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Post-game thread: Falcons at Skins.


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It looks like Cleveland is gonna pull this one out, and hopefully Detroit can upset New England

As it stands now:

Oakland - 2-9 (v Houston now)

Detroit - 2-10

Arizona - 3-9

Houston - 3-8 (v Oakland now)

Tampa - 3-8 (v Pittsburgh now)

Cleveland - 4-8

Washington - 4-8

Pittsburgh - 4-7 (V Tampa now)

Hopefully Houston can string some wins together down the stretch, and Tampa can make up a win against us down the road. 'Zona is probably good for another win or two with that offense.

We'll probably even screw this up by winning some meaningless games at the end of the road

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Concerning next year...sad to be talking about next year already but might as well.

We are damned if we do, damned if we don't...

if we make any changes it will be "just another off-season in DC with more FA signings & over-aying coaches who don't know squat about clock managment", and if we don't we can look forward to a lot more crap like this next year.

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Actually Oakland is but you know what...right now...I am not exactly finding a silver lining in that.

That lucky break against Dallas and a close game against Jx (which could have gone either way). We are the worst. The season isn't over so anything can happen. We can STILL be #1..........

In the draft.

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