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ANOTHER Bengal busted!!!! + Caron Palmer Speaks Out (PFT)


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Damn. Why dont the police just leave the poor bengals alone:whoknows:


Joseph arrested

January 22, 2007

Updated: 3:20 p.m.


Joseph Bengals cornerback Johnathan Joseph was arrested in Boone County, Kentucky overnight on a marijuana possession charge.

According to published reports, Joseph was a passenger in a car driven by a woman that had a suspended license and was driving slowly and weaving. When a Boone County sheriff's deputy asked Joseph to get out of the vehicle, he smelled marijuana, and the deputy searched Joseph's black backpack with a Super Bowl logo and found a bag of marijuana in a pouch, the arrest report said.

The reports said Joseph was released Monday morning, and his first court appearance is scheduled for Feb. 5, the day after the Super Bowl. Marijuana possession is a misdemeanor that carries a maximum of one year in jail and a maximum $500 fine.

According to the NFL substance abuse policy, first-time offenders are usually fined a game check and not suspended.

click link for rest of story...


POSTED 3:28 p.m. EST, January 23, 2007


Kudos to Bengals quarterback Carson Palmer, who has offered up a pointed and seemingly passionate response to the most recent arrest of one of his teammates.

With cornerback Johnathan Joseph's arrest for marijuana possession, the Bengals have had nine players arrested since December 2005.


It has to stop," Palmer said, according to Bengals.com. "If it doesn’t stop, we're not going to have any fans left and I don't blame them. It's ridiculous. We can't get through a month without getting a guy arrested. It happens on another team and they’re shocked and surprised to hear about it. With us, you hear about it and it doesn’t surprise you and you just shake your head and say, 'Another one.'"

To his credit, Palmer understands that character means something. (Even if others in the organization don't.)

"In the NFL, talent isn't everything. It couldn't have been any more evident than in that game Sunday [between the Patriots and the Colts]," Palmer said. "The best coaching wins and getting guys who are coachable. It doesn't matter if you run a 4.4 [40-yard dash]. What matters is if you run a 4.7 where and how you're told to do it.

"Look at that game. The only recognizable names that went to a Pro Bowl for New England are Tom Brady on offense and Richard Seymour on defense. Other than that, they've got average guys who do what they're told and play together. Talent isn't everything, and we've got talent but we're sitting home for a reason and we have to do something about it."

Palmer's words should be regarded as a not-so-subtle slap at coach Marvin Lewis, who has spurned character issues in drafting and signing multiple players whose stock was damaged board due to prior legal entanglements and other off-field concerns.

And certain of Palmer's physically gifted teammates should take note, including receiver Chad Johnson, who has at time shown a greater desire to be flashy and flamboyant than to help his team score more points than the opponent.

To the extent that folks in the organization don't like what Palmer has to say, we say, "Tough sh-t." This guy is trying to exert leadership over a flock that has badly lost its way, and it's about time that someone does.

We also respect the folks at Bengals.com for posting the item. Obviously, Palmer isn't the only guy on the payroll who wants to see things change.

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POSTED 3:28 p.m. EST, January 23, 2007


Kudos to Bengals quarterback Carson Palmer, who has offered up a pointed and seemingly passionate response to the most recent arrest of one of his teammates.

With cornerback Johnathan Joseph's arrest for marijuana possession, the Bengals have had nine players arrested since December 2005.

"It has to stop," Palmer said, according to Bengals.com. "If it doesn’t stop, we're not going to have any fans left and I don't blame them. It's ridiculous. We can't get through a month without getting a guy arrested. It happens on another team and they’re shocked and surprised to hear about it. With us, you hear about it and it doesn’t surprise you and you just shake your head and say, 'Another one.'"

To his credit, Palmer understands that character means something. (Even if others in the organization don't.)

"In the NFL, talent isn't everything. It couldn't have been any more evident than in that game Sunday [between the Patriots and the Colts]," Palmer said. "The best coaching wins and getting guys who are coachable. It doesn't matter if you run a 4.4 [40-yard dash]. What matters is if you run a 4.7 where and how you're told to do it.

"Look at that game. The only recognizable names that went to a Pro Bowl for New England are Tom Brady on offense and Richard Seymour on defense. Other than that, they've got average guys who do what they're told and play together. Talent isn't everything, and we've got talent but we're sitting home for a reason and we have to do something about it."

Palmer's words should be regarded as a not-so-subtle slap at coach Marvin Lewis, who has spurned character issues in drafting and signing multiple players whose stock was damaged board due to prior legal entanglements and other off-field concerns.

And certain of Palmer's physically gifted teammates should take note, including receiver Chad Johnson, who has at time shown a greater desire to be flashy and flamboyant than to help his team score more points than the opponent.

To the extent that folks in the organization don't like what Palmer has to say, we say, "Tough sh-t." This guy is trying to exert leadership over a flock that has badly lost its way, and it's about time that someone does.

We also respect the folks at Bengals.com for posting the item. Obviously, Palmer isn't the only guy on the payroll who wants to see things change.

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What a mess.

Well... I honestly can say Palmer just earned a lot of respect on my part. He managed to emotionally but maturely draw attention the underlying problems in the organization without directly throwing anyone under the bus. If you want to be outspoken about problems on your team, this is the way to do it. Good leadership from a young QB... good for him.

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Palmer's words should be regarded as a not-so-subtle slap at coach Marvin Lewis, who has spurned character issues in drafting and signing multiple players whose stock was damaged board due to prior legal entanglements and other off-field concerns.

Hopefully Marvin doesn't take offense to these words and begins to watch the character issue!!!

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At least their assclown uniforms match their image.


Aw, c'mon! The person who came up with the alternate orange jerseys was brilliant!

Actually, I was hoping they'd get to the Super Bowl. Can you imagine those miscreants being let loose in Miami for two weeks? Vegas would have had to put an +/- over how many Bengals would have gotten arrested during that time!

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Welcome to the Cincinnati Bengals organization, you'll now recieve our welcoming packet it includes, 1 box rolling papers, 1 bag weed, 1 9 mm, and the team attorneys phone number, punishment don't worry about it, only if the league makes us.

:laugh::laugh::laugh: ROTFL!

At this point, you begin to wonder what the hell is going on behind closed doors inside that organization. :doh:

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