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UELN Article: "GW and Gibbs break their Silence"--CAUTION! SATIRE!


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I agree that we should not have to label anything as anything on this board.

Well, you joined a board that had rules as far as posting information goes. Get this through your thick head...

Nobody cares if you post satire. But EVERYONE expects it to be identified as such. Whether you feel someone is too slow or stupid to understand the "humor" in it is not an issue. You failing to follow the rules of the board is.

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Thank you Pgitta

I enjoyed your thread on the mountain.

I hope you enjoyed my post about that backstabbing SOB Adam Archuleta.

I agree that we should not have to label anything as anything on this board. The knee jerk reaction when one gets fooled by satire is to strike back at him who doth wrote the selection, but some of us actually are amused by that reaction and the fact we were gullible enough to think it was real (see BORAT).

Is the idea that AA is deepthroat so unacceptable? Is there any other explanation as to why AA is being treated so illogically by people I know to be on the level (GW and JG)?


I'm not sure it should go as far as not labeling though. I agree, it would be nice if it weren't neccessary, but a lot of people get taken in by some of the most outrageous stories imaginable. And yes, I believe their anger is a direct result of being fooled, and being a little embarrased by that.

The problem is, where do you draw the line? It is possible to write something that sounds very real, and if you're not that funny, no one would know it.

So I understand the reason for the rule.

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Thick Headed?

Are there not rules on personal attacks on this board we have all joined? Are you not just as guilty as me?

Come on Rictus, I know where show where your tag comes from. I know we can all get along and be kind....wink wink. nudge nugs

I will be sure to clearly identify anything I create from now on and I am sorry to everyone I offended.

Once again Satire does not = funny. Satire = Thought on subject.

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I will be sure to clearly identify anything I create from now on and I am sorry to everyone I offended.

I think thats all anyone is asking man...it's all good. It took time and was creative. Way over MY head ;) ...but atleast it had thought. Lets go make fun of that mountain thingy thread now!;) :laugh:

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Ya know, it's not quite as funny when you have to tell people it's funny. Kinda like a Pittman4Two thread. :)

I can understand his being a bit put out by people telling him to post satire or joke in the thread, especially when after reading the thread it was obvious that it was such, my purpose was to let hiim know that he could possibly obtain the coveted "No new posts" award, and was trying to prevent that happening to him. I should have read further down the thread and seen that others had already done that. for that I am sorry, I should have been less quick to post myself. I actually enjoyed the article and thought it showed quite a bit of originality.

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650 pounds pulling down the line at once


Not enough seal protection on the back side in case of blitzer


Pulling guard splatters opposing Corner


Pulling tackle trips on center's leg

you might want to tlak to PG bout adding some color and charts to that post...:cheers:

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I dunno. Archuletta has actually been pretty patient during this whole process. With Arrington, it seemed that he was the bad guy. But here, I have sympathy for Archuletta, eventhough he sucks. We brought him in here, we benched him, and we aren't really helping him get back on the field, from what it sounds like. Sure he's making a ****load of money, but we have put a spear through his pride, and he clearly doesn't appreciate it. He is a football player and he wants to play. I blame the coaching staff on this one. Not playing him is fine, but be straight up with the man. What a waste.

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Lemme play Devils Advocate real quick.

If Adam Archuleta did leak the story to Tom Friend(which I now 100% believe), do you think the coaching staff is treating him unfairly? Or is Mr. Archuleta getting his just desserts for being a whiner?

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I dunno. I blame the coaching staff on this one. Not playing him is fine, but be straight up with the man. What a waste.

According to the coaching staff he was told why he was benched. I think anyone who watched the games also knows why he was benched. I not sure what they will do with him, but if he stays I suspect that his role will be different possibly a different position. One other thing is possible is that they will work with him on his cover abilities and bring him up to snuff. I think it all depends on him at this point.

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Lemme play Devils Advocate real quick.

If Adam Archuleta did leak the story to Tom Friend(which I now 100% believe), do you think the coaching staff is treating him unfairly? Or is Mr. Archuleta getting his just desserts for being a whiner?

OH!!! so thats what this thread is about.;) In that case....yeah..let him rot! Although remember there have been a few comments by current players that could have really hurt the team. The Portis comment in pre-season comes to mind. Although nothing as highly charged as the Friend article. I'm not sure you want to hang the guy out to dry if thats the case and we are going to use him. I would say I would hope the coaches wouldnt sink to that level however. I mean get rid of the guy, but dont set a bad example by not communicating with him.:2cents:

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Damn you Dooge and your Sarcasm.

What I really like about the idea that I believe is that Danny Boy is like "I dont care about the Money Mr. Gibbs, you teach that punk a lesson."

Feels like Lavernious, Lavar all over again.

I promise if this kind of money was spent in another team in the league and this problem happened, the owner would demand he see a return on his investment. The Owner would be demanding that AA start.

Not here though. We exist in a market where money means nothing. Good or bad it is what it is.

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Thank you Pgitta

I enjoyed your thread on the mountain.

I hope you enjoyed my post about that backstabbing SOB Adam Archuleta.

I agree that we should not have to label anything as anything on this board. The knee jerk reaction when one gets fooled by satire is to strike back at him who doth wrote the selection, but some of us actually are amused by that reaction and the fact we were gullible enough to think it was real (see BORAT).

Is the idea that AA is deepthroat so unacceptable? Is there any other explanation as to why AA is being treated so illogically by people I know to be on the level (GW and JG)?

Hmmm...GW on the level? When? If you took a look at his history as a coach in this league you would understand how wrong that statement is to include him with Joe Gibbs. :doh:

Although funny you have taken everything AA has said and now labeled him a backstabber. No one knows for sure who spoke out against GW in the Nov. article. IF it was AA then you would have an arguement. Until then, nothing that AA has done or said publicly would lead you to your conclusion.

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The timing of the article, the benching, the current dialogue and the fact that he has not TOUCHED the field since the article came out are just TOO much to be coincedence in my mind.

I still respect GW, he has had a tough deck to play from this year. I STILL think he is a heck of a coach. The ship will be righted.

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Archuleta is a little *****. Perhaps some of you should realize this. Or, maybe some of you are stuck on a man crush because of his special-exercise physique. In that case I can't help you.

Kudos to the OP. This piece of satire was quality, and spot on.

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Archuleta is a little *****. Perhaps some of you should realize this. Or, maybe some of you are stuck on a man crush because of his special-exercise physique. In that case I can't help you.

Kudos to the OP. This piece of satire was quality, and spot on.

It seems as if AA is becoming "public enemy #1" when he did what most pro athletes do which is sign with the highest bidder. Everyone (coaches and fans) knew what his defensive liabilities were, but he was brought on board anyway. For that, you should be upset with the FO and the coaches.

BOTTOM LINE: You can hate the on-field production, or lack thereof, of AA, the player, but I find it a stretch to hate AA, the man. We all saw the horrid play on the field to justify his benching. Very few outside of the Redskins circle, however, know if anything has transpired between AA and the coaching staff to warrant his benching. Sounds like a rush to judgment if you have a problem with AA, the man. :2cents:

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I liked the article man, dont take what everyone is saying to heart. Its mostly just good advice anyways, maybe coming accross a littel rough, but its hard to convey your thoughts on a message board. Anyways, Im with you on AA. I think he was the leak in the Tom Friend article. I know, I know, everyone keeps saying "But it says in the article it was a veteren from last years defense, blah blah blah." Personally, I think that AA may have spoken to some veteren members of the defense, and used their words out of context in the Tom Friend interview. Again, thats just what I think. No need to ask how Im qualified to have that opinion or anything, :silly: I just think thats how it went down. He'll be gone faster then a Cowboy lead with less then 2 minutes left. :2cents:

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'Shame' on those ES Brethren who persisted in accusing CB S. Springs of being the 'disgruntled insider'!!! A. Archuletta is a 'BEEYATCH' 'F' his 'punk-ass'!!! :mad: :( :doh:

Even if this 'news' is 'fictional': bye-bye, AA; you 'butt-cheez'!!! :applause: :cheers:

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This is hilarious. I wish Gibbs would call people out more often. But he has class and professionalism, that people like AA and Lavar before him will never know. At least with Lavar, he could still perform on the field. Archuleta hasn't done squat when he has been in the lineup. Which is why he hasn't played since the dallas game.

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