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The worst pundit on VT shooting - Debbie Schlussel


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When you look at other countries that have the same video games, the same movies, very similar social set up and lifestyle, and even access to lethal weapons of various sorts, you just don't see the same incidents of people attempting massacres like you do in the USA.

It seems to be something about the US psyche. What I don't know. :doh:

some sociologists think it is unique to American culture because it just may have coincidentally become ingrained when copy cat crimes happened (that may not have happened if there wasn't an original event to copy).

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The fact that she, and the many people who commented on the blog would so quickly jump to the conclusion that because the shooter was identified as Asian that this person was a Middle Eastern Muslim person shows how secluded she and the posters who responded on her blog are from the rest of our society. For her to just see the shooter labeled Asian and then figured she could just fill in the rest of the story with a made up story about how the media and law enforcement had an agenda to support muslims instead of the tragedy that was right in front of them (also ironic that she said that she would be offended if she were asian and heard somebody call her asian). For someone to put out there agenda while a community is still in shock and haven't even started to mourn is pretty low.

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