if someone called them a name!!

As for Delay, He was railroaded out with bogus charges and the Repubs allowed him to be lead to slaughter. That is why my answer. They pretty much let every member who questionably got into trouble hang themselves without an ouce of support. That's loyalty for ya.

That's why I like Bernie Goldbergs newbook, "crazies to the left of me, Wimps on the right" I feel the american people. The Democrats are out of thier minds and the Republicans are like the skinny nerd at the beach getting sand kicked in his face. Who do you choose?? What a mess!!

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He still gets my vote. Thats dispicable.

As worst Repub, maybe... but biggest fall from power? I don't know about that. Delay was the leader of the Senate and practically their main voice on all issues and now he's nobody. Cunningham is in jail. Condi probably doesn't deserve either, but perceptionwise she's fallen pretty steeply.

Then again, if we are talking about a fall in people's perception, Foley might be right at or near the top (although, I wonder how many people had even heard of him on a national level prior to the scandel breaking out)

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Wasn't Condi considered as a candidate to be the NFL Commissioner???

Sort of. She is a well known NFL fanatic, and obviously, she's a really smart woman. But since you cant really leave her current position in the middle of a war, the timing didnt work out.

If Goodell manages to get fired, im sure she'd be on the short list.

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As worst Repub, maybe... but biggest fall from power? I don't know about that. Delay was the leader of the Senate and practically their main voice on all issues and now he's nobody. Cunningham is in jail. Condi probably doesn't deserve either, but perceptionwise she's fallen pretty steeply.

Then again, if we are talking about a fall in people's perception, Foley might be right at or near the top (although, I wonder how many people had even heard of him on a national level prior to the scandel breaking out)

I gotcha.

Fall from power might be Rummy.

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Hillary Clinton......... :)

Frankly with a few exceptions, there really isn't much difference between Democrats and Republicans anymore.

Both tend to want big government.

Both tend tend to bow to whatever corporation, big money group, another country that owns them.

Neither seem that interested in the American people and just whatever political manuver gets them more power, fame, money or PR.

Just a thought to to Dems. and Reps. who needs to one up each other here yet is missing the point entirely.

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Frankly with a few exceptions, there really isn't much difference between Democrats and Republicans anymore.

Both tend to want big government.

Both tend tend to bow to whatever corporation, big money group, another country that owns them.

Neither seem that interested in the American people and just whatever political manuver gets them more power, fame, money or PR.

Just a thought to to Dems. and Reps. who needs to one up each other here yet is missing the point entirely.


Well said and I believe you are correct.

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