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Since The Skins Have Given Up On Mcintosh....(Merged)


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With every thread I read...I hate the front office more!

Of course, because this collection of malcontented whiners obviously know what's going on.

Say, here's an idea. Why not wait to see what happens first? I mean, what a novel idea! Let's find out if they really HAVE given up on Rocky, or they're just playing games. Let's find out if they really intend to trade the pick, or if they intend to keep it and use it.

Nah,, that's too hard. Let's just b1tch until there's no more tears left to cry.


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Wait, I'm confused... When did GW say he gave up on Rocky? Oh he didn't?

When did Gibbs say it then? Oh, he didn't either?

When did Snyder? No?

Oh, so what's pretty much going on is a bunch of people, on the internet, have decided that the 'Skins must have given up on McIntosh because of the Briggs deal. It kinda makes sense if you only think linearly. But what if they are worried about MW's health? Someone would have to play that side. Or, what if they are grooming Rocky to play in the middle when London is done? Or maybe they're switching to a 3-4?

No it couldn't be any of those things or any other reasonable explanation. It's got to be the doom and gloom explanation. Otherwise some of our fairweather Redskin fans wouldn't be able to threaten giving up on the team forever.

Get over yourselves. You have no idea what's going on in Redskins Park, and neither do I. Don't pass your opinion as fact. It's more ignorance than it is factual to begin with.

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Wait, I'm confused... When did GW say he gave up on Rocky? Oh he didn't?

When did Gibbs say it then? Oh, he didn't either?

When did Snyder? No?

Hardly matters, KDawg. GIBBS-LIVES said it.

So of course, it HAS to be true!

Oh mama! I'm a-jumpin' off the bridge!


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So, because an @$$hole agent reports the Redskins are after his client, you automatically think that the agent is telling the truth and that the Redskins have given up on a player (that by the way they've actually seen play unlike you). Well that's just brillant.

Whose blind now? :stupid:

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I do not understand why the Skins would give up on a 2nd round linebacker who is highly rated and did not even play much last season. Does everybody think every rookie linebacker must start and make the pro bowl or ELSE. Whats up with that.

Rocky has what it takes and will end up a starting linebacker either this year or next year. Not everybody comes in as Laurence Taylor did....not even Briggs.

They have'nt given up on him. This is the opinion of someone who obviously does not understand football.

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Wait, I'm confused... When did GW say he gave up on Rocky? Oh he didn't?

When did Gibbs say it then? Oh, he didn't either?

When did Snyder? No?

Oh, so what's pretty much going on is a bunch of people, on the internet, have decided that the 'Skins must have given up on McIntosh because of the Briggs deal. It kinda makes sense if you only think linearly. But what if they are worried about MW's health? Someone would have to play that side. Or, what if they are grooming Rocky to play in the middle when London is done? Or maybe they're switching to a 3-4?

No it couldn't be any of those things or any other reasonable explanation. It's got to be the doom and gloom explanation. Otherwise some of our fairweather Redskin fans wouldn't be able to threaten giving up on the team forever.

Get over yourselves. You have no idea what's going on in Redskins Park, and neither do I. Don't pass your opinion as fact. It's more ignorance than it is factual to begin with.

these little whiny diatribes get tiring as well.

here is a FACT: they haven't gotten much of an ROI to date on a second round pick they traded up for. end of discussion.

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Hardly matters, KDawg. GIBBS-LIVES said it.

So of course, it HAS to be true!

Oh mama! I'm a-jumpin' off the bridge!


It's an amazing concept that in order for a player to be given up on, they have to be released... Who ever would have thought that to be the case? It's unbelievable the things that you can figure out if you stop and think for a few minutes before mindlessly posting a bunch of nonsensical BS, isn't it Bang?

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i dont think the coaching staff has "given up" on rocky, but they really arent doing a good job in way of his development. they didnt let him play when our season was in the toilet, they kept the worst LB in football in the game while our rookie stud sat on the bench, and now this whole briggs fiasco cant make him feel too good. i just wish they would consider him a little more, id love to hear gibbs come out and say "its rockys job to lose" like he did so firmly with brunell, but i dont think were gonna hear that anytime soon.

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these little whiny diatribes get tiring as well.

here is a FACT: they haven't gotten much of an ROI to date on a second round pick they traded up for. end of discussion.

The "whiny" diatribes wouldn't have to be given constantly if people started using their brains when they post and actually tried to make some sort of semblence of sense rather than jumping to absurd conclusions and proclaiming the world to be ending as we know it.

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You crying little girls are really starting to piss me off.

We haven't gotten Briggs yet, and we don't even know what has or has not actually happened!

PLEASE go find another team to constantly whine and b1tch about. It's tedious to read crying drivel after crying drivel every day. Just go torture some other team's fans already.

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I dont remember Rocky being given a chance. I also dont remember hearing anyone from the Skins FO saying Rocky was not going to start at WLB.

Give it some time people, when the dust settles, Rocky will be in the mix with London and Marcus....

And if he's not, he's not. That doesn't mean that anyone has given up on anyone. That's the key point that people seem to be missing.

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I dont remember Rocky being given a chance. I also dont remember hearing anyone from the Skins FO saying Rocky was not going to start at WLB.

Give it some time people, when the dust settles, Rocky will be in the mix with London and Marcus....

this is true, but read between the lines a little. how did warrick holdman keep starting over this kid when our season was gone? either the coaching staff thinks he sucks (which further proves our talent evaluation past the 1st round is garbage) or there was some man crush love on holdman from lindsay and thats why hes jobless at the moment. no one knows why, all we can do is speculate. but the mere fact that were even considering briggs (if we truly are, and this many rumors cant be unfounded) its a slap in the face to rocky, and an unnecessary one. the kid waits all season in the wings of the worst defense in football, doesnt get the chance to contribute to a horrid unit until week 16, then hears on ESPN that dan snyder is creaming his pants over an angry whiny LB who will most likely be mediocre without brian urlacher. that doesnt seem like something that would settle too well if i was rocky mcintosh.

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how did warrick holdman keep starting over this kid when our season was gone? .

Dale Lindsey(Lindsay? [to be honest I don't care how his name is spelled, he's a waste])?

Did you forget about the whole fiasco with him?

And who says the 'Skins haven't talked to Rocky? Come on people, assumptions do no one any good...

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this is true, but read between the lines a little. how did warrick holdman keep starting over this kid when our season was gone? either the coaching staff thinks he sucks (which further proves our talent evaluation past the 1st round is garbage) or there was some man crush love on holdman from lindsay and thats why hes jobless at the moment. no one knows why, all we can do is speculate. but the mere fact that were even considering briggs (if we truly are, and this many rumors cant be unfounded) its a slap in the face to rocky, and an unnecessary one. the kid waits all season in the wings of the worst defense in football, doesnt get the chance to contribute to a horrid unit until week 16, then hears on ESPN that dan snyder is creaming his pants over an angry whiny LB who will most likely be mediocre without brian urlacher. that doesnt seem like something that would settle too well if i was rocky mcintosh.

Well, we don't know what the team has said to Rocky. Could be they aren't happy, could be the opposite. Folks around here seem to take supposition as fact.

As far as why he didn't get much PT last year,, hard to say,, it seems GW has a thing against playing rookies right away. He didn't play Rogers as a rookie very much, and he even kept Taylor on ice for a little while in his first season. Maybe he just wants them to get their feet wet gradually instead of throwing them into the pool.

Personally I hope Rocky succeeds. Just like I hope every one of our players succeed.


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Dale Lindsey(Lindsay? [to be honest I don't care how his name is spelled, he's a waste])?

Did you forget about the whole fiasco with him?

And who says the 'Skins haven't talked to Rocky? Come on people, assumptions do no one any good...

true, thats all we have: assumptions. the team has so many people guessing that all we can do is just that. i hope the team makes rocky the starter, but at the moment, all i hear is briggs this and briggs that.

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true, thats all we have: assumptions. the team has so many people guessing that all we can do is just that. i hope the team makes rocky the starter, but at the moment, all i hear is briggs this and briggs that.

Even if he doesn't start this season, that doesn't mean they've given up on him though, bro.

It could mean they think he isn't ready, or it could be they're grooming him to take over at MLB, or they may use him in a reserve role but get him plenty of PT... Or, in a worst case scenario, they don't use him. The fact is, if they haven't released him, they haven't given up on him.

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Well, here is the thing, tons of people here are pissed when there are rumors of the Skins bringing Briggs in or other FA linebackers, BECAUSE they believe that Rocky will step in and show that he is a talented player. But it seem that the truth is that Rockey isn't as talented as the Skins originally thought.

I don't think it is a case of them just not finding out what he can do, I think that he probably isn't preforming in practice, or doesn't know what is going on, and have accepted that he either isn't going to make it, or is a longer term project. And from now on, until I am proven other wise, that is what I will assume too.

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I'm surprised some of you guys haven't killed yourself yet. Why not wait to whine and complain 'till after something actually takes place. It's not like your B****ing and moaning is gonna change any decisions that the FO is going to make. I feel sure that they have more confidence in their abilities than they do ours. There are so many opinions being stated here and everyone is confident that they are right. Who do you suggest they should listen to?

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Even if he doesn't start this season, that doesn't mean they've given up on him though, bro.

It could mean they think he isn't ready, or it could be they're grooming him to take over at MLB, or they may use him in a reserve role but get him plenty of PT... Or, in a worst case scenario, they don't use him. The fact is, if they haven't released him, they haven't given up on him.

Good thinking. Everybody continues to brag about A. Pierce. didhe come in and start right away? No. He was around a while before he had one good season w/ The Redskins. He was a backup and ST player up to that point. :helmet:

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Man you can tell its the offseason.

All of this is just conjecture and speculation and people beating rumours to death. Until we know some concrete details about this trade (if it is even a trade) I dont get why you people can get so negative on each other and call each other names and stuff. Oh i know more about football than you and blah blah were you even at rfk and hey dude you were like 12 when the skins last won something etc etc.

It truly is just dull to have to wade through. IF they do cut/trade Rocky then fair enough, its their decision to make. Yes we can ***** about it and all that and fair play to some of the valid points made here for and against this but is there any need for all of the extra name calling and the negativity. Frankly it gets dull after a while.

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