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I HATE fedex field and other observations


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Pathetic. Just freakin Pathetic.

Gentleman huh??? Probably tea and crumpet people, to everyone who is like that and goes to Skins' games to "enjoy a sunday" I say :finger:

Give up your tickets, have cheese in crackers in your dining room and put the game on. Let people who care take your place you you pathetic excuse for a sports fan.......:finger:

I agree 10,000%.

I couldnt believe it when it happened.

That is what FedEx has become though.


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man im 17 and a senior in high school and i wear my jersey every monday to school win or lose and you wouldnt believe the crap i get for it...from opponents fans and die hard "redskins" fans at my school. I think it is so ridiculous but im out there win or lose wearing a redskins jersey and take 6 hours of constant crap for it but i know im a real skins fan and when i see people leave with 10 points down it pisses me off expecially when your one of the few sitting in your section. During the Filthadelphia game i was at my house watching it and we watched the game all the way through when people definately wouldve turned it off start of 4th. They are just all bandwagon fans that could care less about the 'skins.

>> Good to see you keeping the faith. I try to wear colors BEFORE and/or ON game day and never after a win (I hate front runners!). BTW, put your name on the ticket wait list if you have not already. We need more people like you at the games.

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I wonder if we were 10-2 if this thread would even be here. Could your experience be linked to the results of the game? If a golfer shoots the best round of his life on a course, I dont think he would be complaining about the lack of service in the 19th hole or that the rough was too high.

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RFK was better, even with no jumbotron. At RFK we had diehards, blue collar fans that would cheer loud and proud no matter what the tempature or score. The loudest stadium I have ever been to was RFK, no doubt.

At Fedex, the yuppie fans tell me to sit down when the opposing team is on offense! The stadium is waaaay to commercial and it is dull. I went to the Cowboys game with my wife, and what did we see, fellas wearing Locost cardigans driving Jettas and drinking Starbucks, this kind of crap would never fly at RFK.

When I was younger, I paid $35 for my seat and I had a great time, win or lose. Now, I pay $100, I still cheer but it just is not fun. The fans are like zombies, the magic is gone. :doh:

"...our owner is a whore."

Thank God people are catching on to the fact that we have, almost without arguement, THE WORST OWNER in all of organized American professional sports.

I agree, I always grit my teeth when someone would talk about how we had the best owner in sports, (save Jerruh Jones and Al Davis of course)

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Fed Ex is truly a god awful joke of a stadium. I grew up going to RFK so the difference is just enormous when i occasionally drive down to dc for games these days. it has no character, no architectural signifigance. the lack of replay is a joke. the constant music and ads are embarassing. but its a cash cow which is why The Danny built it in like 5 minutes. God forbid he take some time and find a way to build a really classy new stadium in the city that could be a real showcase for the team.

i hear rumblings that he'd like to do this and really wants the team to to have a DC address. I hope thats true and not just bs spin. This is one of the great franchises in sports and the fact that it plays in the middle of nowhere in a giant concrete toilet bowl is tragic.

a truly great owner would build a beautiful new state of the art stadium and he'd strip out the fed ex purple garbage, trim it in burgundy and gold and call it Jack Kent Cooke Stadium, as it was meant to be. something tells me the team would still turn a pretty nice profit. slap a retractable top on that thing and you are talking regular super bowls. at least as the host. :)

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I was disappointed to hear the artificial crowd noise the last two games. I sit directly under a speaker. When I first heard it last week, I wanted to puke. It's so lame. It's a sign of a sad, sucky organization.


The fake crowd noise is ridiculously obvious. For example, sometime during 4th quarter the Falcons have a 3rd down. They break the huddle and come to the line...and the fake crowd noise starts blaring from the speakers behind me. However, NFL rules prohibit any noise or music to be played over the stadium PA during a play. So once the ball is snapped, the PA system shuts off and the seemingly raucous crowd, trying to make the 3rd down play tough for Atlanta, suddenly becomes quiet. It's pathetic.

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The fake crowd noise is ridiculously obvious. For example, sometime during 4th quarter the Falcons have a 3rd down. They break the huddle and come to the line...and the fake crowd noise starts blaring from the speakers behind me. However, NFL rules prohibit any noise or music to be played over the stadium PA during a play. So once the ball is snapped, the PA system shuts off and the seemingly raucous crowd, trying to make the 3rd down play tough for Atlanta, suddenly becomes quiet. It's pathetic.

They really do this? thats disgusting. RFK was so loud, naturally, that it literally rocked on its foundation. i feared for my life in the 1987 nfc championships game at the end w/ the vikings driving. i really felt like it was going to collapse. which was AWESOME.

piped in crowd noise is truly a new low. we should be ashamed.

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Also, I've been to games at Penn State, Ohio State, and Tennessee -- all college venues that hold over 100,000 people. Two observations:

- The intensity and noise level at Fed Ex was never close to what I saw at each of these stadiums. Biggest stadium in the NFL? Woop-de-doo.

- Even with 10,000 more people present, traffic at each college stadium wasn't nearly as bad. I usually have to wait an hour in the Fed Ex parking lot before leaving a game. Fun!

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Found this humorous. The company that designed the Arena Dr. traffic control won and award for it.

"National Quality Initiative - Maryland Pride Award of Excellence

Highway Design - Consultant Category

Arena Drive at I-95 Interchange

Prince George's County, MD"

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The Danny built it in like 5 minutes.

Blame Danny for most of the mess that is our beloved franchise, but don't blame him for the stadium design. The stadium was the vision of Jack Kent Cooke and H.O.K architects circa 1987. Due to politics, our mosuleum of greed didn't come to fruition till 1997. Hopefully Danny dislikes the place as much as we do so he and Fenty can help move us home to E. Capitol St.

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Fake crowd noise? Are you serious?

Wow...I have never noticed this before...I will listen for it this weekend.

You will hear it when you listen for it. It is rather obvious at times. Sad.

Is there also some reason that the jumbotron never shows replays?

Is it only because we want to show ads instead?


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Originally Posted by IChiefLikeCP26

How about everyone leaving midway through the fourth quarter? That irked me!

4th quarter?! I was in an endzone section row 4, and the two people to my right, left at halftime, and the two to my left, left in the middle of third quarter. Granted it seemed none of them made any noise the whole half a game they were there, but I am already tired of the white collar fans who think they are going to the theatre at FedEx. It's a football game people, you are allowed to stand at your seat, and show entuisiasm. :2cents:

FedEx icon13.gif Walk it out every break the Defense is on the field icon12.gif

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I landed a seat in 301, 2nd to last row for the Dallas game, and I too heard the fake crowd noise. You have to be somewhat close to the speakers, but if you really listen for it whens it gets quiet about .2 seconds before the snaps, it's obvious. It sounds mostly like static with faint crowd yelling. I havn't heard it in the cave b/c we have no audio down there. (Often a bonus for advertisements)

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FedEx is the worst place to watch a football game. No replays, terrible PA announcer, and horrible traffic. AND the best place to tailgate now is a muddy dust lot a mile from the stadium.

And "best fans"? Not at the stadium. There are SOME die hards, but I get yelled at to sit down every game I go to, and my buddy's seats are in the TOP ROW! And the noise from that section is pathetic too. Ladies and gentlemen sitting with legs crossed and hands in lap the whole game.

Bah - no wonder I watch from home.

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I can't say I blame any of the complaints.

We have some of the higher ticket prices in the NFL.

We have 1 winning season since 1999 and the prices shoot up for most of the ticket holders.

The audio is on and off depending on what's playing.

There is practically NO instant replay or multiple angle.

Our "jumbotron" looks like a TV set compared to the big screens at other NFL team venues (Linc. and M&T).

I have to commend the section I'm in especially the rows I'm in, since it's a great group who at least keep the group entertained if the team can't do anything.....but there are ALOT more fans coming in (up from 2004 when I first got my tickets) that ONLY seem to care about being so drunk they can't walk or causing trouble with opposing fans or fellow Skins fans (Why do you think there's a PSA with Moss/Brunell/Portis that's played 2 X's a game about being good fans?).

Just my :2cents:

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The fans are about the only thing that makes FedEx worth half a ****s. We have some of the best fans in all of sports. Give them something worth cheering for and you know damn well we'll cheer our lungs out. And we don't need no stinkin PA announcer to tell us when to cheer either.

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This was the first game this year they didn't show the sidline away scoreboards and it really irked me. The weeks before I could understand deaf people wanted closed captioning (not really but I got over it) at least they still showed the scores in between :doh: the little scores in the coner of the jumbo tron one at a time every 15 minutes sucked. But Danny most likley did it to MAKE MORE MONEY from kangaroo t.v. ( the hand held t.v.s with Sunday ticket they sell for $40 bucks a game)

Yeah, how could deaf people want closed captioning? That is totally unreasonable. I mean, providing them with something that will bring their game experience up to par with yours is crazy, right?

And to think that you were without your precious away scoreboard for one game?! The horror!

Do you know how bad you sound?

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The Danny built it in like 5 minutes.

Blame Danny for most of the mess that is our beloved franchise, but don't blame him for the stadium design. The stadium was the vision of Jack Kent Cooke and H.O.K architects circa 1987. Due to politics, our mosuleum of greed didn't come to fruition till 1997. Hopefully Danny dislikes the place as much as we do so he and Fenty can help move us home to E. Capitol St.

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Every other NFL venue I've been to shows out of town NFL scores. Many PA hosts announce the scores, getting crowd responses accordingly. Phil Hochberg used to announce the scores at every home Redskins game. It only stopped in recent years. Sometimes the scores are shown on the minitrons in b/t quarters at FedEx, but it never seems consisitant. The tiny color boards in the endzones that actually do show the scores run on what seems like 5 minute cycles with like 30 seconds per game.

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Hate it.

It is falling apart, ushers yelling at you for banging on seats, a damn commercial every 10 seconds. The traffic leaving was ridiculous (didn’t help because some ******* caused an accident right at the entrance to the beltway. No excuse not to show other scores for other teams or show replays.

The telling thing on the way home, I was listening to Sirius and the giants, boys game - at one point there was a large booooooo. The announcer said "well they just showed the replay on the jumbotron and the fans don't like it” I wonder what that is like?

My brothers first trip to a game and he wonders why it is painted like FDX colors, I say, because our owner is a whore. I forget what a normal football game is like - makes me almost want to stay home and watch the game in HD.

A generation of losing has created a generation of jackass fans. Its football 101 - you are loud when the opposing team has the ball - don’t try and get people to stand up and yell when we have the ball (I am talking to you section 419) The long term repercussions of not fixing this team are becoming more and more apparent. Booing when Vick got hurt was nearly the last straw for me and very embarrassing.

I just sold my Eagle tickets and had no problem letting them go. For people that say, well just give them to me...you are part of those jackass fans who just don’t get it. I paid Snyder enough for two seasons worth of tickets this year. Go to hell Snyder. Try to raise my rates next season.

I agree with pretty much everything said. No one yelled at me for banging on a seat though.

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I landed a seat in 301, 2nd to last row for the Dallas game, and I too heard the fake crowd noise. You have to be somewhat close to the speakers, but if you really listen for it whens it gets quiet about .2 seconds before the snaps, it's obvious. It sounds mostly like static with faint crowd yelling. I havn't heard it in the cave b/c we have no audio down there. (Often a bonus for advertisements)

Hell, I am in the lower level and can still hear it!

I really couldnt believe it the first time I heard it, I thought I was mistaken.

Sadly, I wasnt and now I have become more aware of it as the games go on.


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I really hope that mayor elect Adrian Fenty can get the ball rolling on this not so far fetched idea to return to the RFK site. A new house with 70,000 seats (which is the league average) would be ideal. As a third generation season ticket holder, I can honestly tell you that I would be willing to give up attending a couple of games a year instead of my normal eight, in exchange for the better seating, and atmoshpere a smaller stadium would bring. Few people would have to loose their season tickets if we had the Green Bay plan. 92,000 seats is 20,000 too many.

Amen, and to think people were talking about 125,000 seat stadium, just crazy 75-80 thousand is all we need.


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