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The worst pundit on VT shooting - Debbie Schlussel


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Scum Pundit #2 is Ken Ham:

"We live in an era when public high schools and colleges have all but banned God from science classes. In these classrooms, students are taught that the whole universe, including plants and animals—and humans—arose by natural processes. Naturalism (in essence, atheism) has become the religion of the day and has become the foundation of the education system (and Western culture as a whole). The more such a philosophy permeates the culture, the more we would expect to see a sense of purposelessness and hopelessness that pervades people’s thinking. In fact, the more a culture allows the killing of the unborn, the more we will see people treating life in general as “cheap.”


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Scum Pundit #2 is Ken Ham:

"We live in an era when public high schools and colleges have all but banned God from science classes. In these classrooms, students are taught that the whole universe, including plants and animals—and humans—arose by natural processes. Naturalism (in essence, atheism) has become the religion of the day and has become the foundation of the education system (and Western culture as a whole). The more such a philosophy permeates the culture, the more we would expect to see a sense of purposelessness and hopelessness that pervades people’s thinking. In fact, the more a culture allows the killing of the unborn, the more we will see people treating life in general as “cheap.”


Debbie was obnoxious. However, this site is religious and blames the "decay" of civilization on having God removed. While you may not agree with this theory, it is no worse than the teories that the "decay" of civilization is based on religion. Comparing the two sites mentioned is not only unfair, but dishonest.
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Debbie was obnoxious. However, this site is religious and blames the "decay" of civilization on having God removed. While you may not agree with this theory, it is no worse than the teories that the "decay" of civilization is based on religion. Comparing the two sites mentioned is not only unfair, but dishonest.

Do you think it was necessary for him to make such a post on the day of the shooting? Ken Ham is a repulsive vulture using the deaths of young people to make his point before even their relatives have been notified.

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Do you think it was necessary for him to make such a post on the day of the shooting? Ken Ham is a repulsive vulture using the deaths of young people to make his point before even their relatives have been notified.

Eh, from the quote you posted, I certainly wouldn't put them in the same game, let alone the same ball park.

The Ken Ham quote is talking in generalities about why such heinous violent acts are becoming more common place.

Debbie whateverhername was making specific, unsupported claims that were completely racist (and turn out to be completely unfounded, ie., he was South Korean!)

Perhaps theirs more to this that is making Ken so reprehensible to you, Sisyphus, but I'm not seeing it.

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Perhaps theirs more to this that is making Ken so reprehensible to you, Sisyphus, but I'm not seeing it.

Thirty three people are dead. More than twenty others are in hospital, and the first thing people like Ken, Debbie and others think is "How can I use this to advance my agenda"? Ken wasn't pointing fingers at a particular race, but he rushed to write and post a lengthy article exploiting the deaths of others to argue his point of view.

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Thirty three people are dead. More than twenty others are in hospital, and the first thing people like Ken, Debbie and others think is "How can I use this to advance my agenda"? Ken wasn't pointing fingers at a particular race, but he rushed to write and post a lengthy article exploiting the deaths of others to argue his point of view.

and the second thing you do is start a witch hunt..

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It is astonishing to me how so many look for place to put the blame, they look for reasoning in a situation that has no reason, no normalcy, no sense. These events are brought on by the human brain. This kid lost his mind. It isn't important what he lost his mind over, all that is important is that promising lives were stopped short. It makes absolutely no difference if they were stopped short by a man, woman, chinese, muslim, white or black person. Unfortunately people will read this ladies blog and far too many people are looking for something to believe in. I can't think of a more selfish act than what this lady did. Using this tragedy to promote her agenda should be criminal. I wish her good luck in hell.

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Do you think it was necessary for him to make such a post on the day of the shooting? Ken Ham is a repulsive vulture using the deaths of young people to make his point before even their relatives have been notified.
What are you doing trolling on Young Earth creationist site? Let alone quoting it like its a mainstream secular blog? :doh:
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I'm sure you'll all be glad to know that video games are the root of this evil:

Dr. Phil on Larry King:

LARRY KING: Why, though - OK, you want to kill someone, you’re crazed, you’re a little nuts, girlfriend drops you, why do you kill innocent people?… Dr. McGraw, are they treatable?

DR. PHIL: Well, Larry, every situation is different… The question really is can we spot them. And the problem is we are programming these people as a society. You cannot tell me - common sense tells you that if these kids are playing video games, where they’re on a mass killing spree in a video game, it’s glamorized on the big screen, it’s become part of the fiber of our society. You take that and mix it with a psychopath, a sociopath or someone suffering from mental illness and add in a dose of rage, the suggestibility is too high.

And we’re going to have to start dealing with that. We’re going to have to start addressing those issues and recognizing that the mass murders of tomorrow are the children of today that are being programmed with this massive violence overdose.

Full Transcript Here

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I'll reserve my opinion on Dr. Phil, but how would you explain it?

Go ahead.

And how do you explain why this stuff happened before video games even existed? It's just an unfortunate part of humanity, that's all. Some people lose it.

Btw, Dr. Phil is freakin idiot. I don't know how he ever even got a degree.

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And how do you explain why this stuff happened before video games even existed? It's just an unfortunate part of humanity, that's all. Some people lose it.

Yeah, what video games do you think the Texas sniper was playing? What horrible TV images did Hitler see growing up. What a cop out.

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I'll reserve my opinion on Dr. Phil, but how would you explain it?

Go ahead.

hmmm, could it be...Satan?!


Seriously, the guy obviously had some mental and/or emotional issues that he was incapable of handling on his own. Playing video games was not the cause.

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hmmm, could it be...Satan?!


Seriously, the guy obviously had some mental and/or emotional issues that he was incapable of handling on his own. Playing video games was not the cause.

I just asked you to explain it.

My personal opinion is, while violent video games was probably not the direct cause of this tragedy, they certainly don't help things. How many parents plop their kids down in front of these games or movies like its some kind of babysitter?

There is no denying that the environment shapes a person's personality.

I don't see anyonegripe when something bad happens and somebody says "he fell in with a bad crowd over the last year or so." Same principle. You expose the population to large doses gratuitous violence and/or remove responsibility and consequences for actions, and some folks are gonna do this stuff.

Does it mean we will turn into crazed killers? No.

Are you adding fuel to the fire? Yes.

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Yeah, what video games do you think the Texas sniper was playing? What horrible TV images did Hitler see growing up. What a cop out.
I didn't claim they did.

Whitman was a Marine, who suffered child abuse, with a brain tumor pressing on his hypothalimus.

Hitler most likely suffered from the effects of Mustard Gas plus was also an abused child.

It would not surprise me in the least if this killer was abused also.

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I don't believe in the Video game theory either. I played video games since I was a kid, and you don't see me going off and killing people.

Hell, there is just as much violence in the news nowadays as in video games...

The scary part is, is that it seems more and more people who do these types of things are your normal every day people, with no issues whatsoever. Before it used to be that a person had "issues", now it could be anyone who has just been "set off".

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I didn't claim they did.

Whitman was a Marine, who suffered child abuse, with a brain tumor pressing on his hypothalimus.

Hitler most likely suffered from the effects of Mustard Gas plus was also an abused child.

It would not surprise me in the least if this killer was abused also.

Abuse is a link and a cause I would more readily accept. Video games are not the colpurit. They are just the easy fall guy anymore.

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It's not video games, movies, or music... it's everything. American culture has grown increasingly violent. We don't even blink when violent movies recieve a pg13 tag. You can argue all day that a video game doesn't make anyone do anything... I'll argue right along side you. But it's hard to deny that a culture effects behavior and our culture is violent.

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It's not video games, movies, or music... it's everything. American culture has grown increasingly violent. We don't even blink when violent movies recieve a pg13 tag. You can argue all day that a video game doesn't make anyone do anything... I'll argue right along side you. But it's hard to deny that a culture effects behavior and our culture is violent.
That's what I'm saaaayyyyin'!

Third base!

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It's not video games, movies, or music... it's everything. American culture has grown increasingly violent. We don't even blink when violent movies recieve a pg13 tag. You can argue all day that a video game doesn't make anyone do anything... I'll argue right along side you. But it's hard to deny that a culture effects behavior and our culture is violent.

Completely agree. It's an overall desensitization to violence. I doubt that desensitization is the cause of any of these mass murderers' actions. However, I think it could be an environmental factor that exacerbates a sociopath's tendency towards more intense violence. In a broken mind/conscience, the desensitization to violence is a further helper to overcome barriers and taboos that normally inhibit such behavior.

The attention given these events, in general, doesn't help either.

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When you look at other countries that have the same video games, the same movies, very similar social set up and lifestyle, and even access to lethal weapons of various sorts, you just don't see the same incidents of people attempting massacres like you do in the USA.

It seems to be something about the US psyche. What I don't know. :doh:

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