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who is worse, kenny wright or warrick holdman?

Brandon Lloyd Christmas

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each of them in my opinion are 2 of the worst defensive players in the league. kenny wright without fail gets torched in man coverage. the second he came into the game i said to my friends the game was over cause bulger would target his side constantly. and low and behold, bulger threw for 388 yards and 4 TDs. then we have warrick holdman, who teams have admitted they run to his side because hes that bad. he also muffed a sure fire touchdown stopping blitz yesterday that anyone other than him would have stopped. it actually looked like a botched Madden 07 play, but then we remember, its warrick holdman. so my question is, who is worse???

i feel kenny wright is servicable, IF HE ONLY PLAYS IN ZONE PACKAGES!!! notice how when kenny wright is just occupying one portion of the field hes ok? the second they match him up 1-1, hes the worst corner in football. ive yet to see him keep up with any WR all season long. holdman is just plain worthless. theres nothing that he does whatsoever that would warrant keeping him on this team. he cant tackle, he gets blocked out of every play, hes the #1 target for teams on running plays, hes just horrendous. so warrick holdman, you get the award for worst player on the redskins. kenny wright, in man coverage you actually scare me more than holdman, but hopefully you just stay in zone for the rest of your career. 1-1 is NOT your friend.

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kenny wright has been making plays lately....i think he is decent and should stay on the team. his role increased as a result of springs being injured a lot and it's not like he was the only CB getting beat on the long ball. he definitely struggled early on but has improved in my opinion

holdman on the other hand..........

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They both belong in Europe next year. I cant believe these bums are in the NFL. They seem lost and are constantly out of position.

I have never, seen anyone get beat as much as Kenny Wrong has and Warwick Holdman seems like he is having so much fun when running backs run right by him.


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I get sick to my stomach at the mention of Kenny Wrights name. I mean physically ill. I have created a deep seated psychological association with the mentioning of his name where now even when I hear it in passing my mind automatically adds the conditioned response to the end of it "trailing behind for the (insert opponents name here) touchdown" so when someone says "Hey I saw Kenny Wright at the mall in Ashburn." I hear automatically "Hey I saw Kenny Wright trailing behind donte stallworth for the eagles touchdown at the mall in ashburn." I am gonna call my shrink about it today. :eaglesuck

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I get sick to my stomach at the mention of Kenny Wrights name. I mean physically ill. I have created a deep seated psychological association with the mentioning of his name where now even when I hear it in passing my mind automatically adds the conditioned response to the end of it "trailing behind for the (insert opponents name here) touchdown" so when someone says "Hey I saw Kenny Wright at the mall in Ashburn." I hear automatically "Hey I saw Kenny Wright trailing behind donte stallworth for the eagles touchdown at the mall in ashburn." I am gonna call my shrink about it today. :eaglesuck

at least youre not delusional, because he actually gets burned by everybody.

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Kenny Wright is a 4th DB period. He should only be playing in Nickel packages if one of the top 3 DB's are out. The problem for the Skins is they only have Rogers and many you can argue that he is a Nickel Back at best. There's no way I would rely on Springs anymore and I think he's gone in the offseason if he doesn't restructure or take a pay cut. They need to use the #1 pick on a DB if they don't sign Clements or Samuel. Holdman is useless, I wouldn't have him even as a 3rd stringer or special teamer. He has got to be one of the worst Redskins LB's since Rod Stephens.

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Holdman is straight garbage..... Can't tackle worth a crap and can't cover worth a S@!*! I still can't believe he is starting for our team with all of his blown defensive assignments. Kenny is a decent corner in zone coverage as Brand Lloyd Christmas stated but he gets used on the one on one's often. He at least gets a few good plays during a game unlike Holdman....

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Kenny Wright has done okay. It sure would be nice if the Skins could keep SS, bring in one of the big FA CB's, make Carlos #3 and Wright #4.

The hardest thing to take with Holdman is there is someone better, younger and in need of experience behind him!

Sorry to hurt your feelings but that's not going to happen. If that happens it would be stupid. You don't bench a DB after his second year. Remember that's the problem with our team..... we don't know how to develop stars.

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