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I HATE fedex field and other observations


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You guys crack me up. In 10 years, those games are the most meaningful?

Dallas last year is a definite (good call).

What about the first game there when we won in OT with a TD to Westbrook?

How about big games from 1999 when we won the division? Or the playoff game we had there (albeit only one)?

How about the following year when we started out 6-2 and thought we were going to be good?

Or in 2000 when we won 5 straight (at least 2 of which were at home) to get back in the playoff hunt after starting 0-5?

How about the early part of the Spurrier years when we thought we'd be good and we won on opening day?

Just because we can look back and see that something didn't have a lot of future implications doesn't mean it wasn't a great moment at the time.

FedEx has as many good memories in its 10 years as a stadium housing a below-mediocre team can.

I'm sorry, but I can't say the following.

"Man, remember that time at FedEx when we thought we were going to be good?"

I may be misunderstanding what you were trying to say, but that is what I got from the times you mentioned "when we thought"

I agree that the Dallas game last year was the best game I have ever been to. Great fan atmosphere the entire game, plus the 35-7 whoopin' we put on the Boy's. :D


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Trying to gather in the whole picture of this thread and respond accordingly...

It seems that I am at a disadvantage here, I never had the oppurtunity (or pleasure) of attending a Redskins Game at RFK. I always enjoyed watching, and vowed one day I would make it there. Unfortunately they built FEDEX and the team moved before I retired, so I never made it.

So I am a 'newbie' for lack of a better term, as far as attending games. FEDEX is the first NFL Stadium I have ever been to. For the most part, me and my children enjoy it. True, I wonder why I don't see many 'handmade signs' at FEDEX like I see at other stadiums on TV, course now I see a part of the reason why. Something us fans can address??

I am also amazed that there are fans tell me or my children to 'sit down' after a great play, or in our attempts to stand up and show support for the defense. Just odd in my opinion. Not like we are going to stand for the whole game. But i always humbly apologize, tell them I'll do my best, and keep having fun. But it's only a few, so not a big deal to me. I think logically here, if the guy in front of ME stands up, so am I...LOL

Then there are the few ushers who are the bad apples of the bunch. But that is to be expected. Most I have encountered are good folks just doing their job.

I save the money on beer and food by eating and drinking tailgating before the game! That way I am not spending $7.00 for a $1.50 draft!!!!!

At any rate, I go to support the REDSKINS, since they are my team...and the kids too.

You're either a true fan, and will attend games, fight traffic, drive 3 hours, etc, and tolerate some of the things we don't like. Or you're a yuppy with the money to burn and think that you deserve to b=t=h about every little thing. Nowhere is perfect. Nothing is perfect. It can't get any worse. Only us true fans will make it better.

Do I like the fact that the stadium in in Maryland? (Maryland Redskins///Landover Redskins...how about Prince Georges Redkins)?? Not particularly, but not much I can do about it either as one fan. But hey, where do the NY Giants play?? New Jersey!!! Remember when they tried the the NJ Giants thing....or was that the NJ Jets...damn old age getting to me. But regardless, close enough for the moment.

Regardless of where we play, who owns what, the bottom line is get together and support the team...period.

If you don't like how the stadium is run, or how the team is run, shut up and just buy them and do better!!!! (I think thats the harshest thing I have said this whole reply!!!) If there is someting legitimate (jumbotrons, scores, handmade signs, BEER PRICES (lol)etc) pull together and draft a letter...if 90,000 fans signed a letter to FEDEX or DS, he might be inclined to make a few changes. Ya never know!

Just my input, no replies to my thread necessary!

GO SKINS....better luck next year!

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bro, don't tell people they are not real fans because we complain about the team and the surroundings. don't call someone who works hard for their money and buys season tickets a yuppie just because they are complaining about the status quo. keep letting snyder make his millions unchecked by the fans, that kind of blind faith = raiders. soon, you will be issued a fedex hat to wear at the game to give them just a little bit more exposure - you know, so snyder can feed his family.

I have been attending games at FDX field for 5 years. last week was the LAST STRAW. in no way does this diminish my love for the redskins - until someone is held accountable for the raping of the fans wallet and hearts (teams performance and stadium expirience) i have no desire to give the redskins anymore money. FOX will get my money from TV viewership.

I will go back to FDXFIELD I am sure, but I wont be paying face value or getting them from the redskin ticket office - that much is for sure. There will be zero merchendise bought until there is some credibility back in this front office.

i would buy season tickets again only if snyder will sit next to me to see what he created - a shiny turd.

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bro, don't tell people they are not real fans because we complain about the team and the surroundings. don't call someone who works hard for their money and buys season tickets a yuppie just because they are complaining about the status quo. keep letting snyder make his millions unchecked by the fans, that kind of blind faith = raiders. soon, you will be issued a fedex hat to wear at the game to give them just a little bit more exposure - you know, so snyder can feed his family.

I have been attending games at FDX field for 5 years. last week was the LAST STRAW. in no way does this diminish my love for the redskins - until someone is held accountable for the raping of the fans wallet and hearts (teams performance and stadium expirience) i have no desire to give the redskins anymore money. FOX will get my money from TV viewership.

I will go back to FDXFIELD I am sure, but I wont be paying face value or getting them from the redskin ticket office - that much is for sure. There will be zero merchendise bought until there is some credibility back in this front office.

i would buy season tickets again only if snyder will sit next to me to see what he created - a shiny turd.

First, I am not sure which posts you are replying to, but I imagine it was several all wrapped up into one reply.

It's the yuppies who think that since they pay top dollar they can have the only say (thats the status quo thing) ...what about the rest of us working class? I worked VERY HARD for my money, and bled for it too, and it should not matter what I pay for a ticket. My say (as yours) should mean something to DS.

Last week sucked, for sure, but that won't stop me from attending again. Win or lose, I will still represent my team at FEDEX when I can.

It takes action to create a reaction. Any ideas? if not, you can't say crap.

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Seriously.... you guys whine more than my 3 year old son. Stop ******** about how bad things are and do some about it. I live in PA and would love to have season tickets to Redskins games. Where would our country be if people just packed it in when things get bad?

I wonder if this would still be an issue if the 'skins were 9-3 sitting atop the NFC East!


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Guest RedskinsB40
>> Good to see you keeping the faith. I try to wear colors BEFORE and/or ON game day and never after a win (I hate front runners!). BTW, put your name on the ticket wait list if you have not already. We need more people like you at the games.

its on there already :D :point2sky :logo: :helmet: :dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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Seriously.... you guys whine more than my 3 year old son. Stop ******** about how bad things are and do some about it. I live in PA and would love to have season tickets to Redskins games. Where would our country be if people just packed it in when things get bad?

I wonder if this would still be an issue if the 'skins were 9-3 sitting atop the NFC East!


I agree. - It's funny how people here start crying about anything they can when things aren't going as smooth as we'd have liked.

- Every NFL stadium is expensive.

- Every NFL Stadium has bad traffic.

- Every NFL plays commercials.

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Guest RedskinsB40

Everyone is badmouthing Snyder but forgot what i think is the biggest melting point. Aug. 31?? FAN APPRECIATION DAY... that might mean no price for parking, food reduced or some food for free and discounts on team stuff right? Yea i thought that might happen but i was let down. on the friekin FAN APPRECIATION DAY if anyone went they know they know snyder made us pay for parking and no discounts or anything. Hmmm.... Fan Appreciation Day??? I could've gone to Ashburn and seen pretty much the same thing and gotten sodas for like 3 dollars. Thanks Snyder.

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