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Condi Rice summarizes the entire W administration in one sentence (WaPo)


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Check this quote out - it's a gem:

"It's bad policy to speculate on what you'll do if a plan fails when you're trying to make a plan work."


:rubeyes: :yikes: :shot:

Ladies and Gentlemen, the United States Secretary of State!

You read it correctly folks. It is BAD POLICY to make contingency plans in case things go afoul.

Of course, this shouldn't come as a suprise to anybody who has been following the war. Or the reaction to Katrina. Or, really, anything the administration has done in the last 6 years.

Anyway, I think Condi just made the NeoCon Hall of Fame.

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To speculate involves formulating plans with incomplete evidence. Tell me the admin isn't guilty of that? The reason for the war in the first place, they either speculated...or lied. I prefer to think the former, even if I don't like em whole lot.

Barring complete knowledge of all facts involved in the fight, it almost goes without saying they speculate, continually. Geez, I speculate every morning about how my day might go.

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To speculate involves formulating plans with incomplete evidence. Tell me the admin isn't guilty of that? The reason for the war in the first place, they either speculated...or lied. I prefer to think the former, even if I don't like em whole lot.

Barring complete knowledge of all facts involved in the fight, it almost goes without saying they speculate, continually. Geez, I speculate every morning about how my day might go.

It's amazing to me how any clear, rationally thinking person could come to the conclusion that the Iraq war / war plan is going well if they are to be honest and objective about it...

I'm not faulting W. for disposing this murderous regime, but the aftermath and subsequent three, going on four years, has been almost a total goat @#%*.

Having eight million Iraq's vote is one of the few bright spots and achievements and the only thing keeping from me feeling this war is/was utterly futile.

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Give the lady a break. She's doing what she's told.

As far as a plan "B". The admin should have plans "A" through "Z" already set. I'm a Republican, but in no way does the "Planning" of this mess fall on the other guys this time. How about we man up for once? What happened to us? Asking "What is your plan" is great, but "Victory" isn't a plan.

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McCain was one of MANY saying we should increase troops.

He is now one of the FEW that hasnt flip flopped on that stance.

Hagel, Brownback, Warner, Clinton, Biden, Schumer, Reid, Pelosi and on and on have ALL said we should increase the troops. It's just now politically convenient to oppose everything that Bush proposes.

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It is politically convenient. If they did come up with than plan, why would the admin even follow it? They see something like 60+% of Americans against this plan and the war now, and they don't care. Also, its not like they really can get in any more trouble if every single one of the 20K they send get killed.

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Guest skinsmatic

McCain was one of MANY saying we should increase troops.

He is now one of the FEW that hasnt flip flopped on that stance.

Hagel, Brownback, Warner, Clinton, Biden, Schumer, Reid, Pelosi and on and on have ALL said we should increase the troops. It's just now politically convenient to oppose everything that Bush proposes.


That was at the beginning of the invasion, now it's to late. Bush is as usual LATE!!!

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McCain was one of MANY saying we should increase troops.

He is now one of the FEW that hasnt flip flopped on that stance.

Hagel, Brownback, Warner, Clinton, Biden, Schumer, Reid, Pelosi and on and on have ALL said we should increase the troops. It's just now politically convenient to oppose everything that Bush proposes.


That was at the beginning of the invasion, now it's to late. Bush is as usual LATE!!!

No, most were within the last year to 18 months.

Have any of them offered an alternative?

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Guest skinsmatic

"Has anyone offered a plan B on how to win?

I've only heard that we pull out, and that Bush's plan is bad. Ive yet to hear a politician actually offer an alternative idea for how to win.

It's too easy to simply bash the Administration."

Well Duh, maybe that should tell you something. Somethings just can't be won, without, it being not worth the price.

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McCain was one of MANY saying we should increase troops.

He is now one of the FEW that hasnt flip flopped on that stance.

Hagel, Brownback, Warner, Clinton, Biden, Schumer, Reid, Pelosi and on and on have ALL said we should increase the troops. It's just now politically convenient to oppose everything that Bush proposes.

Things change. When they said that it may not have been known it would devolve into a civil war-ish type situaton. Obviously the civil war changes things. Fighting insurgents is one thing but stepping in between warring factions is something else. Or some of them could have been referring to Shinseki-but that plan was to use 400-500,000 troops to begin with, not a 4 year build up.

I guess you think Bush is a flip flopper too since he said we would stand down as the Iraqi stood up and now he wants to send more troops. Point being, all these flip flop accusations are pure BS. Opinions change because the situations change, and not just on the ground in Iraq but politically here. Dems won the 2006 election based on proposing exit strategies. Glad to see they got the message.

...and you know Biden has offered an alternative because I have told you about it three times now.

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Has anyone offered a plan B on how to win?

I've only heard that we pull out, and that Bush's plan is bad. Ive yet to hear a politician actually offer an alternative idea for how to win.

It's too easy to simply bash the Administration.

McCain was one of MANY saying we should increase troops.

He is now one of the FEW that hasnt flip flopped on that stance.

Hagel, Brownback, Warner, Clinton, Biden, Schumer, Reid, Pelosi and on and on have ALL said we should increase the troops. It's just now politically convenient to oppose everything that Bush proposes.

Uh, Kilmer,

Apparently you missed the part in your Talking Points Manual that says "Do not use the 'Nobody has a plan' and the 'Everybody's plans keep changing' Talking Points in close proximity to each other."

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Has anyone offered a plan B on how to win?

I've only heard that we pull out, and that Bush's plan is bad. Ive yet to hear a politician actually offer an alternative idea for how to win.

It's too easy to simply bash the Administration.

We can't win.

It's that simple.

There will never be peace in the middle east.

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We can't win.

It's that simple.

There will never be peace in the middle east.

You know what Code, I will support any politicians who come out and are this blunt and honest with us.

Time to call a spade a spade. Let's pull them all home and bring all of our aide and influence with them.

Im totally fine with that idea. But it has to be complete.

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