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Verizon Wireless doesn't understand decimals


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No, this guy just didn't know where he was.

Think about it this way. Whether you're talking about America or Canada, it's all still a COUNTRY. And as long as you're in a country, it doesn't matter what it's called. That's why this jackass messed up the numbers. He tried to convince the Verizon people that he was in Canada instead of the US, but IT DOESN'T MATTER. As long as you're in a country, it's 0.002. If you're in a country of Canada or a country of America, it's the same thing.

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No, this guy just didn't know where he was.

Think about it this way. Whether you're talking about America or Canada, it's all still a COUNTRY. And as long as you're in a country, it doesn't matter what it's called. That's why this jackass messed up the numbers. He tried to convince the Verizon people that he was in Canada instead of the US, but IT DOESN'T MATTER. As long as you're in a country, it's 0.002. If you're in a country of Canada or a country of America, it's the same thing.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Okay, let me try this one more time. Lets talk about a apple(byte) and a orange(money)

Alright, lets say I got a apple(byte) and I bump into you, and you have a orange(money). Lets say you ask me for my apple(byte). I say "what are you going to give me?" You tell me that all you got is a orange(money)

Okay, I say my apple(byte) is 1000 times better than 2 of your crappy oranges(money). Lets say that we talk about this and come to an agreement that I am right, and my apple(byte) is indeed 1000 times better than your oranges(money).

We have made the Point(decimal) and established a Line(with a decimal in the middle) of communication that my apple(byte) is 1000 times better than 2 of your crappy oranges(money).

How do we represent what I just said above. Imagine a line with a point(decimal) in the middle. On the left side of the point(decimal) represents a apple(byte) and on the right side of the point(decimal) represents a orange. We agreed that my apple(byte) is 1000 times better than your orange(money).

We all know what tenths are:



1000 etc.....

Now if we apply tenths both ways on this line we can represents the apple(byte) and a orange(money) with a point(decimal) seperating the two in one line.

My apple(byte) on this line equals 100.002 equals 2 of your oranges This is the exchange rate!

Now lets say you want 35893 apples! I would have to multiply 35893 by 100(my apple) on the left side of the decimal and multiply your .002(your 2 oranges) by 35893.

When you do this 35,893,000 apples(kilobytes) for 71.786 oranges(Money)!

If I flipped the exchange rate around it would look like this:

Your orange(money) equals- 200.001 -my apple(byte) My apple is now worth less than your orange! This is what this guy is attempting to do by trying to convert cents to dollars he is changing the exchange rate!

I win!:1stplace::1stplace: :1stplace: :1stplace:

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Mr. ProBowler, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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Mr. ProBowler, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Whatever J-Rock:doh: Like I said before, don't go near a stock market EVER!

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Okay. Just one final question for you though:

If you are at a 7-11, and you see a pack of gum for sale at 35 cents, do you give the guy 35 dollars for it?

J-rock your missing the point! Anytime your using money to buy something your money is worth less than what you're purchasing.

To answer your question, I would give the guy 35 cents because that is the exchange rate is 35 cents for one pack of gum.

gum=1.35 =Money(dollars or cents) this is your exchange rate The number 1 is a representation of GUM and .35 is a representation of money.

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J-rock your missing the point! Anytime your using money to buy something your money is worth less than what you're purchasing.

To answer your question, I would give the guy 35 cents because that is the exchange rate is 35 cents for one pack of gum.

gum=1.35 =Money(dollars or cents) this is your exchange rate The number 1 is a representation of GUM and .35 is a representation of money.

Okay. If a pack of gum costs 35 cents, you would give the guy behind the counter 35 cents.

Now, what if a pack of gum costs 0.0035 cents. How much money would you give the guy then?

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Okay. If a pack of gum costs 35 cents, you would give the guy behind the counter 35 cents.

Now, what if a pack of gum costs 0.0035 cents. How much money would you give the guy then?

I wouldn't give him nothing! .0035 dosent even round up to 1 penny.

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I wouldn't give him nothing! .0035 dosent even round up to 1 penny.

:doh: And I thought we were making so much progress....:doh:

If one pack of gum costs 35 cents, you would pay 35 cents for the gum. Let's say you own a 7-11, and are buying gum in bulk. Your gum supplier sells the gum to you at 0.0035 cents per pack if you buy 1,000 packs at a time. How much money would you pay for 1000 packs of gum, if the rate was 0.0035 cents per pack of gum?

If I bought 10 packs of gum

gum 10.0035 money

I would owe him 0.035 cents or 4 cents

:doh: How in the world do you come up with this? 0.035 doesn't equal 4 on any planet. 0.035 is 35/1000's of a penny, not 4 pennies. If you really believe this to be true, then please let me exchange money with you at this rate. I'll give you 0.035 cents for every 4 cents you give me...sound fair? I'm going to go get my checkbook, and write you a check for 0.035 x 1000 cents, and you write me a check for 4 x 1000 cents. Do you see the discrepancy? I will be giving you 35 cents, you will be giving me 40 dollars.

Cents and dollars are NOT the same unit. 100 cents = 1 dollar. If you understand that concept, then you can multiply or divide either side by the same number, and the ratio remains intact.

100,000 cents = 1000 dollars

1,000,000 cents = 10,000 dollars

10,000,000 cents = 100,000 dollars

10 cents = 0.1 dollars

1 cent = 0.01 dollars

0.002 cents = 0.00002 dollars.

Its not a difficult concept...

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I'm starting to feel like ProBowler is taking me for a ride...nobody can be this stubborn.

:laugh: No I'm not taking nobody on a ride. The consumerist guy on youtube is though who's created this hoax so people will look at his website.

The quote is an Expression on paper to represent REAL bytes or money!

The guy got quoted(an expression on paper), not real money or bytes for exchanging Kilobytes for Money. He was told that for every 1000 bytes(kb) it was going to cost him 0.002 thousandths parts of Money, not 2 thousandths of a cent! When you express money with numbers to the right of the decimal point it's called cents!

The rate of this exchange is expressed as 100.002 on a line seperated by a decimal. The number 100 represents 1 KB or the number 100 because when working in tenths 3 places equals thousandths. Ex: 10's 100's 1000's etc.... Both numbers have already been converted to decimal. 100.002 This equates the bytes to money.

2 untis of Money, a number wich can be expressed in dollars and cents depending on wich side of the decimal it's on, cents in this case 0.002 cents EQUALS 1 unit of byte.

.002 IS ALREADY IN DECIMAL FORM. What he is saying that he was quoted .00002 of a cent because he is trying to convert 0.002 again! It has already been converted to decimal form for him. He was never quoted 2 thousandths of a cent. If he was exchanging 100 cents for 1 dollar the guy would have a point. This guy was exchanging .002 (thousandths of money) for 1kb (one thousand bytes)

He got 35,893,000 bytes for $71.786 To prove this take 100.002 and multiply 100*35893 and multiply .002*35893.

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He was told that for every 1000 bytes(kb) it was going to cost him 0.002 thousandths parts of Money, not 2 thousandths of a cent! When you express money with numbers to the right of the decimal point it's called cents!

Are you kidding? Maybe you should listen to it again. All 3 people involved make it VERY clear that the caller was quoted ".002 CENTS per KB"

They are talking about a fraction of a CENT, not a fraction of MONEY, there is a very big difference. Its the same as .5 cents is different than .5 "money", which you must equate to be 50 cents.

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