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The Funniest, Most Disturbing Thing You'll See This Week


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I know there are a lot of Religious folks here, so please, please justify this man's interpretation of the Bible, and effectively, God.

If I was an uneducated homosexual, I may think that Christianity was a religion that spreads hate and intolerance. Actually, I'd probably just feel better that I wasn't this dude.

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Look, I used to be as homophobic as the next guy. Then I met and became friends with some people who are gay. I realized just how dumb I was for being intolerant. The bible doesn't say anything about God hating anyone. In fact it says the opposite. The God portrayed by Christianity is tolerant and forgiving, not to mention that every major civilization around at the time the bible was written had open policy on same sex relationships. I find it really hard to believe that such a portrayal would have floated in those days. If this guy is serious then he needs to die, it is that simple. He is incapable of tolerance, incapable of maturity, incapable of compassion, understanding and all rational. If he is not serious then he is pretty dam funny.

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Okay, so I went through the song lyrics (and the guy's website), and it's pretty apparent that this is a really good parody. The lyrics int he song:

"To enter heaven, there's no backdoor."

"Righteous man, get down on your knees."

Those lines are the first clues.

The other major red light is the list of musical acts that promote a gay agenda, and it includes about 75 bands.

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Wow that was hilarious.

"Suffering is one very long moment. We cannot divide it by seasons. We can only record its moods, and chronicle their return. With us time itself does not progress. It revolves. It seems to circle round one centre of pain."

--Oscar Wilde (reformed homosexual) :laugh: :laugh:

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