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The Definitive 200

Dan T.

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In general I think it is pretty stupid to say this is number 34 and this is 35 etc... but as a whole those are 200 albums aren't HORRIBLE but they are dubious... I guess they are definitive though... but definitive of what? Our crappy main stream music?

50 cent? Green Day? Dixie Chicks? Eminem? Creed? LINKIN PARK?

If it is supposed to be definitive of our musical culture then those groups should have their own list separate from decent artists that aren't popular anymore.

Putting them on the same list with Radiohead, the Beatles, Pink Floyd, the Doors, RHCP.

ESPECIALLY if it tells me to get a Linkin Park album before RHCP's blood sugar sex magik or californication or Radiohead's ok computer. I didn't see any Rage... I don't know how Rage isn't on there but Linkin Park is?? Huh? Green Day but not Bad Religion?

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84. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory

191. Steely Dan - Aja

Uh, what kind of list is this again?


84. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory

123. Tool - Lateralus

Color me confused.

And the Rolling Stones get entirely too much love. Probably the most overrated band in existence.

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For convenience, here's a site that lists all 200 on a single scrollable page:


A couple of other exclusions. How about "Every Picture Tells a Story"? No Talking Heads?

Also, as long as they include soundtrack albums ("Forrest Gump Soundtrack"?? Dirty Dancing?? Titanic??) why not have the American Graffiti Soundtrack. The 1950's are nowhere to be found on the list, mainly because it was a singles era, but the American Graffiti movie and soundtrack generated a huge renewed appreciation of 50's rock and roll. And it was the first movie where the music background was really integrated into the fabric of the narrative.

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Wow! Rush snuck in there with 2112. What a shock. I would have though they would include Moving Pictures in there instead.

I can't believe Shakira's Laundry Service made the list. If any of her albums deserved to be in this list, and by no means am I suggesting any should have, it should have been Donde Estan Los Ladrones. It may be in Spanish, but it's a hundred times better album.

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Don't feel bad. I only have 6. (Seriously- who owns "Tapestry?")

Uh.........me. :D

They nominated R Kellys R. cd-- Choclate Factory was much better than that.

Stevie Wonders Songs in the Key Of Life-- Is the best album money can buy for the R and B genere

A woman I can relate to!! :cool:

The Forrest Gump ST was right up there with Judgement Night's soundtrack.

Another one I own.

No Huey Lewis? I can't take that list seriously then. :)

I love me some Huey. Where is he????

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Its missing A Tribe Called Quest, either Midnight Mauraders or The Low End Theory. I personally think the Red Hot Chili Peppers are ranked too low, and should have either THe Uplift Mofo Party Plan or Mother's Milk on the list.

And where is Stevie Wonder? (EDIT: found one @ # 23) Ray Charles? George Clinton? Those are people Id liek to see on the list, or what about Elvis? I really dont care for him, but I thought he would be on the list.

I really think they should call this list "the Beatles albums plus 195 other" Not everything those four did was good, including some albums on that list. Sgt Pepper & the White Album are great, but some other ones on that lsit are a stretch for me.

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Its missing A Tribe Called Quest, either Midnight Mauraders or The Low End Theory. I personally think the Red Hot Chili Peppers are ranked too low, and should have either THe Uplift Mofo Party Plan or Mother's Milk on the list.

And where is Stevie Wonder? (EDIT: found one @ # 23) Ray Charles? George Clinton? Those are people Id liek to see on the list, or what about Elvis? I really dont care for him, but I thought he would be on the list.

I really think they should call this list "the Beatles albums plus 195 other" Not everything those four did was good, including some albums on that list. Sgt Pepper & the White Album are great, but some other ones on that lsit are a stretch for me.

Well I think Elvis was on there twice. Ray Charles should be there. Tribe Called Quest? Not a big oversight IMO.

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I almost forgot about Judgement Night Album. Korn, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park & all those other types of bands owe their success to the Judgement Night Soundtrack.

It defined Nu-Metal IMO.

Song Album Track Listing

  1. "Just Another Victim" - Helmet and House Of Pain
  2. "Fallin'" - Teenage Fanclub and De La Soul
  3. "Me, Myself, & My Microphone" - Living Colour and Run DMC
  4. "Judgment Night" - Biohazard and Onyx
  5. "Disorder" - Slayer and Ice-T (Medley of 3 Exploited songs: "War", "UK '82", and "Disorder")
  6. "Another Body Murdered" - Faith No More and Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E.
  7. "I Love You Mary Jane" - Sonic Youth and Cypress Hill
  8. "Freak Momma" - Mudhoney and Sir Mix-A-Lot
  9. "Missing Link" - Dinosaur Jr and Del The Funky Homosapien
  10. "Come And Die" - Therapy? and Fatal
  11. "Real Thing" - Pearl Jam and Cypress Hill

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Sympathy for the Devil doesn't make them exempt from criticism for all of the trash that they released. I have never understood the fascination with the Rolling Stones.

Yeah, "Miss You" was regrettable, but that doesn't overshadow essentially defining what rock n roll IS over the course of Sticky Fingers, Exhile on Main Street, Let it Bleed, Goats Head Soup, etc.

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