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Lost Pearl Harbor Photos found


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Amazing, dramatic photos. I always try to imagine these scenes in color and in action - they just look so unreal in black and white.

Thanks for posting.

Have you seen the pictures of Russia that were taken in 1909 that the photographer used a special three plating techinique to produce color pictures? It's pretty incredible, because nobody thinks of WWI in color. I think I posted a thread about it in the tailgate if you wish to check out the pictures, or here's a link http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/empire

Anyway, great Pearl Harbor pictures! Thank you for sharing.

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Great pics. I can say from experience that Pearl Harbor is a very emotional place. I visited there a year ago, and I got all choked up.

I wonder what those sailors thought on that day.

Not sure, but I think it was probably something along the lines of "HOLY ****!"

Thanks for posted these

:laugh: Engrish?

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I have several WWII DVDs in color. there is also the show "Battlefront" on the Military Channel on saturdays which has color footage. I think they are going back to the old black and white and colorizing it.

at any rate, it does make everything seem so much more real. to think of a war where nearly FIFTY MILLION people were killed. it is hard to bear 3,000 in Iraq- imagine the Soviet Union suffering 27 MILLION dead in three years..

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