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What's YOUR story?


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I was born in DC rasied in Betheda.. The first game I remember was Thanksgiving 1968 the Redskins lost to the Packers 27 to 7. **** Im old..lol

I can thank my Uncle Oscar for my football passion.. I was 5 years old and he and I watched the game downstairs in the split level in Chevy Chase while my parents and 30 or so other family members had turkey upstairs... I remember him "****en and moaning"

I remember him teaching me how many points a touchdown is and what a field goal was... I had a blast and was hooked ever since. I started collecting football cards and watching Larry Browns stats.

Funny the next year we got a new coach and 1969 had a winning record for the first time since 1955. The Legondary Vince Lombardi turned it around for us...

In fact the games I do remember back then are at my Uncles house for family holidays. Beating Dallas 26 to 3 to go our first Super Bowl... And that loss as well...

When Gibbs came back I immediately dumped Bright"hose" Cable and got the Dish and spent the next 2 years watching NFL channel and all the games.. I was a Skins "O" holic. I am doing better these days cancelling the the Dish and spending my Sundays with the rest of the world at Beef O Bradys.... It was touch and go for while... I was 24/7 Football... lol

When the skins came down to Tampa last month I went to the Hyatt.. not hanging in the lobby asking for autographs I was outside standing at the walkway to the buses telling cheering each player to "Kick Some F**king BUC ASS".. Sh*t maybe thats why we lost... I was the last ugly mug they saw before getting on the bus... lol

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Very fortunate, 3rd generation season ticket holder. More than 100 games attended since 1982. I have a pair of RFK Seats in my living room. My grandparents were in Grifith Stadium on Pearl Harbor day and heard the PA announcer call for "all military personel to report immediately". No reason was given at the time but the rest is history. I still go to about 10 games a year. And NEVER missed a single game on tv while in college at the U. of Oregon. Sunday ticket was born my freshman year, the final year at RFK 1996.

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I was Born in D.C. and lived in Maryland til I was 15. I've been through the Sonny and Kilmer debate which shouldn't have even been a debate. Sonny was the man period!

I have a pic when I was like 11 or 12 with an original Sonny Jurgensen jersey. (damn I still wish I had that). when I was like 11, I cried over the Clint Longley game at Thanksgiving. Thus started the dallas rivalry for me.

My favorite moment:

Skins Vs Rams last game of the season, I'm thinking it was in 77 because we moved in 78. Skins win, they go to the playoffs, Rams were already in. I was at that game at RFK with my Brother before we moved to Arizona.

Skins are up by 1 or 2 and the Rams are gonna try and kick the winning 45 yard FG. MY brother and I had already left our seats anticipating a victory to run out on the field. We climbed over the wall in the endzone in which the actual attempt was to be made. I looked around and people were praying for the Rams to miss that kick.

First the snap and then the kick...It's a miss...Whamm fans are screaming and we started to run out on the field..but...Flag on the play...Skins offsides.. Oh man....

It took a few minutes to get everyone off the filed. Now it was a 40 yarder and we damn near knew for sure it was over.

Snap..Kick...he misses again...Hell yeah!!!!

We all went running out onto the field. I got to the middle of the field and I could hear the Rams congratulating the Skins and telling them "We'll see you in the playoffs"

Charley Taylor turns around and runs into me and says "Sorry Kid"...I was in a daze!!!!

Fan for life!!!

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Thanks for letting us know you hate these kinds of threads... Good to know!

Im sure everyone else around here will stop now that we know you dont like it!


Since you asked I will answer what it means for me...

I dont live in DC anymore and I get my Skins talk here so its cool to read some stories from peeps around the country and some around the world.

I see screen names and wonder "Whats That Fu**ing Guys Story"

I hate these types of threads.

we are all redskins fans on here. A fan is a fan is a fan. so why does it matter?

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Born in London, father grew up in Arlington, indoctrinated me on the Skins, when we moved back to the states when i was seven, i followed the team constantly, and became a season ticket holder even though i lived over 400 miles away, attened about four games a year, even when we were losing.

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I was born in 1971, lived in arlington va for 32 years.

My father had tickets and went to games since Griffith Stadium, when RFK opened he bought season tickets. I went to my 1st game at the age of 5 and have been hooked since.

Dont think i have missed more than 5 games since then (2 home 3 away) thanks dad! (the tickets are in my name now) :applause:

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lighten up brah, he just wants to hear some stories
As I've been reading through threads these last few weeks, I've noticed what seems to be a need by some posters to justify their own qualifications as "die-hard" Redskin fans.

when I first read this, I thought this was another one of those "im a superfan, you suck" threads. Forgive me for the premature response, but I just get tired of other people thinknig they are bigger and better than others(not saying this person did that)

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:dallasuck I Was Born In Texas. Not An Easy Place To Be A Die Hard Redskin But, That Who I Am, And Thats What I Will Always Be. A Die Hard. Win Or Loose. I Dont Care. Still Bleed Burgendy And Gold. Always Hail The Redskins. To All The Arm Chair Qb'S, Coaches And Owners... Please, Just Support. Viva Los Piela-rojas De Washington

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I'll try to keep this fairly brief as I hate to ramble. I was born in '77 and visited DC when I was about 7 or 8 and got to watch the Skins on TV. Just watching Riggins and Theisman and the WR corp just had me hitched to the team. I loved the way they played defense and ran the ball. Ever since then I've been an unwavering Skins fan from Cincy. Granted the Bengals sucked when I was growing up, except for 1988. This year at the preseason game I showed up in my Doug Williams throwback and got heckled by the Bungles fans - how does that happen? In any case, the response to the question "Where are YOUR rings?" was complete silence. Hell those fans are fickle anyways.

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Born, 1980 in Southern Maryland. Season tickets have been in my family since Griffith Stadium. My Grandfather never missed a game so I've been told. He began taking my father when he was 10, pops never missed a game until I assumed responsibility of purchasing the tickets to this day. I have no missed a home game in 16 years, win or lose, 4-8 or 12-4 it doesn't matter! This is OUR team, I'm a part of THIS organization as small a part as it may be and I LOVE IT! HAIL TO THE REDSKINS!!!


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I'm a fan, therefore I am.

Or something like that. ;)

This pretty much sums it up!

Really though. I was born. That made me a fan. My old man is a fan. I grew up in Redskins gear and watching games. Born in Alexandria, lived in Arlington and Stafford growing up.

Perhaps you could call it a regional thing, but I honestly say I was a fan since 1978 b/c my old man made it so!

Thanks Dad. :cheers:

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I live in California and have been a fan since I was 4.My parents bought me a Hutch football uni that Christmas, with no emblems or team name.Just burgandy , yellow and white.I asked what team it was.My Dad told me USC( being from SO. Cal).I asked if they were an NFL team and he said no.So I didnt buy into it.He then told me its the Redskins, and I fell in love.I am the only member in my family that likes the Skins.Every one else likes California teams.I remember the 87 & 91 Superbowls and go the game when ever they are in Cali.I hope to make a trip to DC and catch a game, soon.My computer room is covered in Redskins gear from posters to figures to autographs.But the most disturbing fact is that I have brain washed my 5 year old son into loving them aswell.He knows most of the current players names and numbers and watches the games with me on Dirct TV.We both have tons of jerseys aswell. :)..........Oh yeah, and I HATE HATE HATE the Cowturds! :laugh:

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This is kinda cheating, I guess ... but on the other hand, if I started typing afresh on this topic, it'd turn out much like this anyway. So I'm cutting out the middle man. :)

Beyond Skin Deep.

Love the thread idea. I encourage everyone to join in. Sometimes touching base with your Inner Skin is the best medicine.

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My story:

I've been driving up from Va. Beach to the games this year, and it sucks to drive home with so many losses. I hate losing, and its laughable. Thank God I love my wife and we generally have a good time going to the games win or lose. We've been life-long Skins fans. The Redskins brought us together. We met at a local hangout when my wife (a stranger at the time) asked me how Shane Matthews was doing in a 2002 preseason game. The rest is history. The Redskins suck bad, but thank God for my wife and I being fans. Without her, I'd be drowning in a beer right now. Lord knows its a blessing to have her in my life. We'll likely drive up to watch the Eagles beat us this weekend :doh: (at least Del will be happy :( ). If we go, my wife and I will just laugh at the fiasco that is the Redskins and has been, for the most part, for the better part of 15 years consecutively. Boy was I wrong about this season.

HTTR and better luck next year :D

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It's been a very frustrating year. I've been a fan for around 30 years now and until the last month or so, had never posted on this site. Since I have, over that last month, I've seen and heard many different stories from many varied people. It struck me that the reason we're all here, even during such a dismal time, is because we all have one thing in common.....we're Redskin fans.

So yes, to many it's just what we are....what else matters....and to others it's been a gradual thing...building over years. For still others, it's been an on again off again deal. However we've all come to be, though, I just was curious what's drawn us all to this team.

You can choose to tell your story...you can choose not to. Your call. Still, I just had a feeling that this week, with all the negativity caroming around, that people just needed to maybe, just tell their story. And, in doing so, let a little sunshine in.

That being said....again....

What's YOUR story?


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Well...Here's my story..not as exciting as others..but what the heck?

I've never been to a game..only via the TV was I sucked into this vortex of emotions.

I was 9 or 10y/o I believe...I think it was 1974(that would make me 10 at the time) correct me if I'm wrong.

The Thanksgiving game against who else...but the Pukes!..uuuggghhh. I didn't pay much attention to football until that day. I thought of myself as a Puke fan at the time..don't know why...just did( I know..I know..its hard to admit that..I usually don't...fear is my main reason for that..lol)..Staubach got hurt...and Clint Longley came in for them and threw this Hail Mary long bomb to Drew Pearson(which was my fave player..and I still respect him btw..but he's the only puke I respect)...he caught it and scored a TD and the Skins lost..now I know you're thinking I should have been happy since I thought I was a Puke fan at the time...but my Daddy was a skins fan...and he was so upset at that play that I believe he would have cried..and my 10y/o mind thought...if the Redskins losing can make my Daddy want to cry..then by God it was my duty to cheer for them to keep them from losing therefore my Daddy wouldn't have to want to cry anymore! That was the turning point for me..a moment I will never forget...and I remember the first time my Dad bought me my first Redskins xmas gift...it was a Redskins nite shirt that he ordered off of TV...it had the MNF logo on it...and I've forgotten what else...but it was the coolest thing I'd ever gotten from anyone...That was before cable and we had to watch football on NBC or CBS...there wasn't even a FOX channel then..lol...from that Xmas on...every year my Dad gave me and my sister something Redskins every year until we became adults..it was a highlite of my youth...that gift. My Dad passed away in 2001..and whenever I watch the Skins play and win...I think of him..and happy it made him when they won...and whenever they lose...I think of that Thanksgiving day when the Pukes almost made my Daddy cry and thats why I hate them to this day!!!..Thank God and my Daddy for making me see the light!..Can I get an amen?...AMEN!.

HAIL!!!!:point2sky <<<Here's to you Daddy..I love you and miss you!! And we will overcome...at least they only beat us 1 time this season!:notworthy :) :logo:

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...what really does make a true Redskin fan. What makes YOU such a fan?

Because I've been loyal since pre glory days, thru the glory days, post glory days. I was a fan when Pardee ran the show. To young to remember Allen. I go to work miserable and pissy on mondays after a loss and I'm grinning ear to ear after a win. I've payed way overpriced tickets and driven 7 hrs to see a team with sub .500 record late in a season multiple times. I sat in freekin rain/snow at FedEx with 32,000 Dallas fans giving me hell when we were getting our asses kicked until 0:00, (only 10,000 skin fans there) but I was and am still a 'skins fan ALWAYS. I'm not a season ticket holder because the money & commute are not compatable for me & family. But yeah, I've earned my stipes and can call myself a TRUE REDSKIN FAN.

Thats funny...I dont remember 10000 fans at Fedex. I hope you mean RFK considering your time frame. Great Post by the author by the way. I have a Simple story myself. Will keep it short. Born Va. and Skins always means family to me. Anyway, my bro in 1987, my brother had his bill piling up and car was going to be repoed. He went to my other bro and said "lets go to the airport". Seeing that they go to every concert on the west coast he ablidged. They flew to San Diego, bro#1 paid $800 in the airport for goal line seats. Denver punched in their ten, then 35 by Mr. Williams, and Timmy finished with 6 more in the fourth. EVERY point on their goal line. It's a great story but doesn't compare to us watching in our living room together for XVII or XXVI. Well at least not for me.(those ****s)

On a side note.....3 of last 4 cowboy games just as nice!!!hehe

somewhere George Allen smiles!

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I was to young to remember. My mom says that when I was barely old enough to even know what football is that I chose the skins. She said one day I just go hysterical and when they came to check on me I told them that

I told them that my team was losing. that continued until I was hold enough to have things to smash when we lose. My earliest memory happens to be the first time that I went to the principals office. We had to pick a short biography to read in the 1st grade and some kid got to pick before me. He picked Joey T and I had to do mine on Jim Thorpe. The kid got punched in the stomache and I got my first trip to the office. My mom still has the tiny Joey T jersey that I wore back then. Crazy how time flies by.

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I was but a wee lad when my dad introduced me to the wonderful game of football and the greatest team in the world the Washington Redskins. As long as i can remember i've been cheering for the skins. Through the good times and the bad times i've never switched teams ever! I just keep holding on Its actually kind of scary how you can cheer for a team in which you have no relation to of any kind I mean you look at high school or college ball and you can understand why people like a certain team ya know considering you attended that high school or that college so you were around it and saw it every single day of your life. Now don't get me wrong people that live in DC or just outside of it i'm sure this is how you relate to the skins as well however considering i was born and raised close to 9 hours away from dc I just find it strange on how you can love a team so much regardless of how bad they are doing ..you know all teh players names and numbers ...hell i couldnt tell you everyones name that was on my high school team which only had 60 people on the team and that was 5 years ago..but i can tell you who started for the skins in any big time game and anybody who is on the team year by year...Sadly though last week against the falcons was my first ever game. Growing up so far away in a poor family its hard to get to a game but now that i'm able to its really nice...my cousin and I both went and I have to agree with him when we got off the metro and started going towards the stadium and hit the top of the hill I honestly wanted to cry...Basically because I'd never seen so many people there at 10 am with jersey and hats and basically anything with a redskins emble on it and so many people who felt just like me and have loved the redskins for so many years...i think i did shed a tear or two....There in the cold...MAN WAS IS COLD OR WHAT!!! My cousin walking around without a jacket he left it at my house ...YEAH WERE TRUE FANS...I'LL NEVER GIVE UP HOPE !!!

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If I tell my story.. it'd be a novel...

My father got his season tickets in the early 1940's. I went to my first game somewhere in the early 1960's with my dad. Those were the best times. My dad and me.. we'd go to church, sit in the back pew so we could get out quick, and then head to the game (those were the days before you got there 3 hours early to tailgate). I was probably 8 or 9 years old when I went to my first game. Our family is born burgundy and gold.

My dad got to see the championship teams.. but not the SuperBowl teams as he died in 1972. His tickets were put in my brother's name.. I have the two my dad had, and my brother has his own 2. Dad went to Griffith Stadium with my mother... my first stadium was RFK, then D.C. Stadium. The year Allen took us to Super Bowl VII, my father died that summer. It was bittersweet. We beat Dallas 26-3 in the NFC championship game to put us in the Superbowl and then had to meet the undefeated Dolphins.

My high school colors were maroon and white.. so luckily, my wardrobe for both school and the Redskins could match. Thank goodness my high school didn't have blue.. after all.. can't stand Dallas.

I can count on one hand the number of home games I have missed since my father died and I got his tickets. That was in 1972. I get there and in my seat by kickoff. I don't leave until the game clock says 00:00. Nope. Never.

My christmas decorations this year are burgundy and gold.. the tree is all Redskins ornaments.

My favorite memory? Meeting my husband in a football chat room around the time of our last SuperBowl. We were talking about Darrell Green. We had both been at the game where he ran down Tony Dorsett down the sideline. We "argued" which direction he was going... it ended up we were both right.. he was behind the Redskins bench, I sit behind the visitors' bench. So #28 became an icon for me in more ways than one. My husband's birthday was the 28th, my birthday was the 28th, Darrell Green, #28, is the reason I met the person who was to be my husband, we started our honeymoon on the 28th, and, unfortunately, I buried him on the 28th of the month.

They may go through bad times. But they are my team. I support them 100%. When fans come and go (and all teams have them) because teams do well or do poorly, I sit back and feel good about myself, knowing that I supported the team through the hard times, so I have every right to really celebrate the good times, when they happen.

I went to SuperBowl XVII and XVIII. Went by myself to XVII.. was robbed of all my money (luckily my hotel and airfare was already paid for). Didn't even have money to get a drink at the game. But I went to the game, loved every minute. Some Redskin fans on a bus from the hotel to the airport took up a collection so I could get something to eat at the airport. I got no souveniers from the game, unfortunately, because I had no money. But I was happy, cuz we won. And Riggins and 4th and 1.. that picture hangs over my bed.

But what makes a person a fan? There's so many definitions. SOme people seem to think that you are a better fan if you go to the games, than if you stay at home. That's sad. Some people can't go to games (money, availability of tickets, health), and some just plain prefer to enjoy it at home. Doesn't make them any less of a fan. Nor does it make those that get to the games 4 hours early (like me) and tailgate any more of a fan than those supporting the team from their couches/chairs at home.

I've lost over 150 pounds since the beginning of the year and the first NEW clothes I bought? Redskins of course! I am sitting here in Redskins sleep pants and a Redskins long sleeved t-shirt typing this, with a Redskins mouse pad.

When the season is over, I start counting the days for the season to start. I hate that the season goes by so fast once it starts. When I was in school and on rotations, I scheduled my rotations so that I would not miss football games. One of my rotations got changed from outpatient to inpatient (physician's assistant training) during football season. It was an opportunity I could not pass up. The resident I worked with took my call on the Sundays that the Redskins played at home so I could go to the games... I took his Saturday call.

There's so many stories for everyone out there. We are all frustrated with this season. But the Redskins are my team.. good or bad.. I love them.


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