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Dolphin massacre in Japan (video)....WARNING: it's GORY


Do any of you know what you're talking about?  

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  1. 1. Do any of you know what you're talking about?

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Yeah, a little different!

I watched Gordon Ramsey's two pigs slaughtered on the F Word a couple of days ago. From a completely unexpected electric shock to bleeding out took ten seconds.

I have a feeling that some of those Dolphins were in agony for close to an hour before passing.

Not really the same thing, is it?

Could be wrong about the pigs...but theyre both animals, and they both died for us to eat.

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You should go with the rest of those Japanese people and rot somewhere...

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

You are probably the type of person that killed animals for fun as a child.


get off your high chair. People hunt for food. The guy you're yelling at simply took a matter-of-fact, realistic point of view. I know you're all flustered by the shocking nature of what you viewed, but maybe you should just take a deep breath and think about what you're actually saying. I don't think this guy is supporting the brutal nature of the dolphin fishing, he's just saying that dolphins will be preyed upon, whether its through natural predators of the sea, or from humans. I'm not a big fan of his point of view, but to completely write someone off like just shows a lack of maturity on your part.

First off I dont eat much meat if not any. I prefer pizzia and other vegetables. If I eat meat its rare. But look at it this way. What if dogs are cats where treated like this which they are. What about in this country if we ate dogs in cats. And treated them like that. Don't you think dog and cat owners would riot. Hell Yeah I think so.

I haven't seen any riots about the thousands of dogs slaughtered in beijing (due to overpopulation & a couple cases or rabies). Just sayin'. Of course, they aren't being slaughtered for food, but I think that makes it even worse!

Yeah, a little different!

I watched Gordon Ramsey's two pigs slaughtered on the F Word a couple of days ago. From a completely unexpected electric shock to bleeding out took ten seconds.

I have a feeling that some of those Dolphins were in agony for close to an hour before passing.

Not really the same thing, is it?

I love that show! I'm upset I missed that episode. I saw most of that season. How were the kids when they realized that their backyard animals were now their breakfast bacon?

and moving on... The agony of the dolphins is the only reason why this is just... appalling. I'm not going to draw any prejudice about people who eat this meat; it is a different culture. But when you have an animal that is regarded as fairly intelligent, it is pretty upsetting to see this happen. That said, if people are going to fish them, thats cool if thats their thing. I just wish they'd simply do a quick kill. Take the heads through a guillotine on the spot. Either way, the Japanese government really should do something about these practices. Its almost just not right, like the days of dynamite fishing.

When it comes to "dolphin", I'll stick to the occasional Mahi Mahi steak ;)

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damn that was horrible. they couldn't figure out a quick way to kill them? :mad:

I saw a similar video earlier today also, very cruel. It was explained that they make the dolphins suffer rather than kill them quick, because when they are dying their body releases adrenaline which makes the meat tastier. I don't know the exact truth to that but it's sick any way you look at it.

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I saw a similar video earlier today also, very cruel. It was explained that they make the dolphins suffer rather than kill them quick, because when they are dying their body releases adrenaline which makes the meat tastier. I don't know the exact truth to that but it's sick any way you look at it.

You can say that again.


I saw a similar video earlier today also, very cruel. It was explained that they make the dolphins suffer rather than kill them quick, because when they are dying their body releases adrenaline which makes the meat tastier. I don't know the exact truth to that but it's sick any way you look at it.

Already did.

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Could be wrong about the pigs...but theyre both animals, and they both died for us to eat.

I guess we'll have to give you a lesson on the difference between how and why. I suspect based on your comment that any explaination will more than likely be WELL above your head. We'll try though. Anyone who hasn't been born under a fricking rock will know that a dolphin is different than a damned pig or cow. Another concept I suspect to be beyond your meager understanding.

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Could be wrong about the pigs...but theyre both animals, and they both died for us to eat.

You've zoomed out too much. Come in closer is notice something important: how something dies is a very important detail. Saying "they both died" misses the point entirely. The outrage is sparked by the brutal method of their killing, not the fact they were killed.

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Other cultures eat animals that we consider cute, intelligent and/or pets every day and I don't really see the problem in that. After all, I'm sure Hindus are just as appalled that we eat cows every day. However, I agree that making them suffer is inhumane. OTOH, we boil crabs/lobster ALIVE every day too so I don't know. Not much long-term suffering there but it's certainly a painfully horrible way to go.

However, it just brings home the fact that any animal needs to kill to survive. This fact of life holds true even for those people and animals that eat only plants. After all, plants are alive too. To attach a relative value to some life because it's cute or cuddly is just mentally lazy in my view. The bottom line is that killing food is a necessary evil of being alive.

Finally, aside from the religious ritual, "kosher" means the animal has been completely bled out and then goes through a process to remove all remaining blood. In other words, they slit it's throat so it can bleed out...pretty much the same thing they were doing to the dolphins in the vid. The Islamic "Halal" butchering process is pretty much the same. Therefore, I don't think either of these methods necessarily has anything to do with humane slaughter. :2cents:

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I saw a similar video earlier today also, very cruel. It was explained that they make the dolphins suffer rather than kill them quick, because when they are dying their body releases adrenaline which makes the meat tastier. I don't know the exact truth to that but it's sick any way you look at it.

Well I don't know if the same goes for fish, but when hunting deer, you're suppose to kill it as soon as possible so it doesn't bruise the meat. The longer it suffers the worse the meat is. I don't know why they can't just get a machine to cut the heads off.

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It is pretty hard to defend fois gras farming, which is why I don't eat the stuff. Same with veal.

Still, not all animal raising and slaughter is as bad as that.

And can't we make an argument about not slaughtering mammalian relatives gifted with great intelligence?

It's one thing if you're starving or if you are humanely treating chimpanzees for medical experiments to save human lives (though I know there are arguments against that) but to eat dolphins when there are plenty of other, less intelligent non-mammalian forms of life in the sea and to do so in such a brutal and savage manner?

It's disgusting. You know I'm not bleeding heart but now that we KNOW what dolphins and whales are about, we shouldn't be killing them for food or any other reason.

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man I hope this doesnt come out wrong but the Japanese are BRUTAL when it comes to animals and food. I saw another video where a cat is being basically tortured skinned and then drowned.:(

Yeah, that's Asians in general (no offense.) In Korea they beat dogs until they piss on themselves and pass out because the fear and suffering is supposed to make the meat sweeter or some other sick nonsense.

Instead of people being quick to throw around the term hypocrite by pointing out how we eat chicken or cows, why not understand that there can be a standard for humane and respectful treatment of the animals that provide us with our food AND that maybe there are certain animals that are above killing because as INTELLIGENT and SENTIENT entities we recognize, admire and respect the SAME IN ANOTHER SPECIES.

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So it's not about Dan Marino?

Hahaha... Sorry, I truly was in a "down" mood until you said that.

Stupid dolphin killers. I have nothing against the Japanese ( I know many, and they're great people. good tv shows, too ), just these guys.

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Yeah, that's Asians in general (no offense.) In Korea they beat dogs until they piss on themselves and pass out because the fear and suffering is supposed to make the meat sweeter or some other sick nonsense.

Instead of people being quick to throw around the term hypocrite by pointing out how we eat chicken or cows, why not understand that there can be a standard for humane and respectful treatment of the animals that provide us with our food AND that maybe there are certain animals that are above killing because as INTELLIGENT and SENTIENT entities we recognize, admire and respect the SAME IN ANOTHER SPECIES.

So that obviously begs the question, who gets to choose which animals are intelligent and sentient? Are the "deciders" (if you will) going to then take on the responsibility for providing alternate food sources for the people who then have less to eat? Finally, who says intelligence and sentience is the threshold for what should or should not be eaten? Perhaps if I'm making the decision I say that anyone that eats anything living, plants or otherwise has to cease and desist.

Sorry Ghost but your idea goes awry when one takes into account practicality, feasibility and just plain old common sense.

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So that obviously begs the question, who gets to choose which animals are intelligent and sentient? Are the "deciders" (if you will) going to then take on the responsibility for providing alternate food sources for the people who then have less to eat?

I already made allowances for thsoe who have nothing to eat. Do you really think Japanese are starving? It's not the "Gambian Dolphin hunt" it's the Japanese. It's not necessary and thus no need to provide.

As for who gets to decide, I don't think we're exactly lacking on data here.

At bare minimum, the manner in which these dolphins appear to be killed is counter to any intent, spirit or practice of humane slaughter for food.

By the way, because something is objectively true does not mean we shouldn't strive for something subjectively ideal when it is in our power to do so. So some of what has been said about the nature of existence and how life eats/kills life to survive may be true. But we can still have baseline standards of how we treat the most advanced species.

As to why we decide only the intelligent are worthy, it's the same reason why we value human life and tend to value the human life we can't see (embryos, fetuses, etc) a little less. It's the same reason why we feel a kinship towards certain animals and not others.

It's not a bad thing to have a standard that is actually pretty easily applied in this kind of case.

By the way, you seemingly advance a position that can easily be applied to human affairs in politics and war. Divinely created animals are still animals. We may not eat our enemy but we do kill him. So why apply any standards of conduct to military conflict?

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Yeah, that's Asians in general (no offense.) In Korea they beat dogs until they piss on themselves and pass out because the fear and suffering is supposed to make the meat sweeter or some other sick nonsense.

Instead of people being quick to throw around the term hypocrite by pointing out how we eat chicken or cows, why not understand that there can be a standard for humane and respectful treatment of the animals that provide us with our food AND that maybe there are certain animals that are above killing because as INTELLIGENT and SENTIENT entities we recognize, admire and respect the SAME IN ANOTHER SPECIES.

:applause: :applause: :applause:

Very well said bro.

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Other cultures eat animals that we consider cute, intelligent and/or pets every day and I don't really see the problem in that. After all, I'm sure Hindus are just as appalled that we eat cows every day. However, I agree that making them suffer is inhumane. OTOH, we boil crabs/lobster ALIVE every day too so I don't know. Not much long-term suffering there but it's certainly a painfully horrible way to go.

Yes, well, crustacians are not cute like dolphins so people dont care. Protect the cute animals!

I dont really care of they fish "cute animals" though I agree that the suffering they went through is horrible and should be stopped. But its Japan, they will do it there way.

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Yes, well, crustacians are not cute like dolphins so people dont care. Protect the cute animals!

I don't know. Star Trek: TNG had an episode where diamond-like beings were being killed to terraform a planet. The problem that everyone had with that was that they were intelligent and sentient, not how cute they were.

Besides, we have certain feelings for our family, our countrymen, etc. There ARE concentric circles to this whole 'compassion' thing. I don't think it's a terrible thing to feel more for a dog being tortured than a fish.

Besides, arthropods have ganglions of nerves not advanced brains. Again, there IS something to what I'm saying.

UNless, of course people really believe that it is no worse to kill a gorilla than to kill a roach.

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Nibbs I was actually thinking of what would happen if the Hindus for example, were allowed to decide for us that beef is now off limits. Who would pay to replace the wealth destroyed by virtue of the beef industry going kaput?

As for the starving, I'm not sure such legislation would affect them too much, other than perhaps creating a short-term boon of cheap food due to it's no longer having any economic value. Strangely enough though, we don't seem to have a problem supporting govt. subsidies that keep them (actual people) starving so that farmer Bob in the U.S. can maintain his lifestyle. But again, people aren't as cuddly as dolphins and starvation doesn't cause blood to run in the streets so I guess that's not a worthy cause to support.

As for war, that's a whole different ball of wax. War is by definition an insane undertaking in which allegedly intelligent, sentient beings voluntarily (for the most part) choose to kill each other. It's a whole different ethical question than imposing the will of human intelligence on animals.

Finally, I said earlier that I agree that the manner that any animal is slaughtered should be the most humane way possible. In this case, I don't think that's what happened.

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I can understand people killing an animal for food. But this has to probably be the second most horrible gruesome thing I've ever watched in my life. The other was watching that one guy get his head cut off by the 'terrorists'.

I heard they let the animals suffer like this so that the meat tastes better. One day it will be people like that who will suffer in the same way, and I hope the day comes soon enough.

Btw...for all you mocking others for 'crying for the dolphins'...cruelty for animals is still cruelty and anyone who can be cruel to animal will no doubtly be cruel to a fellow human.

Anyone who has a heart hard enough to not see the cruelty here should be pitied more than those dolphins. Jesus died in the same manner yet he is the Son of God. Will you still mock when he looks you in the eye on judgement day and says "I never knew you...throw him into the pit of hell"?

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Humanity is really such an ugly thing, the ugliest, most depressing thing ever to come out of nature.
Yes it is, very ugly indeed. No other creature in God's creation can cause as much suffering and death as man in his depravity.

Sadly it takes images such as this to make us realize this and to re-examine ourselves.

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