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Chicago's Thoughts on AA


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i was just trolling the bears forums to hassle a friend and found this:

Before you start praising Adam as a savior I think you should take a look at his stats over a five year period. (NFL.com)

Interceptions: 3

Sacks: 16

Pass Deflections: 18

I have a feeling we got a player who is ineffective in covering recievers.

and i got a kick out of it. i figured i would brighten everyone's day.

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I can't wait for bears fans to be upset when they see how much of a bum arch is......well atleast in coverage

I just hope he SUCKS when he plays the Redskins at FedEx. I don't care how good/bad he does in Chicago. The only thing I know is that he was not a good fit for our defense and he would have never produced in here, plus he didn't have a good relationship with Greg Williams. I know that if he does well people are going to start ripping off the FO for letting him go just for a 6th round choice or for not giving him another change, and I also know that if he sucks in Chicago then people will just praise the FO.

I think he would have never been a good fit with the Redskins and a 6th round choice is a lot better than having to release him!:cheers::cheers::cheers:

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Well I think Arch will be an animal in Chicago, but I think we know his weaknesses enough that we should still exploit him like crazy when they play here in FexEx.

Just hope that Cincinatti doesn't trade up for CJ, because then they will have Calvin Johnson, Chad Johnson, and Rudy Johnson. That's too much Johnson for this man.

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Archuleta will be a solid player for the Bears, but I still don't think he is worth $5 million in guaranteed money at age 29 to play a position, safety, where there are capable veterans still on the market available for a more modest deal.

I never thought he was the kind of difference maker they built him up to be.

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Don't laugh.

The Bears will use him WAAAAY better than we did.

System player keeps popping in my head when I think of AA. Lovie will put him in situations to excel. He will still suffer from his inability to cover, but with talented cover people around him Lovie should be able to mostly hide his weakness.

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i was just trolling the bears forums to hassle a friend and found this:

Before you start praising Adam as a savior I think you should take a look at his stats over a five year period. (NFL.com)

Interceptions: 3

Sacks: 16

Pass Deflections: 18

I have a feeling we got a player who is ineffective in covering recievers.

and i got a kick out of it. i figured i would brighten everyone's day.

Only problem is... Archuleta was a playmaker his first few years under lovie... I am not predicting greatness next year, because I think he's been injured one too many times to return to Pro Bowl level, but the guy tackles a lot and is more of a little linebacker than a big safety... I hope he has a solid season, because I feel no ill will toward the guy... However, I'm glad he's not a 'skin.

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I can't wait for bears fans to be upset when they see how much of a bum arch is......well atleast in coverage

:doh: He won't be asked to cover in Chicago, like he shouldn't have been asked to do here. Unfortantly, injuries required him to do so, and the Redskins paid the price.

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Oh AA was running around worrying about people (coaches) not speaking to him. He stated there's a lot going on at the Park that folks don't know about.

There's also a lot going on in Chicago that a lot of people don't know about. It's called behind the scene activity. Bottom line up front (BLUFF). The man couldn't cover so how is Chicago going to use him? Will he be used as an undersized linebacker?

Who will he start in front of? Come on now! Let's be real. The worse thing about it all was we could have done a lot better for a lot cheaper. Oh Ryan may not have been great, but how many teams have a a FS and SS that are both great players? Not many. I think one of our problems is: instead of trying to coach, think and work through the adversity of not having the All-Pro or great player, we try and sign what appears to be saviors. Hey start dog gone (haven't scene anyone use dog gone) coaching.

Hell, Indy went into the Super Bowl with a starting CB from Howard and had a starting MLB from Anacostia H.S., S.E. D.C. As a matter of fact I think they (Indy) were sucking in run defense last few weeks of the season. We have the deepest skill sets on Offense in the East, hell probably the entire NFC but you just can't walk on the field and expect magic to happen. Nine times out of ten the game plan you go in with won't win the game. You have to make adjustments. There's probably some stuff going on in Indy too but hell who knows or cares. Seattle loss their RB early in the game and made adjustments and moved on in the divisional playoffs in 05.

If we're set at our skill positions then what's the problem, we're missing an OG from last years OL, so? We should still be able to win time of possession and take care of business in the Red zone. Instead of worrying about what's going on that fans don't know about he better start worrying about working through Chicago and making a statement up their. Oh coaches not talking to me , probably not because you came in here with all this talent was jealous of your fellow team mates had some adversity in your life, probably for the first time and was too weak to deal with it.

Back to AA , oh you got benched, gave up and now you're talking about they won't talk to you. Yeah, they weren't talking to you because they were talking about you. Come on man step outside your body and look at yourself right now. Would you talk to you? Look you're a SS in the NFL and you're worrying about people talking to you? That's bush league. Hell I have nephews that play pop Werner ball 90-95 lbs up at #11 Boys Club on King Avenue, S.E. D.C. that could care a less who's talking to them, yeah their like in the 5th grade. Ask Sean how he feels about somebody talking to him? Yeah I hear. You're a bum live with it or fix it. While we may wish you the best, be advised that Chicago also has DBs and Safeties that can play and run so the next time you have problems early on or face some adversity, instead of shutting down, deal with it, because you'll fee a lot better. Oh he won't talk to me!

Sean Taylor wasn't talking to anyone his whole rookie year and he was barely 21 years old. To this day he still doesn't seem to say much. Why should AA care who's talking to him? He should have been talking to Sean. AA is worrying about who’s talking to him because he wasn't doing his job. Oh but Coach Grey came in here and said oh hell no! This man is not an NFL SS. This man is an undersized linebacker at best. AA instead of worrying about who's talking to you, you should have been doing your job! Hell, who gives a kcuf who's talking to who.

It’s people on this board that would love to have an opportunity to play with Sean Taylor...come on now, but instead of teaming up you were jealous or envious and you came in here BSing had a rough go early on, got benched, was facing some adversity (which you've never faced before) you wasn't tough or hard enough to deal with it and you shut down. Now you're talking about you're going to Chicago. Well you do what you did here up in Chicago and your career is over!

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:doh: He won't be asked to cover in Chicago, like he shouldn't have been asked to do here.

Why shouldn't he have been asked to cover? The guy is a safety. If he can't cover, he shouldn't be a safety in the NFL. I mean come on, free safety or strong safety, you have to have at least SOME covering abilities. He couldn't even cover a TIGHT END. All right, granted the Redskins could have worked his strenghts more, but if they weren't going to sign someone who could cover, why didn't they just sign another linebacker or something? I don't get the whole system player thing. If you're going to use him as another position, why not just sign a player who plays that position? It's not like AA had spectacular athletic abilities.

That's right, because they wanted someone who they thought could cover. Yes, that was their mistake for making a bad decision, but once they did, they had to try and use him the way they wanted. It didn't work. We were just as good if not better with him not in the game. So he was benched. Either way, the signing was a waste.

If he excels in Chicago, I was wrong about him. I just don't think it's going to happen.

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AA didn't play well in Washington. We watched him get torched on more than one occasion when everyone in the stadium knew they were going to throw to the middle to the man he was covering. I think it's tough to be effective at either safety position without speed and AA doesn't have any speed left.

He's a tough guy and used to be a strong hitter, but you can't hit a guy you can't catch.

Don't know if it will be better for him in Chicago and except for the game the Bears play here this Fall...don't care.

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