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The 2007 Draft - Some Alternate Views


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For one, (CJ aside for a moment), what if some other player is coveted by the team, maybe one of those Dline men. Trading up might be the only way to ensure the best value for that one pick we have in the first round.

Well, I dont see it in our best interest to trade up for anyone when we are sitting at #6. There are 3 top D lineman that could help the team, and Im pretty sure that if we stay at #6, we'll get one. But what if everyone drafts D? Well we get a obviously hightly sought offensive player, which we can then trade down with. Also, because none of the defensive players have been really slobbered over by the media or other teams (basically, no position-changing players here) I'm pretty certain that one of them will fall to us without needing to move. For instance I think Branch is ranked like #20 on the board, I dont see another team moving up and taking him. Not when you got a kid Like Okoye who might actually pan out to bea much better player in the long run looking to go in the low teens.

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Exactly. That's why, if Calvin Johnson falls, we trade down, ASAP.

But, I mean, really, is he going to fall down? The Raiders might need Wideouts, the Bucs want one, bad, and you never know what the Lions are going to do. On the off chance he does, we need to trade with the Pats, Chiefs, or Titans.

The more and more I think about it, if Jow Thomas is already taken, I can see the Cardinals trading down with someone (if CJ is there) to get extra picks themselves and OT Levi Brown. They could use D, but another solid OL and an extra 2nd would be a big possibility.

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Wtf? :doh: You're entitled to your opinion but CJ? Quinn??? What about Campbell? What about our horrible defense???

Maybe he was talking about trading down with someone moving up for CJ or Quinn .?.?

I hope so anyway - otherwise.......... :doh:

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this may be from left field......but anyone wanna bet that if CJ fell to us we'ld be hearing from the Falcons?

- need

- in state

I know...far fetched...but possible

From what i've seen and heard they're more interested in someone complementing Hall on defense. Someone like Landry. If he somehow slips I could maybe see the 49ers take an interest in him. Thats just speculation on my part though. Booo speculation.

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Well, this thread sucked. My apologies. I'll be more succinct next time.

I thought the premise, content and conclusions of your original post were all stellar. It's not your fault that an insightful post devolved so quickly. Good analysis and a nice, and humorous, group of alternate takes on conventional approaches to our pick at #6. :applause:

And yet despite the unorthodox takes, the informed consensus remains that we must draft one of the elite, available DLs at that spot (though I would argue that in order to truly address the needs of our scheme and personnel, that it must be either the 2-gap DT (Branch), or the dual pass rush/run stuff threat DE (Anderson)). Good post, armada.

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