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release Archuleta to sign Dockery?

Ty Garcia

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We wouldn't have freed money, we would have taken an even bigger hit. Then if we would have signed Dock to a monster contract...no other signings could have happened. We would have tied our hands to prevent us from doing ANYTHING,even resigning some of our own players. Regretfully, it is a careful balancing act.

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Why did'nt we release Archuleta to get Dock? I think if we would of released Arch that would have freed up some money!!! Now we are going to put our hopes on a rookie or a old vet to block for a young QB at the guard position!!!
Clearly you've done thorough research. Cutting Arch would have cost us, not saved. Dock wasn't worth what he got.
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Why did'nt we release Archuleta to get Dock? I think if we would of released Arch that would have freed up some money!!! Now we are going to put our hopes on a rookie or a old vet to block for a young QB at the guard position!!!

To much of a cap hit........

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Why did'nt we release Archuleta to get Dock? I think if we would of released Arch that would have freed up some money!!! Now we are going to put our hopes on a rookie or a old vet to block for a young QB at the guard position!!!

Things don't work that way.

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Why did'nt we release Archuleta to get Dock? I think if we would of released Arch that would have freed up some money!!! Now we are going to put our hopes on a rookie or a old vet to block for a young QB at the guard position!!!

:doh: Aside from the cap hit.

You'd rather have the team struggle another year in order to keep Dockery.

Who wasn't anywhere near the best offensive lineman on the team.

Instead of trying to fix the defense????

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my thread creating privileges have been revoked and not only has this thread not been locked up, this guy can still create new threads??? WOW. Archuleta's contract is salary cap suicide and no one wanted to sign Dock to the richest OG contract in the history of the NFL! Doing anything with Arch wouldn't have had any effect on this situation at all.

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Because Dock isn't worth that kind of cash

I agree, I'm just worried the Skins aren't going to be able to find a reliable replacement. Whether it from FA, trade, or draft, we need to acquire someone at LG because there is noone on our roster right now that can fill in at that spot. We were low on O-line depth as it was last season.

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